Muster Roll 1850 – 1920, 8th Hussars, A-E

8th Hussars: A-E

The Muster Roll is a list of personnel who served in the regiment during this time, providing important insight into the regiment’s history and the men who served. It includes details such as their name, rank, number and medal entitlements.

The 8th Hussars participated in many significant events during this period, including the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, the Boer War and World War I. Their actions in these conflicts are a testament to the bravery and dedication of the soldiers who served in the regiment.

Through the Muster Roll, we can gain a deeper understanding of the individual experiences of these soldiers and the challenges they faced. It is a valuable resource for historians and researchers alike, shedding light on the daily lives of soldiers and their contributions to British military history.

In conclusion, the Muster Roll of the 8th Hussars between 1850 and 1920 is an essential piece of history that provides valuable insight into the experiences of soldiers in this regiment. It is a reminder of the sacrifices made by these brave men and the crucial role they played in British military history.

Name Number Rank Remarks
Abbott, C3883PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve. Later 8th Hussars No. 5776.
Abbott, CA5763PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. 12th Reserve Cav, 1916 Termination of service, Silver War badge No: 80300.
Abbott, E3003PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Abbott, G4559PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Abbott, J4807PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Abbott, J273PrivateIndia 1861.

Dublin, Ireland 1871.
Abbott, S3341PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Abbott, S531570The Great War 1914-18.
Abbotts, S35741PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Abear, G3705PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. He was killed in action on the 8th of August 1900 at Germiston.
Able, P6727PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Acheson, D37064PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Acheson, WJ4750PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided. To Army Reserve.
Adams, A3556PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Adams, AO9190PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. He was wounded on the 3rd of May 1918 and therefore entitled to wear a ‘wound stripe’.
Adams, E14274PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Transferred to the Military Foot Police.
Adams, H698PrivateIndia 1861.
Adams, J1076PrivateEnlisted: 10th August 1846. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854, Died at Devna: 17th July 1854.
Adams, J899PrivateEnlisted: 2nd July 1845. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; Killed in the Charge: 25th October 1854. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sebastopol.
Adams, R123CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Adams, VT13201PrivateThe Great War 1914-18, moved to the Labour Corps.
Adamthwaite, R3542PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Adderley, C1294PrivateEnlisted: 1854. Cavalry Depot: 22nd April 1854. Did not embark for the Crimea.
Adderley, E1296PrivateEnlisted: 1854. Cavalry Depot: 22nd April 1854. Did not embark for the Crimea.
Addis, E25PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Addison, G1600PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Adkins, R3058PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided to England. From the 15th Hussars.
Adlercron, RFGCaptainThe Great War 1914-18.

He was made a companion of The Distinguished Service Order.

