Muster Roll 1850 – 1920, 7th Hussars, P-T

7th Hussars: P-T

The Muster Roll is a list of personnel who served in the regiment during this time, providing important insight into the regiment’s history and the men who served. It includes details such as their name, rank, number and medal entitlements.

The 7th Hussars participated in many significant events during this period, including The Indian Mutiny of 1857, Operations against the Mohmands 1863-64, Operations in Rhodesia and Mashonaland 1896-7, The South African War 1899-1902, The Great War 1914-18 and Operations in Persia 1918-19. Their actions in these conflicts are a testament to the bravery and dedication of the soldiers who served in the regiment.

Through the Muster Roll, we can gain a deeper understanding of the individual experiences of these soldiers and the challenges they faced. It is a valuable resource for historians and researchers alike, shedding light on the daily lives of soldiers and their contributions to British military history.

In conclusion, the Muster Roll of the 7th Hussars between 1850 and 1920 is an essential piece of history that provides valuable insight into the experiences of soldiers in this regiment. It is a reminder of the sacrifices these brave men made and their crucial role in British military history.

Pack, AE4685PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Paddle, WR3950PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Page, EJ2266Orderly Room SergeantSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Page, HJ3755PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Page, J5226PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Paget, HCaptainSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.

British South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Paget-Tomlinson, WSecond LieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Promoted to Captain.

Mesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded The Distinguished Service Order for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Huwaish on the 28th of October 1918. Why not read the citation which can be found here?
Tollemache, DPCaptainMesopotamia 1917-18.
Paice, E3644PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Palmer, W710Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Parfett, R3140TrumpeterBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Parker, AH4675PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Parker, N4698CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Parker, R626SergeantMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Transferred to the North Devon Yeomanry at Barnstable in July 1877.
Parker, RS4153PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Parkes, J3686Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Parkins, E4699PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Parkinson, JL4309PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Parnell, A5202PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Parrett, E3787Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Parrott, R101PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Partington, W895PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Partridge, G44PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Parton, GA300506PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Parvin, J3911PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Paterson, EA3574CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Promoted to Squadron Sergeant Major.

Aldershot 1899.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Paton, M3820PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Patterson, EAHon. LieutenantIndia 1914. Quartermaster.
Paulet, CWCaptainIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Payne, M1503PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Payne, SA4807PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Pearson, A4602PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Peck, G1051SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Peck, H1178CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Pedder, RNLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Pedder, TCaptainIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Pelly, HALieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Penistone, J4017PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Pennick, G3341PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Perry, WHGSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Perkins, F5072Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Petch, GJ2642Sergeant FarrierBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Peters, J3788PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

He was severely wounded in the Mashonaland campaign against Chief Mashingombi.
Petts, R38459PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Phillips, AJ3766PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Phillipson, JBLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Philpott, R3904PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Pick, J1309PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Pickard, G—–Staff Sergeant MajorBiography

Mesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded both the British War medal and the Victory medal.

During his service he also received the following:

* Meritorious Service Medal;
* Long Service Good Conduct Medal;
* 1939-45 Defence Medal;
* French Medaille Millitaire.

View his Medal Group.
Pickis, G4430Lance SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Pierson, TL742Armourer SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Belmont, Modder River, Paardeberg, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Witterbergen, Relief of Kimberley. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Previously served with the 9th Lancers.
Pigott, WJH4818SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Pike, OB4284PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Pinn, JT3528PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Pitchforth, HS3603TrumpeterBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Pitman, WH5612PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Pitt, D153PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Plain, W3602Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Podd, H4582PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Pointon, G1400PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Pollok, ABCaptainIndia 1914. Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Poole, TG2379Lance CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Poore, RMLieutenantBiography

Robert Montagu Poore was born at Carysfort House, near Dublin, on 20 March 1860, eldest son of Major Robert Poore, late 8th Hussars, and of Juliana Benita, daughter of Rear Admiral Sir Armar Lowry Corry, KCB. He joined the Wiltshire Regiment, as Lieutenant, from the Militia, on 28 April 1886; and was transferred to the 7th Hussars, as Lieutenant, on 13 October 1886.

