Muster Roll 1850 – 1920, 7th Hussars, U-Z

7th Hussars: U-Z

The Muster Roll is a list of personnel who served in the regiment during this time, providing important insight into the regiment’s history and the men who served. It includes details such as their name, rank, number and medal entitlements.

The 7th Hussars participated in many significant events during this period, including The Indian Mutiny of 1857, Operations against the Mohmands 1863-64, Operations in Rhodesia and Mashonaland 1896-7, The South African War 1899-1902, The Great War 1914-18 and Operations in Persia 1918-19. Their actions in these conflicts are a testament to the bravery and dedication of the soldiers who served in the regiment.

Through the Muster Roll, we can gain a deeper understanding of the individual experiences of these soldiers and the challenges they faced. It is a valuable resource for historians and researchers alike, shedding light on the daily lives of soldiers and their contributions to British military history.

In conclusion, the Muster Roll of the 7th Hussars between 1850 and 1920 is an essential piece of history that provides valuable insight into the experiences of soldiers in this regiment. It is a reminder of the sacrifices these brave men made and their crucial role in British military history.

Urell, HJA3534PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Usborne, C3909PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Varey, F3934PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Varnfield, C3119TrumpeterBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896. He died from a fever in Bulawayo on the 6th of December 1896.
Varley, T1472PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Vaughan, J CaptainBiography

John Vaughan was born 31 July 1871, at Nannau, Dolgelly, North Wales, son of John Vaughan, JP, DL, of Nannau, Dolgelly. He was educated at Eton and Sandhurst; was gazetted to the 7th Hussars on 11 March 1891; became Lieutenant on 4 September 1894 and served in Matabeleland, 1896, and Mashonaland, 1897, as Troop Commander in the 7th Hussars.

He served with the Nile Expedition in 1898, as Troop Commander, 21st Lancers; was present at the Battle of Omdurman, and received the Medal and the Egyptian Medal with clasp. He was promoted to Captain on 9 October 1899, and served in the South African War, 1899-1902, on Staff (also acted as ADC to GOC, Cavalry Division, and as DAAG, Intelligence, Cavalry Division) (severely wounded); in command of a column 16 January to 7 February 1902.

He was present at the Relief of Kimberley; took part in the operations in the Orange Free State, February to May 1900; in the Transvaal in May and June 1900; in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria; in Cape Colony, south of Orange River; in the Transvaal, March to 31 May 1902; in Orange River Colony, February to March 1902; in Cape Colony, December 1901 to February 1902. Despatches; Brevet of Major 2 November 1900; Queen’s Medal with six clasps, and King’s Medal with two clasps.

He was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 31 October 1902]: “John Vaughan, Brevet Major, 10th Hussars. For services during operations in South Africa”.

Why not read the citation which can be found here?

The services were as follows: On 1 April 1902, near Springs, South Africa, when acting as Intelligence Officer to a Column, he led the Queen’s Bays to capture some Boers on a deserted farm. After capturing some prisoners, this regiment was attacked at dawn by superior numbers and fought a rear-guard action until the 7th Hussars came up and counterattacked the enemy.

Major Vaughan commanded one wing of the Bays during the retirement, after having been wounded before daylight, and subsequently advanced with a squadron of the 7th Hussars to assist them with his knowledge of the country. He continued fighting till he fainted.

Sir A. Conan Doyle says on pages 522-623 of ‘The Great Boer War’: “One of the consequences of the successful drives about to be described in the Orange River Colony was that a number of the Free Staters came north of the Vaal to get away from the extreme pressure upon the south. At the end of March, a considerable number had reinforced the local commandos in that district to the east of Springs, no very great distance from Johannesburg, which had always been a storm centre. A cavalry force was stationed at this spot which consisted at that time of the 2nd Queen’s Bays, the 7th Hussars, and some National Scouts, all under Colonel Lawley of the Hussars.

After a series of minor engagements east of Springs, Lawley had possessed himself of Boschman’s Kop, eighteen miles from that town, close to the district which was the chief scene of Boer activity. From this base, he dispatched upon the morning of 1 April three squadrons of the Bays under Colonel Fanshawe, for the purpose of surprising a small force of the enemy which was reported at one of the farms. Fanshawe’s strength was about three hundred men. The British cavalry found themselves, however, in the position of the hunter who, when he is out for a snipe, puts up a tiger. All went well with the expedition as far as Holspruit, the farm which they had started to search. Commandant Pretorius, to whom it belonged, was taken by the energy of Major Vaughan, who pursued and overtook his Cape cart. It was found, however, that Alberts’s commando was camped at the farm, and that the Bays were in the presence of a very superior force of the enemy.