Why not read the citation which can be found here?
Airey, GCV4614Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Akehurst, C1354PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Akehurst, J533800PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Alcorn, M2690Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Alden, H6813Staff Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18.
Alderton, C5849PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Aldgate, W4146PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Aldred, W4251Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Aldridge, CW5069PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He received a Severe Wound, nr Welcomefontein, on the 13th of January 1902.
Alexander, JT6159PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Alexander, PSCaptainThe Great War 1914-18.
Allard, C5188PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Depot Squadron.
Alldred, W4251CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Allen, A3300CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From the 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Allen, HJ45685SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Allen, J1967CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Allen, J4468PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Allen, J19968PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Allen, RWLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Allingham, J1401PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Allison, G5267PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharge by purchase.
Alport, E1788PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Alwyne, DJ45538PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ambrose, A4938PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He died on the 6th of July 1903 in Pretoria.
Ames, J3015PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Anderson, C5792Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. He received a Slight Wound at Klipbank, on the 10th of May 1902.
Anderson, GSurgeonCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854, Order of the Medjidie (5th Class). Died 30th December 1888.
Anderson, H4427PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Anderson, P6399PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Anderson, R3117PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Anderson, S1481PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Andrews, A2046PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Andrews, TW5074PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Andrews, TW533771PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Andrews, W74PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Andrews, WJ1389PrivateCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Inkerman, Sevastopol; Later he became a Saddler Sergeant. Indian Mutiny Medal clasp: Central India, Long Service and Good Conduct medal.
Anson, C4367PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Appleton, J1807PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Appleton, P3297SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ardis, JA4934PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Arle, C4537PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Armour, J4690PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal. Invalided to England.
Armour, P4342PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided to England.
Armstrong, C2851PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Armstrong, J1048PrivateEnlisted: November/December 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasp: Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. At General Hospital, Varna: 1st September 1854.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Armstrong, J3143PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. From 3rd Hussars. Slight Wound, Pivaanspoort, 20 Jul 01. To Army Reserve.
Arneill, E4680PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Arnold, L4802PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Ash, A3560PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Slight Wound, Kolfontein, 13 Jul 01. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Ashbrook, T4839PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged by purchase.
Ashbury, J3261PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5724.
Ashby, W4597SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Ashby, W45439Squadron Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18.
Asher, H3196Staff Sergeant FarrierSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Asher, HW4160PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve. Also S.A.C. No. 1920 (A Div.).
Asher, JH13934Staff Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18.
Ashley, W4597PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. Transferred to A Div. S.A.C. (No. 1920).
Ashplant, J2503PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ashworth, JJ5836PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. Discharge by purchase.
Ashworth, N24351PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ashworth, N3927PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5750. To Army Reserve.
Askwith, A37278PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Aspell, W533837PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Astill, W1703PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Aston, LO1880PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Atkin, A4803PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Atkinson, H1857PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Atkinson-Willes, GASecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Austin, F1843PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Avery, H5322PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ayers, JH11962PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ayers, T3448PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Missing in action. Pretoria, 2 August 1900. Released.
Ayling, A2349PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Aylott, JH3503CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Aylott, WG13496SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Ayres, J3215PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bachelor, E3562PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. From the 11th Hussars.
Bailey, CHW5059PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bailey, J1475PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bailey, J4873PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bailey, S1226PrivateEnlisted: 1854. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. Did not embark for the Crimea.
Bailey, TC6508PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Baily, H3745PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5751. To Army Reserve.
Baines, R14063PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Baker, CE6398PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Baker, J1511PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Baker, J16168PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Baker, R4988PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Later serving in 15th Hussars No. 4457.
Balding, AC5732PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Baldwin, JEASecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Bale, F6242PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Balfe, JM37296PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ball, AH6535TrumpeterThe Great War 1914-18.
Ball, CF39989PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ball, J4714PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. He was killed in action, nr Welcomefontein, on the 13th of January 1902.
Ball, LA3968PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Ballantine, A1639PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ballard, JA2842PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State South Africa 1901. From 3rd Hussars, served with Remounts.
Ballingall, A3492PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Balls, J3444PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Paardeberg, Driefontein, Johannesburg, Cape Colony. He was killed in action on the 13th of January 1902 at Welcomefontein.
Bancroft, AL6399PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Banks, AV4556Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Embarked 02 Jun 1902.
Bannon, C1626PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Barber, E5039PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barber, JW4876PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barfield, R1522PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Barker, A5428PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Barker, FWI532654PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Barker, G3196PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Barnes, AJ2199PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Barnes, G1424PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Barnes, H1964PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Barnes, J5204PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Discharged as incorrigible & worthless.
Barnes, W4752PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal. Deserted.
Barnett, A1334PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Barnett, C18274PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Barnett, E4425PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901. The medal was returned on the 18th of December 1912.
Barnett, J1394PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Barnett, W1201PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Barns, TA3657Staff Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18.
Barratt, C1032PrivateEnlisted: 12th November 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: no clasps awarded. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. At Varna: 1st September. Died: 29th June 1855.
Barrett, E3105SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barrow, E1469Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bateman, C759Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bates, W1772PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Barry, J1144PrivateEnlisted: 26th July 1850. Crimean War, 1854-56 – clasps awarded: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol. Killed in the Charge: 25th October 1854.
Barry, JRS4977PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barry, R5050PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barter, J1085PrivateEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. To Scutari: 19th December 1854. In Hospital: April to June 1855. Trumpeter, Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Bartley, W4692PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Barton, ER532664PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Barton, J13386PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bartram, J39188PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Basford, A1808PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Basnett, J4954PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bass, AC27918PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bates, J5269PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. To Army Reserve.
Battrick, F3381Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Died of disease – enteric fever 13 Feb 1902. Place: Charlestown
Baverstock, RW27236PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 30th of March 1918.
Bawcutt, E2551PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. From 3rd Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Baxter, HE36578PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bayley, H5809PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Baynes, FA4984PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged by purchase.
Beadon, J3814PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Beard, WH533839PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Beardwood, JA39574PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 21st of February 1919, aged 28.
Beattie, F24799PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Beattie, W6250PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Beatty, C533889CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Beazley, WR5120Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