He served in India from 1886 to 1895; he was ADC to His Excellency the Governor of Bombay from 24 October 1892 to 17 February 1895. He served in South Africa, from 1895 to 1905, including the Matabele (1896) and Mashonaland (1897) Campaigns.

He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 18 February 1898], and was given the Brevet of Major on 20 May 1898, having been promoted to Captain on 1 July 1896.

He served in the South African War, 1899-1902, with the Military Mounted Police from 9 October to 12 November 1899; as Provost-Marshal from 13 November 1899 to 7 July 1902, being present at the operations in the Orange Free State, February to May 1900, including operations at Paardeberg (17 to 26 February); actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifontein, Vet River (5 and 6 May) and Zand River; operations in the Transvaal in May and June 1900, including actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill (11 and 12 June); operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to 29 November 1900, including action at Belfast (26 and 27 August); operations in the Transvaal 30 November 1900 to 31 May 1902.

He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 8 February and 16 April 1901]; received the Queen’s Medal with six clasps; the King’s Medal with two clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 19 April 1901]: “Robert Montagu Poore, Captain and Brevet Major, 7th Hussars. In recognition of services during the recent operations in South Africa”. The Insignia were presented by the Duke of Cornwall and York on the 14th of August 1901.

He became Major on the 17th of July 1901, and Lieutenant Colonel on the 26th of June 1911.

He commanded the 7th Hussars, 1911-15. He served in the European War from 1914; was promoted to Colonel on the 15th of December 1914, and Temporary Brigadier General on the 14th of October 1915; commanded the Jhansi Brigade (India), 1915-19; was mentioned in Despatches, and created a CIE in the Birthday Honours, 1918.

View his Medal Group.
Porchester, The LordSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Port, H4097PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Porter, A156CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Potter, GESecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded The Military Cross in January 1918. Attached to 1 KRRC.
Poulton, O4833PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Powell, E1450PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Powell, J4820CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Pratt, A4285PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Pratt, AM3794PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Pratt, T4100PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Prescott, C4256PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Preston, J1995CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Pretty, W5609PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Prevett, WTH4751PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Price, W1364PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Pridden, J1306PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Priestley, P6201PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Prince, FG3606PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Pritchard, GA3750Corporal Shoe SmithBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Privett, GW4033PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Prothero, RJLieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 8th of November 1918.
Pudney, F5647SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Purcell, E1320SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Quann, PM1168SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Quinn, J4316PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free State, Belfast, Laing’s Nek. Servant to Captain Brooke R.G.
Rabbitts, R963PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Raby, W285PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Radford, G45666Farrier SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Rae, G5196Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rae, T1363PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Rait, DA3575Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Ralph, J2239PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Rampley, EW45369Shoeing SmithMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 21st of August aged 37 and is buried at Muttra Cemetery, India.
Ramsay, RL4813PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Randall, FA5253SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Ranger, T3382PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Rankin, CH ColonelBiography

Captain Charles Herbert Rankin was born on 26 May 1873, the second son of Sir James Rankin, 1st Baronet, and Annie Laura, second daughter of Christopher Bushell, JP, of Hinderton, Cheshire.

He was gazetted to the 7th Hussars on 21 October 1893 and was promoted to Lieutenant on 1 July 1896. He served in South Africa in 1890, and again saw active service in the South African War, as a Special Service Officer in South Africa from 23 September 1899 to 31 December 1901 (including service as Adjutant, Rimington’s Guides, to March 1901, and as District Commandant).

He became Captain on 30 December 1899. Captain Rankin was in command of the Western Province Mounted Rifles from 22 June 1901 to May 1902, and took part in the advance on Kimberley, including actions at Belmont, Enslin, Modder River and Magersfontein.