The night was dark, and when firing began it was almost muzzle to muzzle, with the greatest possible difficulty in telling friend from foe. The three squadrons fell back upon some rising ground, keeping admirable order under the most difficult circumstances. Despite the darkness, the attack was pressed fiercely home, and with their favourite tactics, the burghers rapidly outflanked the position taken up by the cavalry. The British moved by alternate squadrons onto a higher rocky kopje on the east, which could be vaguely distinguished looming in the darkness against the skyline. ‘B’ squadron, the last to retire, was actually charged and ridden through by the brave assailants, firing from their saddles as they broke through the ranks.

The British had hardly time to reach the kopje and to dismount and line its edge when the Boers, yelling loudly, charged with their horses up the steep flanks. Twice they were beaten back, but the third time they seized one corner of the hill and opened a hot fire upon the rear of the line of men who were defending the other side. Dawn was now breaking, and the situation most serious, for the Boers were in very superior numbers and were pushing their pursuit with the utmost vigour and determination.

A small party of officers and men whose horses had been shot covered the retreat of their comrades, and continued to fire until all of them, two officers and twenty-three men, were killed or wounded, the whole of their desperate defence being conducted within from thirty to fifty yards of the enemy. The remainder of the regiment was now retired to successive ridges, each of which was rapidly outflanked by the Boers, whose whole method of conducting their attack was extraordinarily skilful. Nothing but the excellent discipline of the over matched troopers prevented the retreat from becoming a rout. Fortunately, before the pressure became intolerable, the 7th Hussars with some artillery came to the rescue and turned the tide.

The Hussars galloped in with such a dash that some got among the Boers with their swords, but the enemy rapidly fell back and disappeared. In this very sharp and sanguinary cavalry skirmish, the Bays lost eighty killed and wounded out of a total force of 270. To stand such losses under such circumstances, and to preserve absolute discipline and order, is a fine test of soldierly virtue. The adjutant, the squadron leaders, and six out of ten officers were killed or wounded.

The Boers lost equally heavily. Two Prinsloos, one of them a commandant, and three field cornets were among the slain, with seventy other casualties. The force under General Alberts was a considerable one, not fewer than six hundred rifles so the action at Holspruit is one which adds another name of honour to the battle-roll of the Bays. It is pleasing to add that in this and the other actions which were fought at the end of the war our wounded met with kindness and consideration from the enemy”.

His DSO was gazetted on 31 October 1902: “John Vaughan, Captain and Brevet Major, 7th Hussars. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa”. He was Brigade Major, 1st Cavalry Division, Aldershot Command, 31 January to 10 October 1904; was promoted to Major 14 May 1904; to Lieutenant Colonel 7 May 1908; to Colonel 6 December 1911, and was Commandant, Cavalry School, Netheravon, 30 January 1911 to 4 August 1914.

He served in the European War from August 1914, as GS01, 1st Cavalry Division, BEF, 5 August to 14 September 1914; GOC, 3rd Cavalry Brigade, BEF, 14 October 1915; GOC, 3rd Cavalry Division, 15 October 1915 to 14 February 1918; Inspector of QMG’s Services, British Armies in France, 15 February 1918 to 14 February 1919; commanded Cavalry Brigade, Aldershot, from 28 March 1919; was mentioned in Despatches; created a CB in 1915, and a CMG in 1919, and made Commandeur, Legion d’Honneur.
Veal, J367SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18. Attached to the Royal Engineers.
Verney, H 2nd LieutenantBiography

Harry Verney was the second son of Lord Willoughby de Broke, born on 19th June 1870.

He joined the 7th Hussars on 8th Oct 1890 and served with them in India but he was unfortunately drowned in a boating accident at Poona on 25th June 1893.

He and two other young officers, Lt Sutton and Lt Crawley were on leave and hired a sailing boat to go on the river, but they lost control of it in the current and were swept over a waterfall. The three of them were seen clinging to the upturned boat in the swirling waters but they succumbed and went under, one of them was last seen swimming towards a bridge but he never made it.

Verney’s body was found on the 27th and the other two on the next day. They were buried on 28th June with military honours. A firing party was provided by 2nd Yorks LI and a gun carriage by L Battery RHA. The commanding officer Lt-Col J L Hunt attended with 9 officers and 3 warrant officers.
Virgo, W907SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Vitler, T5022PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 28th of October 1918.
Wade, R1698CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wakefield, H1000PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Wakefield, H1650PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wakelin, CN4777PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Walker, F1731PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Walker, FT4628PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Walker, H1437PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Walker, H5279PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Walker, H5644PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Walker, J35097PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Walker, JA4445PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Walker, PLECaptainIndia 1914.

