Muster Roll 1850 – 1920, 7th Hussars, A-E

7th Hussars: A-E

The Muster Roll is a list of personnel who served in the regiment during this time, providing important insight into the regiment’s history and the men who served. It includes details such as their name, rank, number and medal entitlements.

The 7th Hussars participated in many significant events during this period, including The Indian Mutiny of 1857, Operations against the Mohmands 1863-64, Operations in Rhodesia and Mashonaland 1896-7, The South African War 1899-1902, The Great War 1914-18 and Operations in Persia 1918-19. Their actions in these conflicts are a testament to the bravery and dedication of the soldiers who served in the regiment.

Through the Muster Roll, we can gain a deeper understanding of the individual experiences of these soldiers and the challenges they faced. It is a valuable resource for historians and researchers alike, shedding light on the daily lives of soldiers and their contributions to British military history.

In conclusion, the Muster Roll of the 7th Hussars between 1850 and 1920 is an essential piece of history that provides valuable insight into the experiences of soldiers in this regiment. It is a reminder of the sacrifices these brave men made and their crucial role in British military history.

Abbot, P40003PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded both the Victory and British War medals.
Ackling, F5522SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: Cape Colony. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Acton, J3853PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Adams, AW7392PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Adams, GF40213PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Adams, S4067PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Adams, W59PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp. At Umballa: 1861. Promoted to Corporal.
Addy, A3797PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Adey, A3439SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Adey, H3453CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Adie, W512PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Invalided.
Agnew, CHMajorBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Ainsworth, W2054SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Aked, T114PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

At Umballa: 1861.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Akhurst, WH3659Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.
Allaway, AL326757PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Allen, E7498PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Allen, H3434Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Allen, J3899PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Allen, J955PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Allen, J29030PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Allen, M1220SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Allen, N40215PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Allen, T700PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Deserted: 12th October 1877.
Allen, W5203PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged.
Allen, W1332SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Allinson, A26875SergeantThe Great War 1914-18. He died on the 6th of February 1916.
Allmond, WJ5107Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Almond, H4545CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He was discharged in South Africa.
Alway, W131PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp Lucknow. At Umballa: 1861.
Anderson, J4301PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Anderson, M3637PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Anderton, G6726PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Andrews, C3559SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Andrews, EA3675PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Andrews, FLHon LieutenantIndia 1914. Riding Master.
Andrews, G4563PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Anthony, DE4819PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Archer, W4406Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Armitage, B1200PrivateDuty Station 1871: York & Aldershot.
Armitage, J1733PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Arnold, J188PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. At Umballa: 1861.
Arrowsmith, GH5113PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Arthur, WG3640PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Arthur, WJ145PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Ashby, FTJ3966PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Ashcroft, WSecond LieutenantBiography

W. Ashcroft enlisted as a Private in the 7th Hussars before the Boer War and sailed with them in time to take part in the final round –up of the Boer Commandos. There were constant treks through the veldt and occasional minor skirmishes with the Boers, but the Hussars suffered more from exhaustion , fever and general unfitness than from enemy action. Whatever the challenges, Private Ashcroft proved himself to be an outstanding soldier and by the end of the campaign he had been promoted to Sergeant.

In the early 20th Century, it was unusual in peace time for a Non-Commissioned Officer to attain a commission.  Sergeant Ashcroft managed to make that leap which was, at the time, as much a social transition as a step up in professional responsibility.

The Regimental roll for the 18th of November 1917 when the Regiment embarked at Karachi for passage to Mesopotamia lists 2nd Lieutenant Ashcroft alongside such notables as Major General Sir Hugh McCalmont, Captain Sir T.R Thompson and 2nd Lieutenant The Lord Porchester.  A huge step for Private Ashcroft.

Lieutenant Ashcroft served with distinction in the heat and dust of Mesopotamia gaining a Mention in Dispatches. After the war he was attached as a Captain to the Cavalry forces during the Iraq Campaign of December 1919 – November 1920. The Iraqi revolt against the British, also known as the 1920 Iraqi Revolt or Great Iraqi Revolution featured mass demonstrations by Iraqis, including protests by embittered officers from the old Ottoman army, against the British occupation of Iraq. It was quickly suppressed.

Captain  Ashcroft retired shortly after with the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal; a decoration intended for Non-Commissioned Officers which, of course, he was when he originally completed the required 18 years of faultless service.

View his Medal Group.
Ashcroft, W4312SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ashford, W1382PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Askill, S2619PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Aslett, C3281PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Aspland, J5843PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Aston, F6004PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Atcheson, J201PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Atcheson, R1197CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Attrill, FA3773PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Atwell, W1347SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.

At Umballa: 1861.
Aubusson, EW2328Drum Sergeant MajorBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Audley, W35947PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Ault, RJ35187PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Austin, F6912PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Austin, J2462PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Axcell, FT3617PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Axe, T1508PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. Umballa: 1861. Promoted to Corporal.
Aylen, G2523PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Rhodesia. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged. Served in the Rhodesian Force as a Servant.
Ayres, A33062PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Ayries, PW295329PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
AytornCaptainIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Babbington, W58PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. At Umballa: 1861.
Badham, GE5534PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Backerville, H935Quartermaster SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bailey, A4901PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Mesopotamia 1917-18. Promoted to Staff Sergeant Major.
Bailey, RA3554CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bailey, WE3022PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bainbridge, W5365PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Baines, J6591PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Baines, PE38877PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Baites, C33085PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Baker, E660Troop Sergeant MajorSergeant: 1871 at York. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct medal: 1877.
Baker, H11607PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Baker, HSH78070PrivateThe Great War 1914-20. He died whilst at Netley Military Hospital, York on the 18th of March 1920 aged 18.
Baker, J158SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

