Daimler Scout Car (Dingo)


The Daimler Scout Car, known in service as the Daimler Dingo (after the Australian wild dog), was a British light fast four-wheel-drive reconnaissance vehicle also used for liaison duties during the Second World War.

The Dingo had a rear-mounted engine with four-wheel drive and steering. It proved itself to be a highly mobile and versatile vehicle.

The two-man crew consisted of a commander and the driver, the latter having a seat facing slightly inwards to enable him to have a better view through the rear flap in the armour when driving in reverse.

In all 6,626 vehicles had been produced by the end of the war. The Dingo continued in service until replaced by Ferret in 1952.

Technical Specifications

Armament:1 x .303 Bren Machine-gun
Engine:Daimler 6 cyl developing 55 bhp
Max Speed:55mph
Year into service:1939

Reconnaissance Vehicles Index

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