He was present at the Relief of Kimberley; and at the operations in the Orange Free State, February to May 1900, including operations at Paardeberg (17 to 26 February), actions at Poplar Grove, Driefontein, Vet River and Zand River. Operations in the Transvaal in May and June 1900, including actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill (11 and 12 June); operations in Orange River Colony, May to 29 November 1900, including actions at Lindley, Bethlehem, Wittebergen and Bothaville; operations in Cape Colony, 1899 to 1900, including actions at Colesburg (1 January to 12 February); operations in Cape Colony, March 1901 to 31 May 1902.

He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 27 September 1901] received the Queen’s Medal with eight clasps, the King’s Medal with two clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 27 September 1901]: “Charles Herbert Rankin, Captain, 7th Hussars. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa”. He was invested by the King on 18 December 1902.

Captain Rankin was Adjutant, Imperial Yeomanry, from 17 October 1902 to 16 October 1905, and was promoted to Major on 26 June 1911. Major Rankin served in the European War from 1914; as Temporary Lieutenant Colonel, whilst commanding the 4th Hussars, from 17 April 1915 to 15 April 1916.

He was given the Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel on 1 January 1916; commanded the 105th Infantry Brigade, BEF, 16 April 1916 to 30 April 1916; the Ambala Cavalry Brigade, British Armies in France, 1 May 1916 to 5 March 1918, and the 4th Cavalry Brigade, British Armies in France, from 9 April 1918. He was given the Brevet of Colonel on 3 June 1918.

He was twice mentioned in Despatches and created a CMG in 1916.

View his Medal Group.
Rankin, W168PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Ransom, WE7140PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Rawlinson, JW9065PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Rawson, W3695PrivateBiography

British South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896. To the 10th Hussars. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Driefontein, Belfast. Mentioned in Despatches – London Gazette 17 January 1902: ‘For coolness and good work under fire with Colonel Alexander’s Column in Cape Colony.’

Mentioned in Despatches – London Gazette 2 June 1916. Squadron Sergeant-Major William Rawson served in France and Flanders from 6 October 1914. He was wounded in action at Monchy le Preux on 11 April 1917, when the 10th Hussars and Essex Yeomanry both suffered heavy casualties. The Tenth’s casualties were two officers and twenty-five other ranks killed, seven officers and 150 other ranks wounded, Rawson being the senior N. C. O. amongst the latter.

He was discharged in consequence of his wounds on 25 December 1917.

Medals: BSACM: QSA with 4 clasps; 1914 Star, with clasp; British War and Victory Medal; Delhi Durbar 1911; Army LS&GC.
Ray, EF7052CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Raybould, A6637Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Rayne, J376PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Rea, J31914PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 24th of October 1918.
Read, CW5611PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He was accidentally slightly wounded at Alleman’s Kraal on the 7th of February 1902.
Reader, J4521Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Reeves, W4498CorporalBiography

Billy Reeves joined the 7th Hussars in 1899 and went with the Regiment to South Africa and was awarded the Queen’s South African Medal with 5 clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902.

View his Medal Group.

At the end of the South African war, he was for a time ‘acting schoolmaster’ of the Regiment. He was promoted to S.Q.M.S. and went to India with the Regiment in 1911. He was then posted to the Permanent Staff of The North Somerset Yeomanry.

On the outbreak of the 1914-18 war, he went to France with the N.S.Y. and in 1915 was awarded the D.C.M. and later in the same year was awarded the Russian Order of St. George, lst Class.

He was promoted to RSM of the N.S.Y. and was commissioned into the R.F.A. in 1916. He was awarded the M.C., in September 1917, and was wounded in December of that year.

After discharge from hospital, he was appointed Commandant of a group of German P.O.W. Camps in Norfolk and on the return of the P.O.W.s to Germany he returned to Regimental duty with the R.F.A.

