Roll of Honour – 4th Hussars

Roll of Honour – 4th Hussars

To honour the memory of all those 4th Hussars who have died in the service of their country since 1939.

‘These intolerably nameless names’, as Siegfried Sassoon referred to them, should never be forgotten or ignored, and yet they cascade so relentlessly that they are often difficult to grapple with; within a very short space of time we are inclined to switch off; we soon start to lose our awareness of individual names as we become overwhelmed by the sheer torrent of them; our senses simply become overloaded to the point where we are only aware of the enormity of what stands before us.

We can no more get to know the men behind the names than we can get to know people by reading their names in a telephone directory, and yet it is possible to breathe life into ‘these intolerably nameless names’ by uncovering and telling their stories.

Mente et Manu

Abbott, Alfred7888865Middle East1 September 1942
Amers, Peter555018Middle East26 April 1941
Andrews, George7942162Middle East12 June 1942
Appleton, George552997Middle East13 April 1941
Archbold, Nn22203903Far East1 January 1949
Arthurs, M23360302United Kingdom9 October 1957
Austin, Edward43535Middle East30 April 1941
Badcott, Robert7932255Middle East31 August 1942
Bailey, Christopher141129Middle EastSeptember 1942
Barlow, George7944223Italy3 January 1945
Baskott, Walter544100Middle East26 April 1941
Beachcroft, Robert129138Middle East2 September 1942
Beasley, Terence558442Middle EastApril 1941
Beeching, Herbert1060967Middle East4 July 1942
Beet, John552555Italy4 January 1945
Beresford, H19036485Far East29 November 1950
Berry, Frank7899417Middle East12 June 1942
Berry, Henry7910091Middle East1 April 1941
Betts, Oliver7933340Middle East12 June 1942
Booth, Gilbert7955123Italy20 March 1945
Bright, Leslie14236090Italy11 April 1945
Buckley, William3529926Italy12 October 1945
Bury, John7909483Middle East26 April 1941
Caldwell, Kenneth121409Middle East27 November 1941
Carmichael, John4926495Italy13 April 1945
Carter, George7909659Middle EastApril 1944
Cartmell, Anthony193492Middle East9 November 1942
Chattaway, Albert542929Middle East12 June 1942
Christie, Reginald316556Middle East12 September 1942
Clarke, Albert550652Middle East2 July 1942
Cooper, Frederick547676United Kingdom23 August 1945
Corfield, Ivor7948265Italy5 September 1944
Coupe, Douglas7899789Middle East26 April 1941
Craddock, Edward3460788Middle EastAugust 1942
Croshaw, Douglas320805United Kingdom9 June 1940
Cross, Charles7905532At SeaApril 1941
Cumblidge, George7952508Italy25 April 1945
Cunnington, Roy14353712Italy3 January 1945
Cushing, Walter752847Middle East23 April 1941
Dannatt, Bramwell321122Middle East3 September 1942
Dolby, Frederick543011Middle East23 April 1941
Duckering, Ernest7899797Middle East12 June 1942
Dunning, Samuel7929672Middle East2 June 1942
Elston, Sidney7899641Middle East26 April 1941
Ensor, Charles320883Middle East12 June 1942
Filbey, James14258054Italy5 September 1944
Finch, J7899938Far East31 December 1948
Foard, Frank5499151Middle EastAugust 1942
Foster, Joseph558395Middle East26 April 1941
Gadd, Victor553142Middle East4 July 1942
Gardiner, Cornelius2987511Middle EastApril 1941
Gebbie, W23125049Western Europe22 March 1956
Gordon, Edward7916204Italy10 september 1944
Grant, M22248287Southern Ireland29 September 1953
Grayson, B22200493Far East31 December 1948
Gurney, Edwin552927Middle EastMay 1941
Guy, K22202540Far East11 May 1950
Hadley, John7905960Italy4 September 1944
Hallam, George7940704Middle East22 January 1943
Hartley, W553748Far East5 April 1950
Hastings, Robert7942960Italy17 September 1944
Hatton, Reginald7900037Middle East11 September 1944
Hawes, George3970348Middle East4 July 1942
Hay, Andrew7902558Middle East30 November 1941
Haywood, Arthur320787Middle EastApril 1941
Hazelden, Anthony557005Middle East28 April 1941
Hedley, Raymond7909969Middle EastApril 1941
Henderson, James7908693Middle East31 August 1942
Henshaw, Joseph7941848Middle East10 November 1942
Henshaw, Ralph85258Middle EastApril 1941
Hewitt, Joseph44044United Kingdom11 December 1939
Hill, Nairne5053699Italy19 September 1944
Hilliard, Ernest7940190Middle East12 June 1942
Hingley, Harry320896Middle East22 July 1942
Hitchman, Ernest7940190Middle East23 April 1941
Hobbs, William2946508Middle East9 November 1942
Holmes, Walter7901871At SeaApril 1941
Hornby, Albert90956Middle East22 May 1941
Horrocks, Robert3536384Middle East2 July 1942
Hovell, C22206267Far East27 June 1949
Howarth, John547934Middle East26 April 1941
Howe, William7901874Middle East23 April 1941
Humphries, Walter543861Middle East19 February 1945
Humphries, William5248944At SeaApril 1941
Hunter, James7902281Middle East25 October 1942
Hunter, S21033932Far East31 December 1948
Hutchinson, Thomas7926940Middle East13 June 1942
Hyde, William3390932Middle East12 June 1942
Ingram, Charles7903345Middle East23 April 1941
