

The Daimler Company designed the Ferret scout car in 1949 and production ran from 1952 to 1971 with approx. 4500 being built.

As well as being used by the British Army it was also used by 36 other countries.

The Ferret was produced in a number of variants, including a version mounting the Swingfire-guided missile.

The two marks most used were the MK 1/1 (Turretless) and MK 2/3 (fitted with a small turret).

The Ferret was due to be replaced in the 1970s but was retained into the 1990s as a liaison vehicle – in which capacity it saw service in the 1991 Gulf War.

Technical Specifications

Armament:1 x 7.62mm Machine-gun or turret less
Engine:Rolls Royce B60 developing 129bhp
Max Speed:58mph
Year into service:1952

Reconnaissance Vehicles Index

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