He retired in 1921 with the rank of Captain.
Regan, J4314CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He previously served with the Corps of Signals.
Reid, J1657PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Reid, J3067PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 20th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Reid, S5573PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rennie, CSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Reynolds, J109PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Rhodes, W4410PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rice, J590SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Rich, SE4272PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Richards, C2×61PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Richards, RE9345Lance CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Ricketts, VG5266PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He died on the 16th of September 1902 in Pretoria.
Ridler, WJ 397SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded both the Victory medal and the British War medal 1914-18. Transferred to Military Mounted Police Corps. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1927.
Ridley, HMMajorBiography

Henry Ridley entered the 7th Hussars from the Royal Military College. He held the post of regimental adjutant for 5 years and adjutant at the Cavalry Depot for another 5 years.

In 1896 whilst the regiment was in Cape Town he was part of a detachment of 3 squadrons that was ordered to deal with the Matabele rising.

He was second in command of Baden-Powell’s column in this operation, commanding various detachments of his own and was responsible for the destruction of Monogola’s Kraal with 37 cases of dynamite.

  • 1851 – Born 2nd Feb
  • 1872 – Sub-Lieutenant 27th Mar
  • 1874 – Lieutenant 27th Mar
  • 1882 – Served in the Egypt Expedition, attached to 19th Hussars
  • 1883 – Adjutant 25th July until 24th July 1888
  • 1883 – Captain 19th Dec
  • 1889 – Adjutant Cavalry Depot 25th Apr until 24th Apr 1894
  • 1890 – Major 21st Feb
  • 1896 – Second in Command 26th June
  • 1896 – Operations in Rhodesia and South Africa
  • 1898 – Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel 20th May
  • 1899 – Retired pay 27th May
  • 1900 – Commandant 16th Btn IY
Rimmer, JA4538CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rix, B2985CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Promoted to Sergeant.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rix, H4497PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Robarts, GLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Roberts, EH3770PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Roberts, J1527PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Roberts, L5461PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Roberts, SF6506PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Attached to the 9th Lancers.
Robertson, FC4866PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Robinson, A1462TrumpeterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Robinson, C4489PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Robinson, G1479PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Robinson, J938PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Robinson, J6266PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Attached to The 1st Life Guards. He was killed in action on the 21st Of November 1914 aged 32.
Robinson, T133PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Robinson, W4513PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Robinson, WH3743PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Robinson, WJ1711PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Robuck, J1585PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Rodgett, C5474PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rodrigues, D726PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Roebuck J1585PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Rogers, J141PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Rogers, J3401PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Rollinson, G4370PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rolls, J3623PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Rose, PH4076PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Rossen, CE4803PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Rossen, WA4620CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Royes, WELieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Runnacles, WJ5616PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Russell, A3673PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Russell, FSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Russell, J2924Lance SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Russell, Sir William, BtLieutenant ColonelIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Russell, W35PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Rutherford, J246PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Ryan, D231PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Transferred to the 21st Hussars.
Ryan, J32PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Sales, F3919Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Salisbury, R4556Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Salmon, J2187PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Salmon, W4492PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Salter, HJ3502PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Samuels, T6251PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. 4th Middlesex Regiment.
Sanders, H2810Squadron Quartermaster SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Promoted to Squadron Sergeant Major.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Saul, M4455PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Saunders, A3773PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Saunders, D27926SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Attached to the Supply and Transport Corps. He died on the 14th of June 1918 aged 21.
Saunders, G3537PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Savage, AC 5009SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 25th of April 1919.
Savage, HO4761PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Sayer, E3491PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Transferred to the 9th Lancers.
Scarf, W369PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Scarles, G7608PrivateThe Great War 14-18. He died on the 24th of September /1916 and is buried in Meerut Cantonment Cemetery, India.
Schofield, C86PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Schofield, CF3811PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Scoones, C4803PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Scott, Sir Jervoise, BtColonelBiography

Educated at Eton and Magdalen College, Oxford, he joined the Hampshire Regiment in 1911, then joined the 7th Hussars in India in 1914 and served in the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force until 1919.