At Umballa: 1861.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Discharged Jan 1868.
Baker, R739PrivateTo Depot: 1 January 1841.
Baker, T1675—–Deserted: 11 August 1875, aged 18.
Baker, T911CorporalAt Umbella: 8th April 1861. At York: 1871.
Baker, W4464—–Deserted: 22 March 1899, aged 18.
Baker, W660CorporalAt Maidstone Depot: 1861.
Baker, W4269PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Baker, WH35333PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Baldock, PJ715Armourer SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Aldershot May 1899.
Baldwin, AAt Natal 3rd October 1895 until 4th February 1897. Matabeleland Relief Force 1896.
Baldwin, F3524PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Baldwin, GF3524PrivateEnlisted: 13th February 1891 at Canterbury. Discharged: 9th March 1897, unfit for further service.
Baldwin, J862SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Baldwin, TPrivateAt Umbella: 8th April 1861.
Baldwin, W11PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Ball, AC5091SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Ball, P33830PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Balne, H8880CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Baltic, W3577PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: Cape Colony. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bamford, D130PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Lucknow. At Umbella: 8th April 1861.
Banbury, C5433PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: Cape Colony. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bancroft, H1556SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bankes, WGH CornetBiography

Cornet William Bankes was awarded the Victoria Cross for conspicuous gallantry, in thrice charging a body of infuriated fanatics, who had rushed on the guns employed in shelling a small mud fort in the vicinity of Moosa-Bagh, Lucknow.

Why not read the citation which can be found here?

In the course of these charges, the young officer was almost cut to pieces. He died of his wounds 18 days later. Cornet William Bankes is the only person who received a VC posthumously in the 19th century.

In early 1858 the regiment was involved in relieving Lucknow, which had been under siege by rebel forces, and by mid-March, the Kaiserbagh Palace and the Residency were recaptured from the rebels.

Most of the city was now in British hands and a large number of rebel soldiers retreated to Musa Bagh, an extensive palace complex to the northwest of the city.

A three-pronged attack was launched to oust the rebels from the palace and the 7th Hussars, including Bankes, immediately became involved in heavy fighting.

Bankes personally led three charges, killing three of the enemy but in bitter hand-to-hand combat after his final charge, he was unseated from his horse and brutally set upon by rebels wielding tulwars (curved swords), who hacked him to pieces.

He received 11 separate wounds, many of them truly terrible, and was treated by the surgeon-general himself at the insistence of the commanding general Sir Colin Campbell.

A report drawn up at the hospital stated that “one leg is lopped off above the knee; the other is nearly severed; one arm is cleft to the bone; the other has gone entirely; and about the body are many slashes”.

As Bankes lay desperately wounded in hospital Queen Victoria heard of his courage and was so deeply moved by his plight that in a letter to The Princess Royal, she wrote: “There is a poor young man, of the name Bankes, who has been cut almost to pieces, he fell and was surrounded by a set of fanatics who cut at him, his thigh was nearly severed from his body and so was his arm!” “Besides six other desperate wounds!” “He has had his right leg and his right arm amputated and yet they hope he will live”. “This is, they say, the pattern of patience and fortitude.”

Despite all the efforts to save him Bankes died in hospital in Lucknow on April 6, 1858, after contracting blood poisoning.

He was aged just 21 and single.
Banks, W29773CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bannon, J1595PrivateDistrict Court Martial at Sheffield: 17th June 1856: Awarded 24 days of hard labour.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Lucknow.

At Umbella: 8th April 1861.
Bant, WE4055PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Barber, S37752PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bardell, TJ45648SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Barker, E6224PrivateEnlisted: 12th June 1902. To South Africa: 7th October 1902. Depart South Africa: 30th October 1903. To England: 31st October 1903. Discharged: 2nd November 1903.
Barker, F1600PrivateDeserted: 16th Feb 1876.
Barker, G12PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Lucknow.

At Umbella: 8th April 1861.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct medal: 1875. Discharged: 10th April 1877.
Barker, H3128PrivateEnlisted: 22nd February 1881. Transferred to 7th Hussars from the 10th Hussars: 16th November 1886.

Sudan Campaign 1884: clasp: El-Teb_Tamaai, Khedive’s Star 1884. Discharged: 31st May 1888.
Barker, J469PrivateAt Umbella: 8th April 1861.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Discharged Nov 1870.
Barker, JVeterinary SurgeonIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Barker, W 45663SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal.
Barker, WA48PrivateEnlisted: 15th June 1887. To Depot. Discharged: 16th January 1888.
Barnes, A1104PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Barnes, CW3936Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Barnes, E4658Enlisted: 20th April 1899. 20th Hussars: 8th of October 1901.
Barnes, F2511Sergeant TrumpeterEngland: 28th February 1884 to 22nd February 1888. India: 23rd February 1888 to 12th October 1895. Natal: 23rd October 1895 to 29th November 1898. England: 20th November 1898 to 29th November 1901. South Africa: 30th November 1901 to 11th February 1905. England 12th February 1905. Discharged 15th March 1905. The South African War 1899-1902. Awarded: Queen’s South Africa medal, clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal. King’s South Africa medal. Long Service and Good Conduct medal: 6th of October 1903.
Barnes, F4278PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

