Muster Roll 1850 – 1920, 3rd Hussars, K-O

3rd Hussars: K-O

The Muster Roll is a list of personnel who served in the regiment during this time, providing important insight into the regiment’s history and the men who served. It includes their name, rank, number and medal entitlements.

The 3rd Hussars participated in many significant events during this period, including the Boer War and World War I. Their actions in these conflicts are a testament to the bravery and dedication of the soldiers who served in the regiment.

Through the Muster Roll, we can gain a deeper understanding of the individual experiences of these soldiers and the challenges they faced. It is a valuable resource for historians and researchers alike, shedding light on the daily lives of soldiers and their contributions to British military history.

In conclusion, the Muster Roll of the 3rd Hussars between 1850 and 1920 is an essential piece of history that provides valuable insight into the experiences of soldiers in this regiment. It is a reminder of the sacrifices these brave men made and their crucial role in British military history.

Kavanagh, P4092PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Attached to the 9th Lancers.
Kay, R4256PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902.
Kayne, H4054PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Keay, C3901PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Kelly, PJVCaptainSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Kelly, T2934PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Attached to the 10th Hussars.
Kennedy, AAMajorSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Kerfoot, H4089PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Kershaw, T3484CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Severely wounded. Roberts Drift, near Standerton, 13 April 1902.
Ketchell, C4286PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Kettle, RALieutenantThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

He was reported as missing and death accepted on the 26th of March 1918.
Kettley, E45146PrivateBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Ernest was Mentioned in Despatches on the 7th of December 1917 for his Distinguished and Gallant services and devotion to duty during the period 26th February 1917 to midnight of 20th/21st of September 1917.

He was then reported as being a Prisoner of War at Dulmen on the 30th of November 1917.

On the 14th of June 1918 Ernest was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in recognition of valuable services rendered with the Forces in France during the present war.
Key, T4088PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Kimber, C3942PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
King, EG3938CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
King, WG3759PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Kingdon, S3620Corporal Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Kings, AH5549PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Alfred transferred to the Machine Gun Corps (No. 41756).
Kings, HLH/10615CorporalThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914-15 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Herbert died at home in Brockley, London on the 30th of March 1915.
Kinkead, S27777PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the Victory and British War Medals.

Samuel served with the 3rd Hussars from 1919 to 1939.

He died on the 18th of November 1963.
Knight, C9764PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Clifford was killed in action on the 10th of May 1915.
Kortright, MLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.

Entered the 3rd Hussars from the 3rd Essex Regiment in January 1893, being promoted to Lieutenant in February 1894. Also with the 16th Lancers.

He was wounded near Pretoria on the 30th of May 1900. He later died from his wounds on the 21st of June 1900.
Lacey, T3134SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Attached to 10th Hussars.
Lake, AC45046SergeantBiography

Alfred Lake served with the 3rd Hussars from 1901-19.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Alfred died on the 13th of December 1964.
Lambeth, G3503PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lampon, H3771PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Landale, GCaptainSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lander, J35923PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and Victory medal.

James was killed in action on the 23rd of March 1918.
Lane, CS3429Lance SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lang, JC3687CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Langer, JI3834PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902. Invalided to England: 3rd July 1902.
Latham, G3323PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lauder, J26161PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

James received the Military Medal on the 19th of March 1918. He then also received a Bar to his Military Medal on the 27th of June 1918.
Laverton, HSCaptain & AdjutantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lavett, H4090PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To Active Reserve, South Africa: 19th September 1902.
Law, A11731PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914-15 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Arthur was killed in action on the 13th of January 1916.
Law, J1867SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Law, W26391PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and Victory medal.

Walter was killed in action on the 25th of September 1916.
Lawrence, B3444PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lawton, W3802PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Leatham, J4323PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lee, C1910PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. Was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Lee, H2594SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902. Died 28th of March 1902 at Mooi River. Cause: Enteric fever.
Lee, JH3949PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Leechman, CBLieutenantBiography

Colin Barclay Leechman is believed to have been killed on the night of the 23rd or 24th of September 1914 while on patrol duty at the Battle of the Aisne, near the French trenches opposite Palissy.

He was the younger son of George Barclay and Mary Leechman, of 50 Campden House Court, late of Colombo, Ceylon and was born there on the 8th of May 1888.

Educated at Rugby and Exeter College Oxford he was gazetted to the 3rd Hussars on the 3rd of February 1911 and promoted to Lieutenant in September the same year.