He left the Regiment on retirement in 1925. He was recalled to Military Service during the Second World War.

Colonel Sir Jervoise Scott, Bart., died on July 21st, 1965, at his home, Rotherfield Park, Alton, Hants, aged 73.
Scott, J280PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Scott, JBLieutenantIndia 1914. Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Scully, M1643PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Searle, E3526PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Searle, F5568PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Searle, G3525PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Transferred to the 14th Hussars.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Seggar, O4928PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Sergeant, G1718PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Sergeant, R95PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Sever, W1323PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Seymour, WHLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Shackleton, W105PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Shannon, W5070PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Sharp, J787PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Sharples, S3432CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Shaw, HC4209CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Shawyer, AC1942Troop Sergeant MajorSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Shawyer, HJ4023Lance SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Shawyer, S1747Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal in February 1865.
Sheard, JL4091Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal.
Sheller, H3398PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Shelton, J155PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Shepherd, R3447CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Shepherd, J1876PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Sheppard, J64PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Sherlock, M4286PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Served in the 1st and 3rd Cavalry Brigades.
Shields, JW1692PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Shoesmith, B5329Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Short, H1230SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Short, RS159PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Shropshall, AT3888PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Shuttleworth, A4136PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Silk, T5004Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged.
Simm, W3456PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Simmonds, R1268CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Simmonds, W4028PrivateBiography

British South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Served as a Sergeant with the Military Mounted Police during the Great War in Egypt from 2 July 1915, and was discharged to Class ‘Z’ Reserve on 28 May 1919.

Awarded the Military Medal; 1914-15 Star, British War and Victory Medals.
Simmonds, WC4659PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Simmonds, WJ3962PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Simpson, BC5024CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He was killed in action near Naudeskop on the 15th of February 1902.
Simpson, F1682PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Simpson, R865PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Died in York in Nov 1870.
Simpson, T1167PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Sims, EA3855PrivateBiography

British South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

Edward Sims was born in North Woolwich, London, c. 1870, and served with the 7th Hussars in Rhodesia, helping to suppress the rebellions of the Matabele and Mashona tribesmen against the British South Africa Company.

He was killed in action during the Mashonaland Rising in Hartley District, Rhodesia, on the 19th of July 1897, one of only two Hussars killed in the campaign.
Sinclair, R426PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Sinfield, H4501PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Skates, H4170PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Skillen, W1565PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Skinner, H5540SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Slade, WHCaptainBiography

William Hicks Slade progressed through the army through a combination of purchase, exchange and appointment. It was not until the Cardwell reforms of 1871 that promotion would be based on merit. The change was largely driven by the disasters of the Crimean Campaign and the need for something better.

During the course of his career William Slade regularly exchanged one commission for another in a different regiment.

He initially joined the 3rd Dragoon Guards as a Cornet in 1847, transferred to the 3rd Light Dragoons in 1849 as a Lieutenant then joined the 6th Dragoons as a Captain in 1855.

In 1857 he was appointed as a Captain in the 7th Hussars, exchanged to the 5th Lancers in 1858 and was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1863.

He retired by sale of Commission in 1868.

He served in the Crimean Campaign with the 6th Dragoons and was present at the siege and capture of Sebastopol being awarded the Crimean Medal with clasp and the Turkish War Medal.

He served with the 7th Hussars during the Indian Mutiny and was present at the relief of Lucknow.

He was severely wounded by a sword cut to the left thigh at the Moosa Bagh and was one of the two senior officers incapacitated such that command fell to Cornet William Banks.

