M13 Carro Armato


The M13 came into service in the mid-1940 with the Italian Army and was first used in action in December of that year in North Africa.

The M13 and its derivatives were the best Italian tanks to go into service in quantity during the Second World War.

Although far inferior to German tanks and below the standard of contemporary British Cruisers, they were at least reasonably mechanically reliable.

Captured in vast numbers following the battle of Beda Fomm in 1941, they were passed into service with some British Regiments until replaced by new deliveries from Britain.

Technical Specifications

Armament:1 x 47mm
3 x 8mm Breda mod 38 Machine-Guns
Engine:Spa 8T diesel developing 125bhp
Max Speed:20mph
Year into service:1941

Armoured Fighting Vehicles Index

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