The Great War 1914-18.
Barnes, HG30802PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Barnes, JPrivateDistrict Court Martial at Aldershot: 22nd December 1900. Charged with: Insubordinate language to a Superior Officer, and Breaking from Barracks. Awarded: 56 days imprisonment
Barnes, W755PrivateAt Umbella: 8th April 1861.
Barnes, W2961PrivateEnlisted: 16th July 1886. Discharged: 31st of May 1888.
Barnes, WAPrivateDistrict Court Martial: 27th August 1919. The accused was charged with ‘Theft’, and sentenced to 56 days of detention.
Barnett, A—–PrivateEnlisted: 27th June 1887. Discharged: 1st of July 1887.
Barnett, D1151PrivateAt York Depot: April 1871. Discharged: 26th of September 1882.
Barnett, HW3648SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal.
Barnett, HW532906Warrant Officer 2nd ClassAwarded: The Long Service and Good Conduct medal: 3rd December 1927.
Barret, BV6708SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal.
Barrett, AS2943Sergeant Instructor FencingAldershot 1899. Promoted to Squadron Sergeant Major. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal in 1904. Date of Discharge: 31st of October 1913.
Barrett, GF5792PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Barrett, R3331PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Barrett, T293PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Barrett, J3887PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barrett, JRG2673PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Barrett, W3598PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barrett, W1518Hospital SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Barron, A3460PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Bartholomew, CS7146PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bartleman, J37PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

At Umballa: 1861.
Bartlett, FP2380PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. Member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Bass, A5008PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bates, A5548PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bates, J1634PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bates, SGCaptainThe Great War 1914-18. Adjutant of The North Somerset Yeomanry. Killed in action at Hooge, near Ypres on the 13th of May 1915 aged 30.
Bath, LH6707PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Batt, E1240PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Battersby, S5391Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Battison, CO4515PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Medals forfeited, sentenced to 3 years. He died on the 2nd of May 1902 at Heidelberg. Cause: Enteric fever.
Bawn, F1511PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. To the 20th Hussars.
Bayldon, W2672PrivateEgypt 1882-89. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star.
Bayton, A4203PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Beahan, M39722SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Beal, C1913PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Beall, HE3970PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 20th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Beaney, J57PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Beardall, CH4486CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Beardall, CHSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18. Acting Quartermaster.
Beardwell, J184PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Beattie, E3481PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.
Beauchamp, AFH4875PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Beck, JW4268PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Beckengale, A4365PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Beckingham, F6475CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bedford, F255998PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bedford, J69PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Bedford, R4210PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Beer, GJ5024PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Belcher, J4288PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bell, DT5554SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bell, HB4302PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bell, JGASecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bell, JH80CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bell, NR4185PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Purchased discharge.
Bell, TRiding MasterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bell, W5685PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Medal forfeited. Deserted at Krugersdorp on the 16th of June 1903.
Bellamy, H4927PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bellamy, H45622Staff Quarter Master SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bellingham, A3340PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. Promoted to Lance Corporal. Attached to the Royal Engineers.
Belton, J3551PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Benn, AE5565PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Bennett, AE7069PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bennett, FS7415CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Beresford, JGHH deMajorBiography

John was born on the 5th of December 1866, son of the 3rd Baron Decies and Catharine Anne, daughter of William Dent, RN, of Shortflatt Tower, Northumberland. He was educated at Eton and entered the 7th Hussars on the 5th of February 1887.

He was ADC to Lord Connemara (then Governor of Madras), and Adjutant of the 7th Hussars, and served as ADC to HRH The Duke of Connaught, 1894-1900; served under General Plumer in the operations against the Matabele in 1896 (Despatches [London Gazette, 9 March 1897]). Captain the Honourable J G H H de la P Beresford commanded the 37th Imperial Yeomanry in South Africa in 1902, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

He became Major on 26 June 1903, and as Lieutenant Colonel commanded the Tribal Horse in Somaliland, 1903-4, where he was also employed as a Special Service Officer; he was present at the action of Jidballi.

He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 2 September 1904]; and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 6 September 1904]: “The Honourable John Graham Hope Horsley Beresford, Major, 7 Hussars. In recognition of services during the operations in Somaliland”.

He succeeded his brother as 5th Baron Decies (created 1912) in 1910, and on 12 February 1910, retired from the 7th Hussars. Lord Decies became Lieutenant Colonel Commanding the South Irish Horse in 1912.

He was a Representative Peer for Ireland and was appointed a Privy Councillor for Ireland in 1918. He belonged to the Military Order of Spain.

John was born on the 5th of December 1866, son of the 3rd Baron Decies and Catharine Anne, daughter of William Dent, RN, of Shortflatt Tower, Northumberland. He was educated at Eton and entered the 7th Hussars on the 5th of February 1887.

He was ADC to Lord Connemara (then Governor of Madras), and Adjutant of the 7th Hussars, and served as ADC to HRH The Duke of Connaught, 1894-1900; served under General Plumer in the operations against the Matabele in 1896 (Despatches [London Gazette, 9 March 1897]). Captain the Honourable J G H H de la P Beresford commanded the 37th Imperial Yeomanry in South Africa in 1902, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

He became Major on 26 June 1903, and as Lieutenant Colonel commanded the Tribal Horse in Somaliland, 1903-4, where he was also employed as a Special Service Officer; he was present at the action of Jidballi.

He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 2 September 1904]; and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 6 September 1904]: “The Honourable John Graham Hope Horsley Beresford, Major, 7 Hussars. In recognition of services during the operations in Somaliland”.

He succeeded his brother as 5th Baron Decies (created 1912) in 1910, and on 12 February 1910, retired from the 7th Hussars. Lord Decies became Lieutenant Colonel Commanding the South Irish Horse in 1912.