View his Medal Group.
Slaughter, GMAssistant SurgeonIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smart, A3273Sergeant FarrierSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Served with Remount Depot. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He died of disease at Standerton on the 5th of February 1902.
Smith, A1314PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, A3908PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Smith, AW4710PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Smith, C4946PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. He died of disease on the 11th of May 1902 at Heidelberg.
Smith, CE5648PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Smith, CS4127PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Smith, D7401PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 13th of October 1918 and is buried at Poona (St. Sepulchres) Cemetery, India.
Smith, DG3422PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Smith, E4275PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Smith, E4759PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Smith, ES5619PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Smith, H22PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, H1120PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, H4691PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Listed on the Roll as Dead.
Smith, HS5553PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Smith, I247PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Smith, J1375CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, J135PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Smith, J4530PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Smith, J4880PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. No medal was awarded, and he was sentenced to 3 years of Penal Servitude.
Smith, J33214PrivateThe Great War 14-18. He died on 12th of August 1918 and is buried in Meerut Cantonment Cemetery, India.
Smith, JA5562PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Smith, JJ2366Lance CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Smith, R90PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, R1640PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Smith, R3244SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Smith, T1246CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, T1551PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, T1726PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Smith, TSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Smith, W19PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Smith, W1414PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Smith, W3872Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Smith, W825PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. He died in India in February 1867.
Smith, WA3884Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Smithson, HW4851PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Snape, WC4957PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Softly, W19946PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Sothcott, HC4261PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Southwood, J522PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. He died in Manchester in July 1876.
Sowden, AC27518PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Sowder, HH7624PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Spall, F4399PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Spall, J977PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Sparkes, W1399PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Speare, CM4957PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Spedding, T1594PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. He died in India in January 1864.
Speed, TW7169PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Spencer, ET4333PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Spicer, WG3435CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896. Promoted to Sergeant.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Spivey, FH 45664Staff Quarter Master SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal 1914-18.
Sponsford, J430PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Spradbury, C3877Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Springle, B4806PrivateBiography

Pte Springle joined the 7th Hussars and served with them during the Boer War.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Pte Springle having completed his seven years service and a further five years in the reserve found he was mobilised in 1914 and served on the Western Front with the 3rd Hussars.

He took part in the battles of Mons, Ypres, Loos and Cambrai. He was awarded the 1914 Star, the War Medal and the Victory Medal with Mention in Dispatches Oak Leaf.

After fighting in the Advance of 1918, he was employed on special duties until his demobilisation in February 1919.

View his Medal Group.
Spurling, GW5493PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Squibb, WJ 2739SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 24th of October 1918.
Squires, J3806PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.
Steuart, RDLieutenant
St Vincent, Viscount JELMajorBiography

The South African Campaign of 1879. Awarded South African General Service medal, Clasp: 1879.

He was attached to the 17th Lances, proceeding with them to the Cape. On arrival, he was placed on the Staff as an extra A.D.C. to General Marshall and acted in that capacity until the advance of the divisions into Zululand.

Again joined the 17th Lancers and was present with that regiment at the cavalry affair at Erzungayan, the battle of Ulundi and other minor engagements.