The Great War 1914-18. Promoted to Corporal. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. Attached from the 4th Hussars. With the Buckinghamshire Yeomanry. Promoted to Sergeant. He died on the 12th of June 1918, aged 40.
Becket, J585PrivateEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 15th April 1854.
Beckett, B766PrivateEnlisted: 1842. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. Did not embark for the Crimea.
Bedell, T39976PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bedworth, T1643PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Beer, WC2292PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Behan, D6024PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bell, A3668PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bell, A533965PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bell, CJ533813PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bell, F4556PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bell, F45435PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bell, J1833PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bell, J1953Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bell, J4176PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Missing in action. Bloemfontein, 28 April 1900. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bell, R4923PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged for misconduct.
Bell, W1334PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bell, W4176PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Missing, Bloemfontein, 28 Apr 1900.
Bell, W5971PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Bellett, E2295SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Beminster, R1787PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Benbow, G845Troop Sergeant MajorAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bence, W4549PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bendall, SS41393PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bendell, JC3873PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Benford, W1701PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bennett, C7803PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bennett, CH532698PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bennett, D4000PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bennett, HJ6745PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bennett, J4586PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bennett, R6539PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bennett, W2030PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bennett, W2739PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 3rd Hussars.
Bentley, H3529PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Bentley, LW532680PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Benton, W2811PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Beresford, AE3485PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Berry, CO32S/16PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914/15 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. From Army Service Corps. He died on the 28th of October 1918.
Berry, E1727PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Berry, G3335PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Berry, J1682PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Berry, W1868PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Berwick, G—-PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Best, W533907PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Betts, AA3664PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bevan, E4892PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bevan, S14348PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Beven, J1060PrivateEnlisted: 1849. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol. Wounded and taken prisoner in the Charge: 25th October 1854. Sustained contusion of the skull and slit ear. Turkish medal. Died 11th May 1892, Dunedin.
Bevil, J723PrivateEnlisted: 1841. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Bewley, GS10641PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bicknell, G35243PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Biddle, JMLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Delhi.
Billane, J3984PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. The Great War 1914-18. Promoted to Farrier Quarter Master Sergeant.
Billings, J13320PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. He died on the 30th of March 1918, aged 25.
Binns, J3715PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Served the 4th Remounts.