He was a Representative Peer for Ireland and was appointed a Privy Councillor for Ireland in 1918. He belonged to the Military Order of Spain.
Berry, J1387PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Berry, T4077PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bethell, HKCaptainIndia 1914. Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Betteridge, E3500PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bevan, D94PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bickley, H196PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bidwell, J4087PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bignell, GH4386PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bintley, W606PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Birch, J2561PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Birchenough, M167PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bird, CL5243PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bird, GF40154PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bird, HJ2601PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Birthright, CB45629SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bishop, FG3484PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bishop, JJ3859CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Biss, CE301047PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bissitt, EY35685PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Blackwell, A5582Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Blake,Regimental Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Blatherwick, S1609PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Blofeld, EL400651PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Blofeld, LF40066PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bloomfield, FL19961PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bloomfield, S37754PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Blower, CE4965PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Blowers, AW6478PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bluitt, AJ4003PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Boans, W7779PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bocock, FR6896PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bocock, G45669SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bocock, HP8263PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Boden, WG4143PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.
Bolden, E5225PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Bole, W1625PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bolingbroke, JE4571PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bolus, J35311PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bomford, GJ310050PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bond, BC5108PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bond, J2308PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Bond, T120PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bone, ALRegimental Sergeant MajorBiography

RSM Bone was the principal Warrant Officer around 1911. It is not clear when he was appointed to the position and when he retired. There is a story that he told of a detail that he was part of in Mashonaland in 1897. He was a Corporal at the time and was on a wagon that had picked up supplies from Hartley Fort.

The other men on the wagon were Private Platt, Sergeant Shannon and Sergeant-Major Handsley. As the wagon was coming through a forest, S-M Handsley suddenly jumped off and disappeared into the bush. They stopped and waited but he did not return. They tried to find him but failed, so they continued back to their squadron. A party was sent back that night to search for the missing man, volleys were fired and rockets sent up but to no avail.

The next few days were spent in an attack on Mashongombi’s stronghold so it was not until after that that a proper daylight search could be conducted to find Handsley. Sergeant Surrett, Corporal Bone and 4 privates hurried back to Hartley Fort to retrace the route and search the area where he had disappeared to find any clues.

They also had a scout called John Dusselboom who was able to track Handsley’s progress as far as the river. They went back to the Fort for the night and returned to the squadron the next day. The day after that the whole squadron under Major Carew scoured the countryside but had to return to camp and ponder on the fate of Sergeant-Major Handsley. Most thought he had been attacked and eaten by lions. At this point, who should walk in but Handsley himself, “absolutely worn out, and off his head. He was hatless, boots worn out, carried in his hand a broken bottle with water, and tucked in his shirt were a few wood apples.” He could not explain why he had got lost but said he took a wrong turn when he tried to return to the wagon.
Bone, JH3882Lance CorporalBiography

John Henry Bone was born in 1873 in Horsham, Sussex.

He enlisted with the 7th Hussars and served as a Lance Corporal in the Second Matabele War.

British South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

He deployed for the second time to southern Africa as a Sergeant during the Boer War.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902.

After the war he returned to England where he was promoted to Staff Sergeant Major in 1905.

He received his Long Service and Good Conduct medal as well as the Coronation medal in 1911, and was later commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant with the 7th Hussars on the 7th of November 1914 whilst serving in India.

John was promoted to Lieutenant in 1917 but did not deploy to Mesopotamia with the regiment, though he was entitled to the British War medal.

Captain John Henry Bone died on the 27th of April 1937.
Boness, R533566Staff Quarter Master SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bonser, TA1537PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Borley, E4752PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Booker, G1735PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Booth, ADW8754PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. Promoted to Lance Corporal. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Booth, AV5084CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Booth, J84PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Borham, T152PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Borthwick, WQuartermasterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Boulton, D1729PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Bourne, W4361PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bowdidge, JJ6867PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bower, DM39714SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bower, J251PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Bowers, F5048PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bowers, T35070PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bowes, E766PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Bowie, J3504PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896.
Bowskill, HVSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Boyd, TF4553PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Boyd, T1179CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Boyd, T398PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Boyer, PD35127PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Boyle, J5952Lance CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Boyle, J5369PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brackenbury, AJ3452SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bradburn, W29648PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Braddick, H4669CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Braddick, H4561Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal.
Bradley, N1639PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bradley, W1183SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bradshaw, JH45654SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brady, P427PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Brady, W3633PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Brandon, R5174PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brandon, RW27879SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bratton, R32771PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Braund, S4104PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bray, J32767PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bray, W725SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Breach, A3701PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Breitmeyer, GCACaptainIndia 1914. Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Brennan, E1626PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Brennan, J4447CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brennan, W71PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Brereton, A33065PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brewer, J3488PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Brickell, AE3051CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Briggs, HC3634PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Laing’s Nek, Belfast, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Briggs, T4083PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Servant to Major Poore, Provost Marshall. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Briggs, W4681PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Briscoe, MDCaptainIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Brock, R3280PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bromage, HG1389PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bromhead, D7680PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brook, HE7658PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brooke, JWSecond LieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal.
Brooke, RGCaptainBiography

Ronald Brooke was born on 25 September 1866, the second son of Sir Victor Brooke, 3rd Baronet, and Alice, daughter of Sir Alan Bellingham, 3rd Baronet.

He was educated at Marlborough, and Sandhurst; passed the Staff College; was gazetted to the 7th Hussars, 1886; was extra ADC to the Governor of Bombay; Orderly Officer to General Gatacre, commanding 3rd Brigade, Chitral Relief Force (mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 15 November 1895]; Medal with clasp); Orderly Officer to General Yeatman Biggs, commanding 2nd Division, Tirah Expeditionary Force, 1897 (two clasps); was ADC to General Gatacre during the Atbara and Khartoum Campaigns, 1898; received the Medal with two clasps, was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 24 May and 30 September 1898].

He was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 15 November 1898]: “Ronald George Brooke, Captain, 7th Hussars. In recognition of services in Egypt and the Sudan, including the Battles of Atbara and Khartoum”. Insignia was presented by the Queen at Windsor on 1 December 1898.

He was also ADC to General Gatacre when the latter was commanding the Eastern District. He served in the South African War, 1899-1902, as ADC on the Staff to Lieutenant General Sir George White, and DAAG to Elliot’s Division from February 1902, and was employed with the South African Light Horse.