On the 23rd of September 1914 he had left the men and horses of his patrol in a safe place and went forward alone. As he did not return it was thought he must have been captured and a search was made in every possible way, but it was not till April that his family heard from friendly Germans that he was found dead near the French trenches.
Legg, A3816PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided to England: 1st June 1902.
Leishman, M1947PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Leney, HLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.

He was accidentally killed on the 16th of December 1908 at Roberts Heights, Pretoria.
Letty, D4322PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lewis, A3385PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lewis, H3407PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Attached to 9th Lancers.
Lewis, J3240PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Ley, RG4332PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lindley, H4225PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided to England: 2nd March 1902.
Little, T4380PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lloyd, F4456CorporalThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Frederick was reported on the 16th of September 1916 as being a Prisoner of War at Soltau, having been captured at Ypres on the 20th of October 1914.
Lloyd, WH3030PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Attached to 10th Hussars.
Lockhart, CL4215PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Promoted to Lance Corporal.
Logan, R4129PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Logan, W4152PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Long, CJ3974PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Longman, AJ3535SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. With Lumsden’s Horse.
Lovegrove, W3308Orderly Room SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lowe, FA9352PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Francis was killed in action on the 16th of February 1915.
Lowe, WG3341PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. With Lumsden’s Horse.
Lucy, AH3881Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lundy, T4236PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Lunn, H4235Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
MacDivitt, AGPrivatePrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and Victory medal.

Arthur was admitted to hospital on the 14th of November 1918 suffering from influenza and bronchial pneumonia and at 1900 hrs on the 19th of November 1918 he was recorded that he had died.
MacKay, J9462PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

James died from his wounds on the 23rd of November 1914.
MacKenzie, G3695PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
MacNamara, J3652PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Madden, GHCCaptainSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal.
Magrew, JE4078PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Mahoney, P3161Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Promoted to Corporal.
Mainwaring, S2609SergeantBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Samuel was awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the Field on the 17th of July 1917.

He was later commissioned into The Worcestershire Regiment as a Second Lieutenant.
Male, W6313PrivateBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star and the Victory and British War Medals.

William was listed as “Wounded” on the Casualty List issued by the War Office on the 27th of March 1915 and therefore entitled to wear a “Wound Stripe” as authorised under Army Order 204 of the 6th July 1916.

He later transferred to the 18th Btn of the Liverpool Regiment (No. 88133), before joining the Royal Tank Corps (No. 304202).

William died on the 14th of February 1970.
Mallett, JA 15262PrivateBiography

Private John ‘Jack’ Arnold Mallett of the 3rd (King’s Own) Hussars was awarded the Military Medal for Bravery in The Field between April and June 1917.

His award was gazetted on the 18th of July 1917, the schedule indicating that his award was either for the Battle of Arras and Vimy Ridge between the 9th of April and 4th of June 1917 or for Messines on the 6th of June 1917.

Some awards were also made for minor operations, trench raids etc.

He was later commissioned in the West Riding Regiment (24th February 1918) although in his photo it is the 3rd Hussars cap badge which is being worn.

John was awarded the Military Medal for his actions during the German attack on Guillemot Farm in May 1917.

The citation reads:

This private soldier was with Sergeant Mainwaring during the repairing of the broken telephone wire in the valley behind Guillemot Farm, during the German attack on the 20th May.

He and his sergeant followed the wire across the open and repaired three breaks in it under heavy enemy artillery fire and re-opened communication.

The repairing of the wire in the open and under a barrage was a fine performance and a courageous and devoted act.

He was a self-taught artist, and his sketches have appeared in the Regimental Journal.

After the First World War he emigrated to Australia and then served with the Australian Army in the Second World War.

View his Medal Group.
Mallinson, F4364PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902.
Mandy, ES4378PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Invalided to England: 3rd July 1902.
Manley, HL3785PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mann, W3386PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mannion, J4296PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Manuel, A4161PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
March, FC10493PrivateBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Frank was reported as being a Prisoner of War at Friedrichsfeld on the 3rd of July 1917, having been captured at Marsain in 1914.

Frank also received a Princess Mary’s Gift Box.
Mardon, W2866PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Marsh, T4219SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free State, Laing’s Nek, Belfast. Served with the 19th Hussars. (Number 3405). Invalided to England.
Marshall, W18851CorporalBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914-15 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

William was listed as wounded on the 23rd of February 1916 and was therefore entitled to wear a ‘Wound Stripe’ as authorised under Army Order 204 of 6th July 1916.