The Great War 1914-18.
Bintliffe, H4712PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Slightly wounded. Near Welcomefontein, 13 January 1902. Invalided to England.
Bird, FA5118PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Died of disease, Heilbron, 04 Feb 1902.
Bird, GW532743PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bird, JE4200Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Bird, W1209PrivateEnlisted: 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. At General Hospital Varna: June to September 1854. Wounded and taken prisoner in the Charge: 25th October 1854. Horse shot. Released by the Russians: 23rd October 1855. Turkish medal, Long Service and Good Conduct medal. Died March 1912, Dunmow, Essex.
Bird, W2285PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Birkbeck, GW13394PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Birtles, J1080PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Birtwistle, R5589Acting SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Bishop, CW532752PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bishop, H13180PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bishop, JH2877PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. Transferred to A Div. S.A.C. (No. 1925).
Bishop, R3750PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Bishop, T7493Corporal Saddletree MakerThe Great War 1914-18.
Bittlestone, E2585PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From 3rd Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Black, G22846PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Black, J2862PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 3rd Hussars.
Black, T21090PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Blackborough, AJ13077PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Blackburn, P4295PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Blackburn, TH6059PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Blackburn, W1251PrivateEnlisted: 1854. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: no clasps awarded. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. To Scutari: 1st September 1854. From Scutari: 11th May 1855. To Scutari: 19th December 1855.
Blackett, HE11602Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914/15 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He was killed in action on the 22nd of March 1918, aged 33.
Blackhouse, H2850PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Blackmore, RC532563PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Blades, J395PrivateEnlisted c.1832. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. At Scutari: 1st October to 23rd December 1854.
Blake, T1804PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 5th of December 1917, aged 25.
Blakesley, HR3235PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Bland, R13363PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bland, W13772PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Blood, W1247PrivateEnlisted 1854. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 15th April 1854. At Varna: October 1854. At Scutari: November to 25th of December 1854. His name is not on the medal roll.
Bloom, D2501PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Blowes, J3793PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Blowes, T3352PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Blunden, T30PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Blundy, HP4950PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided.
Boddy, W7590PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bodel, J4496PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Invalided.
Bole, J1125PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bole, P345PrivateEnlisted 1831. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. Did not embark for the Crimea.
Bolding, A2677PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 3rd Hussars.
Bolger, J1292PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bolt, B1990PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bolton, C1938PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bolton, CC4534Sergeant FarrierSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Bomford, JH3370PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. From 11th Hussars. Transferred to S.A.C.
Bond, E24684PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bond, R13768PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bond, W1432PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bonner, W15934PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Boocock, E1541PrivateEnlisted 11th December 1854. Crimean War, 1854-56. Invalided to Scutari: 11th July 1855. His name is not on the medal roll.
Books, W4PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Boon, H3882PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Booth, C1521PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Booth, W1350PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Boothby, A4838PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Borrett, AB4299PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Boston, S4643PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Died 05 Jun 1903 Place: Pretoria.
Botterill, A8117SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Bourne, J5845PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902.
Bovill, J1833PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bowen, G965PrivateEnlisted 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 12th April 1854.
Bowen, H3296PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 15th Hussars. Invalided. To Army Reserve.
Bowen, W933PrivateEnlisted 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854. On Letter-Party Duty: April to June 1855.
Bower, J1267PrivateEnlisted: 1854. Provost Private: 1st to 18th April 1854. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. Did not embark for the Crimea. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Bower, R828CorporalEnlisted: c. 1843. Recruiting in London from 3rd April 1854. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854.
Bowes, G3844CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Promoted to Sergeant.
Bowler, M22PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bowling, E2919PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. From 3rd Hussars. Invalided.
Box, G5965PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Died 28 Nov 1902 Place: Pretoria.
Box, J1074Saddler SergeantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Boyce, J1715PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Boyd, A5038PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Boyd, J5839Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Boyd, R864PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Boylan, A7521PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Boyle, BA2562PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Boyle, J3385PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Boyle, J5015PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Boyle, T532596PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bradburn, WE13319Acting CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Bradford, J5115PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Killed in action, nr Welcomefontein, 13 Jan 1902. Medal returned 18 Dec 1912.
Bradley, J1446PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bradley, W958PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Bradley, WS35016PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bradshaw, W4718PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bradshaw, WK37291PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brady, F2675PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Brady, J4213PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Returned & Forfeited on the 21st of July 1905.
Brady, J533825PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brady, P3457PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bragg, GR1961PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Braine, F6144PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brand, C2075Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Brand, JJ1577Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Brannagan, G5837PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Branston, AE533790PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brant, E5323PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brassey, J5085PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901.
Braud, W3748SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Bray, F511PrivateEnlisted: 1837/38. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Dangerously wounded in the Charge: 25th October 1854. Died of wounds at Scutari: 26th October 1854.
Bray, J7525PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brazier, GC8770PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Breedon, W12496PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brennan, C4442PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. The Great War 1914-18.
Brennan, D3383PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Brennan, J889PrivateEnlisted: March 1845. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854.
Brennan, J533755PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brennan, M852PrivateEnlisted: 6th January 1844. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Killed in the Charge: 25th October 1854.
Brennan, M532868PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brennan, P8368PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brennan, T532651PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brennan, W3983PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brett, A4966PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brett, M533836PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brett, W29142PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brian, J2314PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bridgens, RJ6490SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Bridgman, AE3356PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Brien, F3435PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brien, G4795PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brien, W572SergeantEnlisted: April 1838. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. Reduced to Private by Regimental Court Martial: 5th of December 1854. Does not appear on the Medal Roll.
Briggs, G1819PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bright, C3242PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve 11 Jun 1902.
Bright, W2790PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brightman, J5285PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brimelow, W35001PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brimmel, W5743PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. To Army Reserve.
Brindle, E6631Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Brinton, CE24632PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Britton, P5319PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Broadbent, ERMajorThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. Attached to 36th Divisional Headquarters. He on the 31st of October 1918, aged 41.
Broadhurst, W4833PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided.
Brockwell, A2486Farrier Quartermaster SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brogan, J532605PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bromell, J533999PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bromley, T1689PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Browning, H2033CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Browning, J1470Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Brooker, A79PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brooker, S2937PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brookes, J3863PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5773. To Army Reserve.
Broomfield, F11135PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Broomfield, W1045PrivateEnlisted: November/December 1847. Reduced from Paymaster’s Clerk to Private: 18th April 1854. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India. He was promoted to Troop Sergeant Major.
Brophy, JE4439Shoeing SmithSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belmont, Modder River, Wittebergen, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Broughall, J4117PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901.