Jackson, Robert4856587Middle East23 April 1941
Jackson, Robert7911977Middle East12 June 1941
Johns, T19048147Far East31 December 1948
Jones, Eric1113184Middle East4 July 1942
Jones, George321162Italy12 October 1945
Jones, William7909988Middle East26 April 1941
Lane, W22201826United Kingdom26 February 1949
Lang, William11265704Italy17 April 1945
Lanigan, Alfred7929776Italy13 September 1944
Leigh, Walter7931725Middle East12 June 1942
Loftus, John4467777Middle EastJune 1942
Long, William5385671Middle East10 November 1942
Lovett, Richard7909536Middle EastApril 1941
Lowden, Robert410225Italy3 January 1945
Luff, Raymond7894246Italy5 September 1944
Lynch, BG19047346Far East31 December 1948
Macfarlane, John7943045Italy5 September 1944
Macfarlane, Ronald320995Middle East26 April 1941
Mackenzie, John7911433Italy19 April 1945
Matty, Harold320989Middle East30 November 1941
Matthew, Frederick320876Middle East5 February 1943
McAssey, Charles320927Middle East11 June 1942
McCormack, David2568501Italy13 September 1944
McGillivray, Alexander7927551Middle East25 October 1942
McGregor, Geoffrey7949993Italy18 April 1945
Micholls, Alan121762Middle East13 April 1941
Miller, Alan321154Middle East28 April 1941
Mitchell, D21124570Far East31 December 1948
Mitchell, Eric7901170Western Europe17 September 1944
Moore, John557004Middle East7 April 1944
Moran, John7902336Middle East22 November 1942
Mottram, Charles7908798At SeaApril 1941
Moulder, Walter420839Italy17 April 1945
Murphy, Michael7934151Middle East12 June 1942
Mutch, Ck407865Western Europe6 April 1957
Oliver, William4926216Italy5 September 1944
Ormerod, James3660633Middle EastJune 1942
Owen, Harold46835United Kingdom19 February 1940
Oxbrow, Leslie7933957Middle East12 June 1942
Parish, William7899463Middle East23 April 1941
Parton, Norman7902944Italy5 September 1944
Pearcey, Frederick14490150Italy24 February 1946
Pegrum, William11794United Kingdom20 April 1945
Pepper, George7893919At SeaApril 1941
Phillips, DH14474024Western Europe3 June 1947
Platts, E21187765Far East12 August 1949
Pomeroy, Albert7901226Middle East29 November 1941
Pratten, Vernus7909158Middle East7 June 1941
Questier, MG357595Far East31 December 1948
Rawcliffe, Donald189807Middle East22 July 1942
Read, RFar East31 December 1948
Redfern, Harold7899320Middle EastApril 1941
Rickard, William7897704Italy5 September 1944
Roberts, AJ19046527Far East24 August 1949
Rowley, William4913005Middle East26 April 1941
Rowson, Cyril407291Middle East24 July 1941
Russell, Leslie7909507Middle EastApril 1941
Rutter, Cresswell3603090Italy5 September 1944
Rutter, John7908820At SeaApril 1941
Sadler, William5350559Italy11 September 1944
Scrannage, Leslie7899319Italy15 January 1945
Secker, JH414972Western Europe20 July 1951
Sharman, John552728Middle East14 June 1942
Sharman, Leonard7941850Middle East11 November 1943
Shephard, Stanley552086Middle East23 April 1941
Shill, Harold554551Middle East12 June 1942
Singleton Gates, Norman7892943North Africa20 April 1945
Skiba, F21001832Far East13 September 1949
Smith, Arthur7909217Italy13 September 1944
Smith, Henry7901141Middle East26 April 1941
Smith, Joseph551805Middle East17 April 1941
Speller, William7932420Middle East23 December 1941
Stares, Rd14467217Far East19 April 1949
Starling, John7926822Middle East12 June 1942
Stevenson, William7902335Middle East18 April 1941
Sutherell, Peter99045United Kingdom25 December 1943
Taylor, Thomas56639Middle East4 July 1942
Thackeray, Matthew7888268Middle East24 April 1941
Thackerry, George550998Middle East14 April 1941
Thatcher, Bert551639Middle East9 February 1945
Thiede, Emil7937547Middle East4 July 1942
Thomas, Herbert3970149Italy19 September 1944
Thomson, Bruce7939141Middle East14 June 1942
Tittle, Mervyn7910047At SeaApril 1941
Totman, P14184238Far East24 August 1949
Turner, G19039872United Kingdom21 June 1952
Walker, Ernest7942731Italy12 September 1944
Wallington, William7017894Italy11 April 1945
Walters, John7933587Middle East2 June 1942
Ward, P19048370Far East29 April 1950
Warr, David10601547Italy27 February 1946
Watson, Kenneth7909690Middle East20 April 1941
Webb, Arthur7940253Italy4 September 1944
Webbon, Thomas7926621Middle East25 June 1942
Weston, William14388985Italy5 September 1944
Whitehurst, Charles4041341Italy17 September 1944
Wilkinson, Joseph558305Middle EastAugust 1942
Wilks, Colin551148Middle East9 April 1941
Wills, Glyndwr853337Middle East6 July 1942
Wilmott, Harold7905895Italy5 September 1944
Wilson, Arthur4535916Middle East27 April 1941
Wilson, Herbert557123Middle East9 April 1941
Winterbottom, George7911960Middle East26 April 1941
Workman, Percy7883444Middle East12 June 1942
Worthington, Harry5041639Western Europe20 May 1940
Wright, Cyril7900035Middle East5 June 1943
Young, John550634Italy8 December 1943
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Priory Road
Warwick CV34 4NA


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