He was present in the operations in Natal, 1899, including the action at Elandslaagte (severely wounded), and at the Defence of Ladysmith; operations in Orange River Colony, January to 31 May 1902; operations in Cape Colony, December 1901, to January 1902. He was mentioned in Despatches by Sir George White on 2 December 1899; by Sir Redvers Buller on 19 June and 9 November 1900 [London Gazette, 8 February 1901]; received the Queen’s Medal with seven clasps, the King’s Medal with two clasps, and was given the Brevet of Major.

He served in East Africa from 1902 to 1904, in Somaliland, on the Staff, as DAAG, Lines of Communication, Obbia Force, from 16 January 1903.

He was mentioned in Despatches by Brigadier General Manning on 17 August 1903, and Sir C Egerton on 30 May 1904 [London Gazette, 2 September 1904]; received the Medal with two clasps, and was given the Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel 1 July 1904.

He retired on 13 June 1908, with the rank of Colonel. In the European War Colonel Brooke commanded the 12th Reserve Cavalry Regiment. He was given a CBE in 1919.
Brooker, H4390PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brooker, J3759PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brooks, BC45653SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal.
Brooks, TE1844PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Broom, AB4782PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Broom, WF29723PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Broomfield, WH2465PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Broomham, JE4360CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brophy, E6610PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brotherston, AW869PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brotherton, H33663PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Broughton, W5063PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, B7168PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, CK2545PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, CS7418PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, E27208PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, F1511PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Brown, GT4549PrivateBiography

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Prisoner. Alleman’s Kraal, 6th of February 1902. Re-joined.

The Great War 1914-18. He was awarded 1914 Star, Victory medal and British War medal.

Discharged 15th of January 1916.
Brown, J5402PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, M4900PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, R5296PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Brown, S7502SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, T1563PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Brown, T41216PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, TW533541PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, W9PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Brown, W45356CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, WF1348PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Brown, WR3555PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Brown, WV8478CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Browne, AH2668CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Browne, MBSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Browne, WR19993PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bruton, AS5038CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bryant, CECaptainMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bryant, EJ4726PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bryant, J230496PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bryant, WC45649CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bryers, H250241PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bubb, H6359CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Buck, JH15PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Buckingham, CG5181PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Buckland, T1721PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Buckley, A5170PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Buckley, H1001PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Buckley, J56PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Buckmaster, J119PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Buick, T60PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bulkeley, RSWLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bullen, HG2474CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bullingham, CS5598PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bulman, H6111PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bunyan, R3566PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. A Servant with the 17th Cavalry Brigade.
Burbage, JH49107PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Burbidge, AE45687Squadron Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Burbridge, AE4680PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burbridge, JG5238PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Promoted to Sergeant.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Burbridge, PK5988PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Burditt, J4036PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Servant in Rhodesian Field Force.
Burge, C4376PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burgess, F4225PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Burgess, G4320PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burgess, GE5135PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. Regimental signaller attached to the Royal Engineers at Kut-El-Amara and taken into captivity following the 5 month siege. He died on the 25th of July 1916.
Burke, EA7396PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Burke, H3971PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He was killed in action on the 6th of February 1902 at Alleman’s Kraal.
Burkett, EH4559PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burnett, E31492PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Burningham, A3661CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Burns, AH4440Lance SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burns, E66PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Burns, R132PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Burrows, M1522PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Burton, CA6160PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Burton, CP5570PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902. Discharged.
Burton, G6417PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Burton, JW5171SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bushe, WDMajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Bushell, RJ5775PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Bussey, F3660PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Butcher, RW45614PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Butcher, S7144PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Butler, E2025CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Butler, E532877Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Butler, FG3182SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Butler, J1561PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Deserted Aug 1868.
Butler, J6844SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Butler, P196PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Butterworth, G36051PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Buxton, C5862SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Byford, ET7057SergeantBiography

In August 1914 the 7th Hussars were stationed at Bangalore (Karnataka, India) having arrived there on 4 November 1911. The Regiment landed in India from England on 2 November 1911. By 1916, the Regiment was serving as part of the 4th (Meerut) Cavalry Brigade.

On 4 October 1917, the 7th Hussars received orders to mobilise for service in Mesopotamia and moved to Karachi (Sindh, Pakistan) on 18 November 1917.

The Regiment left India in three ships, all of which safely arrived at Basra, Mesopotamia (Iraq) the same month. On arrival, they joined the 11th Indian Cavalry Brigade which it served until December 1918 when they joined the 3rd Indian Cavalry Brigade.

They stayed in Magil until December 6th and were busy during that period getting the men and horses fit and generally preparing for the march to Baghdad.

During the march up the Tigris, the weather was generally very cold and after leaving Shaikh Saad on the 19th, heavy rains impeded their progress.

On January 24th, they were met in Baghdad by the General Officer Commanding the 11th Cavalry Brigade and his staff. Then on March 4th, the 7th Hussars moved to Iron Bridge.
The 7th Hussars was now about to take part in offensives against the Turks, whose main forces in Mesopotamia were lying principally in the valleys of the two great rivers of that region, the Euphrates and the Tigris.

Khan Baghdadi

Their first action against the Turks was at Khan Baghdadi on 25 March 1918 when the regiment outflanked and then helped dislodge the enemy from a strong defensive position.


The 7th Hussars were in action again on 28 October 1918 in the last clash with the Turks at Sharquat two days before they surrendered.

Two squadrons dismounted and charged the enemy in a strongly entrenched position with such tenacity that they were forced to flee.