Broughton, W1612PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brown, A45323SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, A33251PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, A5619PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, F4791PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, FE35140PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, FT2310PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Brown, G56PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brown, G1300PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brown, H5758PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa South Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. In South Africa from the 4th of January 1902 until the 6th of August 1902.
Brown HC5075PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, J887PrivateEnlisted: 13th March 1845. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. At Varna: June to September 1854. From Scutari: 3rd October 1854. Wounded in both hands in the Charge: 25th October 1854. died of wounds at Scutari: 17th December 1854.
Brown, J1773PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brown, J80PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brown, J3600PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Brown, J3841PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. Died of disease on 18 May 1900 Place: Bloemfontein.
Brown, J533802PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, JW5727PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Brown, P534003PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, PE13351PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, PJ532671PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, R4643PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, RL4361PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, S92PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brown, T16652PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, W1789PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Brown, W1840PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brown, W3772PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5754.
Brown, W4980PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Medal Forfeit, Discharged with ignominy.
Brown, W5036PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Brown, W3741PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Brown, W4553PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Died of disease on 22 Jun 1900 Place: Bloemfontein.
Brown, WA533681PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Browne, AR5619SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Browne, J5845PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Bruce, G1673CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Brunton, J4326PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Died of melancholia on 21 Apr 1901 Place: Pietermaritzburg.
Brutton, JCLieutenantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Also served with 24th Coy. Imperial Yeomanry.
Bryant, E2721PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Bryant, WH1367PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bryson, J820SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Buck, AR5120Lance SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 10th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 6224.
Buck, RB35431PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Buck, T1863PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Buckley, T3465SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
BuddhoPrivate ServantThe Great War 1914-18.
Buckley, W1614PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bulcock, F4054Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bull, R8358PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bull, T879PrivateEnlisted: May/June 1845. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. Died at Scutari: 30th September 1854.
Bull, WC5802PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Bullen, CH5165PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Died of disease – enteric fever, Charlestown, 24 Jan 1902.
Bullick, J2PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bunce, F93CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bunn, WJ8247PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burbridge, A2466PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Burbridge, P13373PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burchnell, JH3731PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burden, EW16182PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burdett, H5956Squadron Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18.
Burgar, J4538TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burgess, E35256PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burke, HPMajorAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal. Killed in action.
Burke, T691PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burley, H1760PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Burling, B1692PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Burnes, D1328PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Burnes, O4036PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Invalided.
Burness, A1981PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Burnham, W6197PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burns, H4585PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Burns, J2949PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. From 15th Hussars.
Burns, JF2933Squadron Sergeant MajorSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded The Distinguished Conduct Medal for actions at Nondweni, 28 Jul 1901. [DCM LG: 27 September 1901, page: 6305.] [MID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5929.]
Burns-Lindow, IWCaptainSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Dangerously wounded. Olifant’s Nek, 3 December 1900. Invalided.
Burnside, A2966Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To England: 26th of March 1902. Medal Returned: 18th December 1912.
Burrell, R2327Saddler SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burridge, P13373PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burroughs, FW16059PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burrow, HL4738PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burrows, H1406PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Burrows, J2998PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burt, F2980PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Burt, HG14310PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burton, CEC3293PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Burton, B4551Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Burton, J1878PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bury, A533700PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Bush, GW3405PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Transvaal. From 15th Hussars.
Bush, W1751SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Bussell, TJ4686PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Bussey, W1525PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Butcher, J3054PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Butcher, J3546PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Butcher, WH4905PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Butler, F1975PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Butler, FE24696PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Butler, HE4906PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged by purchase.
Butler, JWSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Butt, E1802PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Butterworth, J1169CorporalEnlisted: January/February 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. On Lord Raglan’s Staff: April to June 1855. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Burke, M360PrivateEnlisted: c. 1831. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Medora’; 27th April 1854. At Scutari: October to December 1854. Does not appear on the Medal Roll.
Burrows, H1486PrivateEnlisted: 8th December 1854. Crimean War, 1854-56. Invalided to Scutari: 7th September 1855. Does not appear on the Medal Roll.
Burton, C3359PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Buxton, A271PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Buxton, T3114PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Byford, P3933CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, D533993PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, H8252PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 3rd of January 1918.
Byrne, J925PrivateEnlisted: March 1846. Died at Yenibazar: 16th August 1854.
Byrne, J1029PrivateEnlisted: 1847. Crimean War, 1854-56 – clasps awarded: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Byrne, J1593PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Byrne, J3439PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Byrne, J3533PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. No medal was awarded. Forfeited.
Byrne, J5049PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Died 05 Jun 1903 Place: Pretoria.
Byrne, J6749PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, J533879PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, J2688PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, J532538PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, J532606PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, JW533625CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, M4069PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Byrne, M4229PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. He was invalided to England on the 8th of July 1901.
Byrne, P4519PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Byrne, T1033PrivateEnlisted: 12th November 1847. Died at Yenibazar: 17th August 1854.
Byrne, W533625CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrne, W6223Shoeing SmithThe Great War 1914-18.
Byrnes, R4135PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided.
Caffrey, R1035PrivateEnlisted: November 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasp: Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Emperor’; April 1854. At Varna: 1st September 1854. Batman to Lieutenant the Hon. Somerset Calthorpe and on the staff of Lord Raglan.
Callaghan, P4187PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Calthorpe, SJGLieutenantCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Aide-de-camp to Lord Raglan. Turkish medal, Order of the Medjidie (5th class), C.B. [1905] and K.C.B. [1908], Legion of Honour (5th class).
Cameron, B3858PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars.
Cameron, J1267PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cameron, J3674PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. He was wounded at Grootfontein on the 28th of April 1900. Invalided.
Cammell, D904Hospital-SergeantCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol. Troop Sergeant Major, Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Cammell, E696PrivateEnlisted: 12th February 1841. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854. From Scutari: 14th December 1854. Died: 18th/19th June 1855, before Sebastopol.
Camp, H1946PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Campbell, CHCaptainSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State.
Campbell, H1758PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Campbell, J1851PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Campbell, M907PrivateEnlisted: 1845/46. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Campbell, P595PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Campbell, W4728PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cane, C1909PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cane, J1366PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cane, P1820PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Canniff, D1276PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Canty, E1863PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Canty, T4869PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Caplin, H1963PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Capps, J924PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Caradini, F2nd Lieutenant & AdjutantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Card, J36PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Carey, J954PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Carey, M1421Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Carey, M1429PrivateEnlisted: 1854. Promoted to Corporal: 10th April 1855. Joined the Regiment from England: 29th April 1855.
Carlan, J5838PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Carlan, J31791PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carlick, CE3411Lance SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Carne, WJ18059PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carnegie, WMS4856PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