Mesopotamia 1917-18. Awarded The Distinguished Service Order for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attempt to cross the River Rhonella, near Maresches on the 27th of October 1918.

He was attached to the 1st Btn East Lancs Regt.

Why not read the citation which can be found here?
Walker, RL32768PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Wallis, FT3852PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Wallis, H4320CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wallis, WJ5117SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Walmsley, GF45690Staff Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Walpole, J6941SergeantMesopotamia 1917-18.
Walsh, J124PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Walsh, N4104PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Walsh, W1491PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Walter, RLMajorAldershot May 1899.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Served with Bethune’s Mounted Infantry.
Walters, G4219PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Walters, S499PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Walton, J4389PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Servant to Major Poore, Provost Marshall.
Ward, G4828PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ward, JH5238PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He died on the 25th of January 1920 aged 28.
Waterhouse, F5383PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Watson, ACCaptainIndia 1914.

Mesopotamia 1917-18. Promoted to Major.

Arthur was made a Companion of The Distinguished Service Order.
Warwicke, R1315TrumpeterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Watson, C3468PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Watson, J925SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Watson, J65PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Weatherall, NECaptainBiography

Nigel Weatherall was born in 1891, was educated at Marlborough and The Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and was commissioned into the 7th Hussars in 1911.

He sailed with the Regiment for India shortly afterwards and served at Bangalore, Secunderabad and Meerut till 1916 when he went on a Staff course.

Obtaining a good qualification, his first Staff appointment was in India, but late in 1917, he became Staff Captain of the 11th Indian Cavalry Brigade in Mesopotamia, one of whose Regiments was to be 7th Hussars.

He did extremely good work in the very difficult administrative conditions during the operations on the Euphrates, and the advance to Shargat and Mosul in 1918, and was awarded a well-deserved O.B.E.

He re-joined the Regiment at Mhow in 1920, and after a spell as Military Attaché in Madrid, commanded “B” Squadron for some years, succeeding to the command of the Regiment just before it sailed for Egypt in 1935.

Almost immediately afterwards the 7th Hussars were told they would lose their horses and become mechanised, and before he left in 1939, this task was completed successfully.

His hard work as Commanding Officer had, undoubtedly, much to do with the Regiment being fit for war in 1940 in its new role.

He was given command of an Armoured Training Regiment in 1939 and held similar appointments till 1945 when he retired and settled near Catterick where he had served for some years.

In his earlier days, he was a useful and hardworking polo player and, as a subaltern in India, spent much time big game shooting.

Whenever he was in England, he took every chance to hunt and was always a keen race-goer.

After his retirement, he was a Steward of several race meetings in Yorkshire, and he also did much valuable work for the Regiment as Chairman of the Old Comrades Association.

View his Medal Group.
Weatherall, T2946SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Staff Sergeant Major: MID LG: 29 July 1902, page: 4838. Alias Thomas Drury. LS&GC Medal.

He was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal in October 1902.
Webster, J78PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Welch, E4311Lance SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wellman, E4134PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Wellman, W4241PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wells, J1273PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
West, CW4701PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
West, H5669PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Weston, HC11088PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Weston, J1642PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Welch, E45613Regimental Sergeant MajorMesopotamia 1917-18.
Whalley, F2000PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Wheatcroft, W193PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wheeler, W580PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Whelan, C2199TrumpeterSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
White, CG4827PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
White, EH4310PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
White, G2979PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Promoted to Sergeant.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
White, J26PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
White, J1549PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
White, JJ29598PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
White, MFG1980PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
White, R28PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
White, T3983PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
White, T26091PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
White, W88PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Whitehead, F202PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Whitehead, HJBSecond LieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Whitehead, M97PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Whiteley, AA3632PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Whitlock, J1953PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Whitmarsh, J3867PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Whittaker, L4916PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasp: South Africa 1902.
Whittle, WH4064PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Whitworth, T1259CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wilkin, HJLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wilkinson, J1745PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Wilkinson, T4287PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Willanson, W1485PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Willard, GR2329Staff Sergeant MajorBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Willey, W230PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Willey, W1694PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Williams, A5077PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Williams, C5261PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Williams, D111PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Williams, D3732PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Williams, G5467PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Williams, JA4709PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Williams, OP—-CorporalHe died on the 11th of June 1902 in Johannesburg.
Williams, W1699PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Williamson, W1475PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Willis, C2902SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Wilmot, AG128PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Willows, C2298PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Wilson, A2369Regimental Sergeant MajorBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.