View his Medal Group.
Byne, G5277PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Byng, Hon AJGLieutenantThe South African Campaign of 1879. Awarded the South African General Service medal. Awarded clasp: 1879. Embarked with cavalry drafts in May, and served during the war with the Field Force in Natal and the Transvaal.
Byrne, E241PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Byrne, J3741PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Cable, W8031PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cackett, W4335PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Caldecourt, G1758CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cameron, D142PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Camp, E232PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Campbell, H1373PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasps: Relief of Lucknow, Lucknow.
Campbell, R1620PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Canham, JW35330PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cann, RJ5213SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Canty, EJ35715PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Capstock, T415PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Card, AE5017PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Carder, C4722Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Carder, C45619Staff Quarter Master SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cardoux, J1566PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Careless, H3912Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Carew, GALMajorBiography

Born on 10 March 1862. He was commissioned into the Hampshire Militia in 1879, and gazetted to the 7th Hussars as Lieutenant, 31 October 1883, becoming Captain in December 1889, and Major in April 1898.

He took part in the operations in South Africa 1896-97 and was mentioned in despatches London Gazette on 9 March 1897. He commanded a column in the Mashonaland campaign of 1897, was again mentioned in despatches London Gazette 18 February 1898, received the medal with clasp and was created a Companion of the DSO London Gazette 20 May 1898: ‘In recognition of services during the operations in Mashonaland in 1897.’ ’I wish especially to convey my appreciation of the manner in which Major H. M. Ridley, Captains G. A. L. Carew and R. M. Poore and the officers and men of the 7th Hussars, carried out my wishes in every particular, and greatly assisted in the suppression of the rebellion.

After Major Ridley was wounded, Captains Carew and Poore commanded separate columns, and in the attack on Mashingombi these officers timed their marches, and brought their forces into the field in such a manner as to render my plan of attack by three columns simultaneously entirely successful.’ (Despatch of Richard E. R. Martin, Deputy Commissioner, Bulawayo, November 15th, 1897). Mashingombi’s kraal was attacked and captured on 26 July 1897, by the police under Colonel de Moleyns, and the 7th Hussars under Captains Carew and Poore. On our side, one white was killed and five wounded; one died of wounds; two natives killed and three wounded. The Chief Mashingombi and many other rebels were killed.

Major Carew served in the Boer War with the Rhodesian Field Force in 1900, as a Special Service Officer, and with the 7th Hussars in 1901-02.

He retired in 1902.
Carey, J5659PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: Cape Colony. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Carey, W3792Lance CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Carmichael, W4226PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Carnarvon, LordSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Carneys, CG3791PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Carnochan, F3984PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Carotti, H45638SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal.
Carpenter, G2108PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Carr, G1262PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Carr, J118PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Carr, J1705PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Carrington, R4959PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Carroll, H5067PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Prisoner. Alleman’s Kraal, 7 February 1902. Re-joined. Promoted to Sergeant.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Carroll, J143PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Carter, B3348PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Carvell, RS6699PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Carveth, GB3557PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Cassell, G5663PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Castle, C1706PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Castle, J7507CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cator, CAMSecond LieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cattrall, H5112PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Caulfield, A5403PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Deserted, Krugersdorf, 19th August 1903. Medal returned as Forfit, 15th of June 1920.
Caunt, T6065PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Cavie, F1592PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Cavey, H170PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Celst, NW Van4758PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chadwick, R148PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Chalcroft, T6286PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chalkley, G3471PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 20th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Challis, W4113Corporal Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Mesopotamia 1917-18. Promoted to Sergeant.
Chambers, AE5356PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Chambers, J35134PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chambers, W301PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Champion, J1676TrumpeterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Chandler, J45670PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chandos-Pole, CRLieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chapman, G1349PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Chapman, H3511PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Chapman, JJ4796Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

Mesopotamia 1917-18. Promoted to Staff Sergeant Major.
Chapman, RJJSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chapman, T5342PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Chapman, WH4150Regimental Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chappell, AE4667PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Prisoner. Alleman’s Kraal, 7 February 1902. Rejoined.
Chappell, CE32821PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chappell, G113PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Chappie, A4631PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Prisoner. Alleman’s Kraal, 7 February 1902. Rejoined.
Chappie, WE4479PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He was severely wounded at Alleman’s Kraal on the 5th of February 1902.
Charles, FA33216PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Charles, JE4720PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided.
Charlton, D4067PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Charlton, J353PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Transferred to the 7th Dragoon Guards.
Charlton, R1697PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Chatfield, H5601PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Cheeseman, HF40102PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 16th of July 1917. Buried in Meerut, India.
Chesterfield, P24666PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Chilvers, W3831PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Chipperfield, H4400PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Chown, H4913PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Chowns, WSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Church, F300651CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Church, J334PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Church, S11708PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clackson, W533288SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clancey, D252PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Clare, AG7606PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clark, J32289PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clark, T6491PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Clarke, AHon. CaptainIndia 1914. Quartermaster. He died on the 2nd of August 1918 aged 51.
Clarke, A5183PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Missing in action. Alleman’s Kraal, 5 February 1902. Rejoined.
Clarke, C25605PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clarke, E1013Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Clarke, G174PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Clarke, G3068PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clarke, H172PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Clarke, H29993PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clarke, J32289PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clarke, JJ23189PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clarke, T31869PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clarke, WH3718PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Clarke, WH4635PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Clarke, WWH4789Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Claydon, GH4883PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Clear, W125PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Clebbery, W1724PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cleverley, F6566CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cleverly, AP7305PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clews, B1724PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clifford, L31939PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Clifford, T4338PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cloydon, AJ5634PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Coad, TM27864PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 4th of December 1918 aged 25.
Coates, A32819PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Coates, B2919PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902. Also with 10th Hussars. In South Africa: 03 Apr 01 – 25 Jul 02.
Coates, B23543PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Coates, FCaptainIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Coates, G35917PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cobbold, W117PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Cocker, V108PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Cockeram, WS3979PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Coe, RJ HonLieutenant & QuartermasterBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Coggan, GP32818PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Coldbeck, J83PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cole, JHM ViscountLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cole, WC4247SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Attached to Corps of Signallers. He died on the 11th of April 1903 at Krugersdorp.
Coleman, C3484Sergeant FarrierSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Coles, CH3364PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Collard, GR5249CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Collingsworth, WH3503TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Collins, FG3703PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Collins, JJ6341PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Collins, SJ4680PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Collins, TE6596PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Collins, W3612PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Collyer, F5477Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Colman, HC11005PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Colmore, HCaptainMesopotamia 1917-18. Attached to the RFC.
Comber, A6261PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Comfort, W3946PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Conlon, J1573PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Connaught, AFPAHRH PrinceBiography

Prince Arthur was the son of the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn who was the third son of Queen Victoria. He followed his father in holding a commission in the 7th Hussars, but whereas his father only served for a year (Apr 1874-May 1875), he remained there for 6 years, from 1901 to 1907.