He was also present at the finding of the body of the Prince Imperial.
Stack, GF4896PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Stack, TA4563PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Stafford, PS3773SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Standen, H4732Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Standish, WSCLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Stanley, SH4753PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Statham, JE5468PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Stark, J5263PrivateThe Great War 14-18. He died on 22nd of October 1916 aged 25 and is buried in Meerut Cantonment Cemetery, India.
Stead, AH7500PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Regimental signaller attached to the Royal Engineers at Kut-El-Amara and taken into captivity following the 5 month siege. He died on the 30th of August 1916 aged 27.
Stead, G1442PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. Died: 20th January 1859; Location: India.
Stenner, CC4313PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Stephens, S10792PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Stephens, SG5379PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Stephens, T463SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Sterling, JJ3549PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Steuart, RDLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Stevens, AELieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18. Adjutant. Awarded the Victory medal and British War medal. Assistant Provost Marshal.
Stevens, AE4702CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Stevenson, W2204PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Stewart, J219PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Stewart, J2226PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Steward, W1242PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Stickbury, H4835PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Stirk, H4111PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Stisted, THCaptainIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Stone, E4298PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Stops, R150SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Strand, CJ2050PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Stratton, WH4231PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: Cape Colony. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Street, A5278PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Street, H3384PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 2nd of February 1919 aged 30.
Street J4733PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Street, T4656PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Stubbings, R7647PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 30th of October 1918.
Sugden, J4078PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Transferred to the 9th Lancers.
Sullivan, D29434PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. He died on the 19th of December 1916.
Sullivan, J1560PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Sullivan, J3874PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Summersgill, R1593PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Surrett, WJ3069Lance SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Promoted to Sergeant.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He died on the 10th of March 1904 in Pretoria.
Sussams, HJ3777PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Sutcliffe, A1441PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp. Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Suter, E1280PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Sutton, CS4475PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Promoted to Staff Sergeant Major.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Sutton, G177PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Sutton, H43PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Sutton, LW5188PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Attached to the 7th Dragoon Guards in France. He died on the 1st of December 1914 aged 23.
Swaby, C531894PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Swanson, D5001PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Syred, T140PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Tann, EJ4402PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Tansley, F4968PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Tapper, C4797PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Tarplett, R1656PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Taylor, C707Farrier Sergeant MajorMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Transferred to Edinburgh Artillery Militia in July 1877.
Taylor, C4609PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Taylor, C5309PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Taylor, C5595PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Taylor, D5437Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Taylor, F5116CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Taylor, FH3981PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Taylor, H1458PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Taylor, I166PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Taylor, I903PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. He died in York in February 1871.
Taylor, J1153PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Taylor, J1263Trumpet MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Taylor, J1458PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Taylor, J15477PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. He died on the 16th of October 1914.
Taylor, J1741PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Taylor, JC3850Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Taylor, RSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Taylor, S1675PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Teale, RAM2460Regimental Quartermaster SergeantIndia November 1886 – October 1895.

Natal October 1895 – November 1898.

Aldershot May 1899. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1902. Presented with the King Edward VII Coronation Medal 1902.

South Africa December 1903 – December 1905.
Teck, AFWAGSecond LieutenantBiography

His Serene Highness Prince Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George of, (Earl of Athlone), was born on 14 April 1874, in Kensington Palace, the third son of His Serene Highness Duke of Teck, Honorary Major General, and of Her Royal Highness Princess Mary Adelaide.

He was educated at Eton, and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst; became Second Lieutenant, 7th Hussars, 24 October 1894, and served in Matabeleland as Officer (Staff), 1896 (mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 9 March 1897]; Medal); became Lieutenant 26 July 1899, and Captain 20 February 1900.

He served in the South African War, 1899-1900, on the Staff; was present at the Relief of Kimberley; during operations in the Orange Free State (February to March 19DO), including operations at Paardeberg (17 to 28 February); actions at Poplar Grove, Driefontein and Karee Siding; was present at the Relief of Mafeking; during operations in the Transvaal, west of Pretoria, August 1903, including action at Zilikat’s Nek; during operations in Cape Colony, south of Orange River, 1899-1900, including action at Colesberg (1 January to 12 February).

He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 16 April 1901], received the Queen’s Medal with five clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 19 April 1901]: “His Serene Highness Prince Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George of Teck, Captain, 7th Hussars. In recognition of services during the recent operations in South Africa”. The Insignia, etc. were sent to Adelaide for presentation by HRH the Duke of Cornwall and York, and were presented by His Royal Highness on 10 July 1901, at Adelaide.

Prince Alexander was transferred to the Royal Horse Guards on 3 September 1904; became Major, 2nd Life Guards, on 12 January 1911, and was created a GCB in 1911.

Soon after the outbreak of the European War he became GSO, 2nd Grade (28 October 1914 to 30 June 1915), and was gazetted GSO, 1st Grade, 13 December 1915. He was GSO2, British Mission to Belgian Headquarters, 28 October 1914 to 30 June 1915; Assistant Military Secretary 1 July to 12 December 1915; GSO1 (Chief of British Mission to Belgian Headquarters), 13 December 1915 to 6 January 1918; Brigadier General, General Staff, British Mission to Belgian Headquarters, 1 January 1918; Personal ADC to the King 1 January 1919.