Aldershot May 1899.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wilson, AE18082PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Wilson, C7164PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Wilson, CB239PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Wilson, CW79001PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Wilson, E1600PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Wilson, G194PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wilson, H2072PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Wilson, J1962PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Wilson, J4030PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Belmont, Modder River, Relief of Kimberley, Elandslaagte. A servant in the 1st Cavalry Brigade.
Wilson, M1681PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wilson, W1661PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wilson, WJ3358PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Winter, A4148PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Wise, E2775PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Wise, W3288PrivateServed with the 7th Hussars from 1908-09, then with the 3rd Hussars from 1909-20. He died on the 7th of March 1965.
Witham, JD6420PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18.
Womersley, J1163PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wood, H1137CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Woodhall, H5308Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Woodham, EG3972PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Prisoner. Alleman’s Kraal, 6 February 1902 Re-joined. To Army Reserve.
Woodruff, JJ5287PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Woods, A4188PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.
Woods, GJ4351PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Woods, T3924PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Wooster, J208PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.

He died at Sea in January 1870.
Woolston, FS5559PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wooten, W42PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Wormald, FWCaptainBiography

Captain Frederick William Wormald, was born 21 June 1869, son of John Wormald, of Dewsbury. He was educated at Harrow and was gazetted to the 7th Hussars on 29 April 1891, becoming Lieutenant on 24 October 1894, and serving in Bechuanaland, 1896-97 (Medal and clasp).

He served in the Nile Expedition, in 1898; he was present at the Battle of Khartoum (Medal and Egyptian Medal with clasp). He was promoted to Captain on 30 December 1899, and served in the South African War, 1899-1902, as ADC to Major General, Cavalry Brigade, 9 October 1899 to 10 February 1900; as ADC to Brigadier General, Cavalry Brigade, 11 February 1900 to 31 October 1900.

During the South African War, he took part in the advance on and Relief of Kimberley; operations in the Orange Free State, February to May 1900, including operations at Paardeberg (17 to 26 February), actions at Poplar Grove, Karee Siding and Zand River; operations in the Transvaal in May and June 1900, including actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill (11 and 12 June); operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to 29 November 1900, including action at Belfast (26 and 27 August); operations in Orange River Colony, May to 26 November 1900, including actions at Wittebergen (1 to 26 July).

He served as Adjutant, 7th Hussars, from 20 December 1901 to 22 January 1902, and 22 April to 31 May 1902; and was present at operations in Cape Colony, December 1901 to January 1902.

He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 10 September 1901]; received the Queen’s Medal with eight clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette 27 September 1901]: “Frederick William Wormald, Captain, 7th Hussars. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa”. He was invested by the King, on 29 October 1901.

Captain Wormald was Adjutant, 7th Hussars, until 31 October 1904; became Major, 8th Hussars, 10 February 1906; was Instructor, Cavalry School, 15 December 1906 to 14 December 1910. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, 1st Dragoons, 21 December 1915.
Wormald, H4031PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To the Army Reserve in South Africa.
Worsley, T4074PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To the Army Reserve in South Africa.
Wortledge, T3581PrivateBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wren, T339PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Wright, D4617PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wright, F532868SergeantBiography

He joined the 7th Hussars in March 1907 and served in India and Mesopotamia during The Great War of 1914-18. He was awarded the Victory and British War Medals.

He then served in The Leicestershire Yeomanry from 1923 until 1928.

He received his Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1928.

He retired from the army in 1928, rejoining the regular army in 1940. He served as a Sergeant in the Pioneer Corps.

He died on the 20th of August 1981, aged 90.
Wright, G451PrivateMohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.

He died in York, November 1870.
Wright, G4503PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Wright, WR2110PrivateSudan 1884-5. Awarded the Egypt and Sudan Medal 1882-89 – clasp: The Nile 1884-85. Awarded the Khedive Star. He was a member of the Light Camel Regiment detachment.
Wrightson, G1500PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.

Mohmand Expedition 1863-64. Awarded India General Service medal – clasp: North West Frontier.
Wtnsborough, W3291Lance CorporalBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasp: Rhodesia 1896.
Wylie, J1383PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Wynn, J4347PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Yates, F138PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Yeatherd, MLCaptainIndia 1914.
Yielding, WG3490PrivateFrom the 20th Hussars. South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Young, A3881CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Young, R1384PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Lucknow.
Young, T3223SergeantBritish South Africa Company medal. Awarded clasps: Rhodesia 1896, Mashonaland 1897. Promoted to Squadron Sergeant Major.

South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal. Awarded clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Young, TL231067PrivateMesopotamia 1917-18. He was killed in action on the 26th of July 1918.
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