Arthur was born on 13th Jan 1883 and was the first member of the Royal family to be educated at Eton. He trained at Sandhurst and gained his commission into the 7th as a Second Lieutenant on 8th May 1901.

The regiment entered the Boer War late, in November 1901, but Prince Arthur did not go with them. He remained at Aldershot with 8 other officers and 529 other ranks. He did go out later and was stationed in Krugersdorp for several months. The 7th stayed in South Africa until 1905, and in 1907 he was promoted to Captain, transferring to the Royal Scots Greys, on 27th April.

In 1913 he married Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Fife who was the daughter of his cousin Louise, the Princess Royal.

In the First World War, he was a Major, and ADC, first to Sir John French, and then to Sir Douglas Haig. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1919 and in 1920 was appointed Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of the Union of South Africa. This post lasted until Dec 1923.

On 8th Nov 1921 was made Colonel-in-Chief of the Scots Greys although the actual Colonel of the Regiment was Field Marshal Sir William Robertson. He predeceased his father by 4 years when he died of stomach cancer at the age of 55 on 12th Sep 1938.

The title of Duke passed to his only son in 1942.
Connell, J54PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Connell, T1551CorporalMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Discharged Feb 1877.
Connell, T1555PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Conner, P32917PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Connolly, R527PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Transferred to the 4th Hussars.
Cook, E3690PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Cook, J1281PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Cook, O19954PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cooke, J107PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cooke, J220PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Cooke, JA1888PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Cooke. LM9325Lance CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 12th of June 1920 aged 40.
Cooney, T55PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cooper, D2058PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Cooper, J3848PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897. Discharged with ignominy. He was sentenced on the 18th of September 1897.
Cooper, WGDLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cope, G3937PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cope, HA4801PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. The Great War 1914-18. Promoted to Corporal. Died on 13/05/1915 on the Western Front.
Cordery, W3383PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Cordier, A9115PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Corney, G4218PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Cork, C134PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Corrie, J63PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cosgrove, A2175PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Cosgrove, M32737PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Costard, JH45637PrivateHenry served with the regiment from 1900-21 and saw service in the South African War and the Great War 1914-18. He died on the 1st of December 1965.
Coster, W3864PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Cottis, KJ5011PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cotton, T5704PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cove, H3363PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cowden, SC80761PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cowie, G415SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 23rd of June 1918 aged 39.
Cowley, M31910PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cowterthwaite, E29938PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cox, A53PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cox, AE4664PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cox, C5394PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cox, F3952PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cox, J176PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cox, J3946PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cox, W4487PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: Cape Colony. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cox, W5175PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cox, WH33284PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Coy, JW9302Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cracknell, PW4215PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Craggs, BC33236SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Craigie, J5426PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Slightly wounded. Near Naudeskop, 16 February 1902.
Crane, J3713PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve,
Craney, J23PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Craven, AWLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Craven, T4660PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Crawford, A7615PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crawford, F6691Farrier Quartermaster SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. With the 10th Hussars.
Crawford, W466PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Creagh, DVLieutenantIndia 1914.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Creese, J1473CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow. Promoted to Sergeant. Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Discharged Jul 1876.
Cregan, M32997PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Creman, M1200SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Crene, G121PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cressdee, AE4988PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crickett, SH3994PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Crocker, SF40221PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crocombe, J4986PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Crodentz, M31683PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Croft, JW4517PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Crookes, J222PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Crooks, B32486PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cropper, H255899PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crosbie, W1370PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Crosby, R1725PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cross, A171CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Cross, CJ27456PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cross, EGKLieutenant ColonelThe Great War 1914-18. Edward was made a Companion of The Distinguished Service Order in 1918.
Crossing, AG6681PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crowder, T3385PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Crowe, J32750PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crowe, JJ35465PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crowley, PS27623SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cruse, AE5241PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Crutchley, HM6840CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Cryer, W1438TrumpeterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Cullis, GG9113PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cummings, GH1538SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cunningham, JH2497PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Curtis, CW7683PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Curtis, J3804PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Curtis, PF19964PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Cusker, RG533105Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 4th of December 1920 aged 41.
Daley, WJ4655PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dalgety, HBLieutenantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Promoted to Major. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