William was also awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field on the 10th of October 1916.
Martin, G1196PrivateBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Gerald was also awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field on the 10th of October 1916.

Gerald later transferred to the North Irish Horse (No. 1196).
Martin, S4146Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Marvin, S4281PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mason, C3678CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Mathews, R2907CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Matson, E4138Squadron Sergeant MajorSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Maunder, WT—-SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902. Died: 6th of October 1907. Place: Pretoria.
May, L15487PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and Victory medal.

Leonard was killed in action on the 23rd of May 1917.
McCall, A3762PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McCarthy, L4242PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McCarthy, L45017PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Lawrence was killed in action on the 26th of March 1918.
McConnell, G4147SaddlerSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McCubbin, A4331PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. No medal. Deserted: August 1902.
McDougall, A3858PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McGregor, J4307PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McInnes, B1764PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
McIntosh, WH4190PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McKenna, H4271PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902.
McKenzie, GE4173PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McLean, R4240PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McLoughlin, H3192TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
McNamara, J6523PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

He was reported as missing and his death was accepted on the 20th of October 1914.
Meal, G4136PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902.
Meakin, J10744Lance CorporalBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914-15 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

John was listed as “Wounded and Missing” on the Casualty List issued by the War Office from 8th May 1918 and therefore entitled to wear a “Wound Stripe” as authorised under Army Order 204 of the 6th July 1916.

John was later reported as being a Prisoner of War at Geflg Zwickaw on the 23rd of March 1918.

He received a Silver War Badge (No. B211891) and was discharged from the Army on the 25th of March 1919.
Medcalf, JR3859PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Melbourne, F4667PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Frank died from his wounds on the 19th of September 1914.
Mends, C4145Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Mennis, G3491Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To England: Active Reserve, 6th of June 1902.
Messer, A4277PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Metcalf, SH4357PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Slightly wounded. Roberts Drift, near Standerton, 13 April 1902.
Middleton, F4328PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Miles, FC2111SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Miles, VH3869PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Millar, WMVeterinary LieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Miller, A3362PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Miller, A3525PrivateBiography

Private Arthur Miller joined the 3rd Hussars in August 1894 and went on to complete 19 years and 195 days of service.

During his time at Rushmoor Camp, Aldershot in 1895 he committed several offences:

• Asleep when sentry on No2 post night Guard;
• Making an improper reply to an NCO;
• Breaking out of barracks when a defaulter and returning improperly dressed;
• Refusing to obey an order.

The punishment awarded for these offences ranged from imprisonment, hard labour and a loss of pay.

In March 1899 he went along with his regiment to South Africa and took part in the South African campaign.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.

He was then stationed in India in January 1903 where he extended his service to complete 12 years. He was then posted to The Hussar Regiment of the Line in England.

On the 30th of July 1906 he re-engaged for the Corps of Hussars of the Line at York for such term as completing 21 years of service.

He was discharged in February 1914.
Miller, E3454PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Milling, W3688PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Mills, S3844PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mills, T3138PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mills, W2601PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Attached to the 10th Hussars.
Mitchell, CJ5153PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Charles was admitted to hospital with a gunshot wound to the left side of his jaw on the 23rd of February 1915 and subsequently died the following day..
Mitchell, T3403PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mole, JT4347PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Molloy, SE4483SergeantBiography

Sidney Molloy served with the 3rd Hussars from 1902 until 1924. He was awarded the Victory and British War Medals.

He retired in the rank of Sergeant and was employed at the Victoria College, Alexandra.

Sidney died on the 31st of May 1963.
Monger, PE3894PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Percy transferred to the Machine Gun Corps, Calvary (No. 51921) on the 19th of February 1917.
Monks, W5208PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

William transferred to the Worcestershire Regiment (No. 40868) on the 7th of December 1916.
Montgomery, J3849PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Montgomery, JLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Moody, JW4359Sergeant Saddle Tree MakerBiography

John Moody served in the 3rd Hussars from 1900-21.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

John enlisted again in 1939 this time into the Green Howards and died on the 23rd of April 1974, aged 93.
Moore, C3792PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Moore, J3919PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Moore, PJ3523PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To England: Active Reserve, 28th of August 1902.
Moore, SJ3804PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Purchased discharge: 10th of April 1903.
Morgan, S4231PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Morgan, TB4223PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Invalided to England: 20th of June 1902.
Mortlock, C3731Staff Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.
Morton, C45368CorporalBiography

Charles Morton was born in 1882 and came from Glasgow.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and Victory medal.