For his services in the European War from 1914 he was twice mentioned in Despatches, and given the Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel on 12 January 1915 and of Colonel 3 June 1919. He was been created a GCVO; was Grand Officier of the Legion of Honour; held the Belgian Grand Cordon Order of Leopold, and the Croix de Guerre, and was a Knight of St John of Jerusalem.

Prince Alexander of Teck became Earl of Athlone in 1917.
Tetley, J5006Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Thaxter, FJ4433PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. His medal was forfeited on the 13th of August 1903.
Thomas, DSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Thomas, E4994PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. discharged in South Africa.
Thompson, A5639PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Thompson, D1266Orderly Room SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Thompson, E2852Staff Sergeant FarrierSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Thompson, J72PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Thompson, JJ157PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Thompson, L102PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Thompson Bt, Sir ThomasLieutenant ColonelBiography

Lieutenant Colonel Sir Thomas Raikes Lovett Thompson, fourth baronet, M.C., died on September l7th 1964, at the age of 83.

The eldest son of Sir Thomas Raikes Thompson, third baronet, he was educated at Rugby and R.M.A Woolwich.

He was commissioned in The Royal Engineers in 1899 and saw service in the South African War.

He transferred to the 7th Hussars in 1914 and in the Great War won The Military Cross, was twice mentioned in dispatches and given the brevet of Major.

He served subsequently with the 18th Royal Hussars and the 3rd Hussars.

He retired in 1933 and in the Second World was recalled for staff duty in 1940-41.
ThomsonCaptain & Brigade MajorEgypt 1882-89. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: Suakin 1885. Awarded the Khedive Star.
Thomson, JMLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Thornelly, R1685PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Thornton, TACaptainIndia 1914. Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Thwaite, J831Troop Sergeant MajorMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1875. Transferred to the 2nd West York Yeomanry in December 1876.
Tickner, EJ3986PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Tietjen, HA40121PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Tiffany, D1709PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Tilcock, EAR5658PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Transferred to the 18th Hussars.
Till, W 3845SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and British War medal.
Toby, J4855PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Todd, C4009Squadron Quartermaster SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Todd, J1641PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Tomlin, EA4941Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Toohey, JT4345CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. MID LG: 18 July 1902, page: 4599.
Topham, RLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Tracey, J3622PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.
Trathen, WA3473Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Trelford, J1564PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Trevelyan, HECornetBiography

Harrington Astley Trevelyan was born on the 16th of March 1835 at Stirling. He was the son of Lt Col Willoughby Trevelyan and Ann Mary Astley. He married Henrietta Louisa Harrison, daughter of John Ambrose Harrison, on the 20th of May 1858.

In 1851 he purchased the rank of Cornet in the 11th Hussars.

As a Lieutenant in the 11th Hussars, he embarked for the Crimea in the P.T. ‘Trent’ in May 1854. He was wounded in the Charge on the 25th of October, being shot in the calf of his left leg. He became a Captain on the 8th of December 1854 and went back to England on sick leave from the 1st of January 1855 to March 1856.

Trevelyan was presented with his Crimea medal by Queen Victoria on Horse Guards Parade on the 18th of May 1855.

He progressed through the ranks and, again through purchase, first joining the 8th Hussars in March 1859 then the 7th Hussars as a Major in August 1859.

He went on to serve with the 7th Hussars in India from 1860-1862 and again from 1863-1870.

He retired in 1870 as a Colonel and was member of the Reserve of Officers until 1880.

Trevelyan was for many years Manager of the Barton Vineyard Company at Fresno.

Harrington Astley Trevelyan died on the 29th of September 1900 aged 65 and is buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Fresno, California.

View his Medal Group.
Trowhill, J3925PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Truscott, C871Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Tully, A4029PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Turner, J3933PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Tutte, WM4601PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Twomey, P1206PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Tyser, H123PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Tyson, GV5653PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
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