Mesopotamia 1917-18.
Dalliston, FB3824PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Dalton, E962Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Daly, J976PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Daly, JL11112PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Daly, W1174PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Dalziel, J4352PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Severely wounded. Waterkloof, 28 January 1902.
Damen, EG5041PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Dando, W3618PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. He was killed in action on the 12th of July 1897.
Daniels, P33285PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Daniells, W1665PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Darcy, A5315PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Darcy, G4966PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Darling, AJ45641Troop Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Darling, R749Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Davey, EC5049PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Davies, FJ5714SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Davies, J3545PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Medal returned: 18th December 1912.
Davies, T4297PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Davis, H2962PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal.
Davis, J6045SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Davis, W716PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Davis, W6322PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Davy, W1123PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Dawes, W2189PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Dawson, JT4705CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dawson, R2157PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Dawson, T4795PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Day, C5206PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Day, E5688Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Day, HR6418PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Day, JW6700PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 18th of February 1920.
Dean, GW5587PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dean, JW5880PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. He died on the 6th of October 1915.
De Carle, BE62CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Deadman, W4063PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Dear, A6119PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Dear, J1481SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Dearing, M1534PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Dedmen, D5028PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Delaney, T32701PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Dempsie, R3464PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Denham, G3556PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Dennison, J1300PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Deceased May 1873.
Dennis, A224PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier. Deceased Mar 1866.
Denton, G4568Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Transferred to the 25th Hussars.
Deverill, F1699PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Devine, J1483PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Devlin, RB2978PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Dewar, E4506PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902. Died 09 Jun 1902 Place: Heidelberg.
Dibble, EG11232SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. He was awarded the Victory medal and British War medal.
Dibble, HCaptain & Riding MasterAldershot May 1899.
Dibble, HRLieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18. Attached to the Egyptian Army.
Dickaty, C3474Saddler SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Aldershot May 1899. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal in Jan 1902.
Dicker, G45659SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. He was awarded the Victory medal and British War medal. Mentioned in Despatches.
Dickerson, EA1860SergeantBiography

Edwin Dickerson joined the Norfolk Regiment on 12th June 1907 and then transferred to the 7th Hussars on the 15th January 1908. He attended the Machine Gun Course at the Central School of Musketry Pachmarhi, India, in November 1914.

Mesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory and British War Medals.

He then transferred to the South Persia Rifles in 1917. He retired in 1928 and was awarded both the Meritorious Service medal and the Long Service and Good Conduct medal. View his medal set.

Edwin died on the 28th of October 1978.
Dickerson, GE45655SergeantThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the Victory and British War Medals. Awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1922.
Dickerson, W4623PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dickins, WH6848Shoeing Smith CorporalThe Great War 1914-18. Regimental signaller attached to the Royal Engineers at Kut-El-Amara and taken into captivity following the 5 month siege. He died on the 30th of September 1916.
Dickson, D5495PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Dickson, W5449PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Diton, WF2439PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Dixon, HFSecond LieutenantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Dixon, J3822PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Dodd, EW5018PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Doe, FR532937Staff Quarter Master SergeantBiography

He served in the 7th Hussars 1910-34 and retired as SQMS.

In 1928 he was awarded his Long Service and Good Conduct medal.

He died on the 30th of June, 1973.
Dolby, J532883Staff Quarter Master SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and the British War medal.
Donaldson, J4327PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Donaldson, R1608PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Donnelly, W73PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Donnelly, W1397PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Dowling, A5224Shoeing SmithThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914-20 War Medal and the 1914-19 Victory Medal. He was wounded on the 8th of January 1919 and was entitled to wear a wound strip.
Dowd, J4715PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Down, J1517PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Downey, B1554PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Downing, HK3717PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Downing-Fullerton, RAMajorBiography

Richard Downing-Fullerton joined the 7th Hussars in India just before the start of the Great War. He fought in Mesopotamia where he was the Regimental Signals Officer and then the Brigade Signals Officer.

He died on the 24th of August 1965.
Dows, P191PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Doyle, P1478PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Drew, S4307PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Driscoll, P1210PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Drummer, F2383SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded the Victory medal and British War medal.
Drummond, M3642PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Dryland, T186PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Duddy, J4248PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Duffield, G4258PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dumoulin, P1250PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – No clasp.
Dunbar, C4504PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dunford, C4013PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged.
Durman, FCaptain & QuartermasterAldershot May 1899. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dyke, W1343PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Dymott, A883Company Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18. He died from disease on the 11th of July 1918.
Earnshaw, J2164PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Eaton, BS5607PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Edmondson, A25PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Edwards, J4103PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Egan, J139PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Eilbeck, B4729Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Eldergill, TH3384PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Elgar, S145PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Elkington, AW533577CorporalBiography

He served in the 7th Hussars from 1910 until 1933.

He was awarded his Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1930 and retired in 1933 as a Farrier Sergeant.

He died on the 12th of August 1972.
Elkington, GT4531PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ellan, E1406TrumpeterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Elleray, WJ5338PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Elliott, GPaymasterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Elliott, G5585PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ellis, G1540PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Ellis, J1662PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Ellison, M4683PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ellse, EJ3611PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Elmer, J1704PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Elson, WR3959PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 27th of March 1918.
Emery, AW4010PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896.
Emes, GD3705CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Promoted to Staff Sergeant Farrier. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Remount Depot.
Emes, O2542Squadron Sergeant MajorBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
English, J4183PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Evance, GC39195SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Evans, A4778PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Evans, AJ513CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Evans, F5152CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Evans, JD7650PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Evans, JW1355PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Evans, PJ4370CorporalMesopotamia 1917-18.
Evans, R620Farrier MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Evans, RMajor GeneralBiography

Roger Evans was commissioned into the 7th Hussars from the Honourable Artillery Company in 1911 and joined the Regiment at Bangalore in the following year.

He became Adjutant in 1914 and was given command of ‘B’ Squadron shortly before the Regiment sailed for Mesopotamia late in 1917.

He and his squadron greatly distinguished themselves at the battle of Khanbagdadi early in the following year; his quick and resolute action in getting across the Turkish escape route was a major cause of their crushing defeat and won him the Military Cross.

In 1921 he was transferred to The Royal Horse Guards and commanded the 5th Inniskilling Dragoon Guards from 1929 to 1933.
Evans, RE7516PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Evans, W922PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Evans, WJ27877SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Evason, J163PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Evemy, GE4723PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Everard, BC35946SergeantThe Great War 1914-18. Attached to the Supply and Transport Corps.
Everill, AE1083SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 4th of March 1919.
Ewins, A35844PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Eyles, T29323PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
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