Charles transferred to the 1st County of London Yeomanry (Middlesex Hussars).

Charles died whilst serving with the Middlesex Hussars in Palestine on the 14th of October 1918 aged 36.
Morton, C4931PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.
Morton, WE70227PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and Victory medal.

Walter was given a Silver War Badge (No. B311755) ‘No longer physically fit for war service’ on the 5th of September 1919 and discharged from the Army at the same time.
Muddiman, WC4098CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Muggall, FWB3874TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mulcahy, HE3520PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Active Reserve, South Africa: 30th of July 1902.
Mulkearns, L3330PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Mullett, J2802CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902. Invalided to England: 2nd of May 1902.
Munro, JR3201CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Invalided to England: 10th of September 1902.
Murphy, C4191PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Murray, D4109Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Severely wounded. Roberts Drift, near Standerton, 13th of April 1902.
Murray, J26919SergeantThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914-15 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

John was killed in action on the 9th of October 1918.
Murray, WGMajorBiography

Walter Graham Murray entered the Army on the 30th of January 1889, as a Second Lieutenant in the 3rd Hussars, he was promoted to Lieutenant on the 23rd of May 1891 then to Captain on the 23rd of May 1896. Brevet Major followed on the 8th of July 1899. Finally he became a Lieutenant Colonel on the 14th of July 1910.

West Africa 1897-98. Awarded the East and West Africa medal with clasp: 1896-98. (Northern Territories Gold Coast); with the expedition to Karaga. He was Mentioned in Despatches on the 7th of March 1899.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. He took part in the operations in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, from January to 31 May 1902. He was Mentioned in Despatches again on the 29th of July 1902.

Walter became a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order in October 1902.

Citation: “Walter Graham Murray, Major, 3rd Hussars. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa“.
Naylor, F4365PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Naylor, HMCaptainJoined the 3rd Hussars Depot at Shorncliffe in August 1914, and reported to the regiment in France later in that year.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Hugh resigned his commission when peace was declared.

He died in Naples on the 21st of August 1966.
Neal, WJT256523PrivateBiography

William James Thomas Neal was born in 1895 in Hinckley, Leicestershire.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and Victory medal.

William had transferred from the Leicestershire Yeomanry (No. 2028) and joined the 3rd Hussars.

William was killed in action on the 9th of October 1918 aged 23.
Neicho, J2570PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1901. With Remount Regiment.
Nellor, T4195Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Neville, AT3616PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Attached to the 9th Lancers.
Newman, AP4748PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

Arthur was discharged on the 6th of August 1915.
Newman, JE4270PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902.
Newnham, F3979PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Newstead, E4302PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Nicholls, A4309PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. To 7th Hussars: 19th September 1902.
Nimmo, J4361PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Nixon, F2695CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. With the 4th Remount Depot.
Noad, P3870TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Noble, WG4165SaddlerSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
North, A3632PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902. Invalided to England: 13th of February 1902.
Noyes, EA10460PrivateBiography

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, Victory and British War medals.

Also known as Arthur.

He was invalided with Bronchitis back to England on the 15th of September 1916.

He was transferred to the Royal Warwickshire Regiment (No. 28225) on the 13th of December 1916.

View his Medal Group.
O’Brien, J4377Sergeant Major TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
O’Connell, W4321CorporalThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

William was killed in action on the 17th of September 1914.
O’Connor, P3389PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
O’Keefe, M3952PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Ockenden, A4275PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Ody, FC3730CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Offord, TH3636PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1902. Invalided to England: 13th of February 1902.
Oliver, R4490PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasp: South Africa 1901. Also with 4th Scottish Rifles.
Orchard, C4457Shoeing SmithBiography

He joined the 3rd Hussars in 1909 and retired in 1921 as a Corporal.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

He was killed in a traffic accident in October 1972, aged 85.
Osbourne, W1822PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. He was also awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Oswald St ClairLieutenant ColonelSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Over, H3494SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Owen, H4348PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Owens, G3378SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. England to Active Reserve: 28th August 1902.
Ovington, JM7726PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and Victory medal.

John died on the 18th of November 1918.
Oxley, J4368PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Clasps: South Africa 1902, Orange Free State, Transvaal. England for discharge: 16th September 1902.
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