The Great War 1914-18.
Carney, J533935PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carney, JJ2796PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carpenter, W1960PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Carr, D2617PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carr, J4202PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carr, W839PrivateEnlisted: 1842/43. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. Did not embark for the Crimea.
Carr, W4489PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Deserted. Medal returned: 18th of December 1912.
Carroll, C8147PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carroll, D751SergeantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Carroll, H2802PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Carroll, HE6916Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Carroll, J7563PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carroll, JC13778PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carroll, M3583PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Carroll, MJ6378PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carroll, T4290PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Medals forfeited, and returned on the 2nd of September 1904.
Carruthers, W132Armourer SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Carry, WJ4140PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Carson, WJ4529PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. Sent to England for discharge.
Carter, H18106PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914/15 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 9th of August 1918.
Carter, J1488PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Carter, J2083PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cartwright, J1501PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Casey, J1464PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cassidy, C533865PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cassidy, JJ3030PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. To Army Reserve.
Casson, H4003PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Cape Colony. Deserted: 14th of September 1900. The medal was returned on the 18th of December 1912.
Catherwood, H7031PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Catt, C8247SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Caulfield, W3711PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cavan, E4674PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cave, W1025PrivateEnlisted: 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Chadwick, J993CorporalEnlisted: 1846/47. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854.
Challinor, F4250CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Promoted to Sergeant.
Chalmers, J1264PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Chamberlain, A3359PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars.
Chambers, C1530Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Chambers, W2337PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Champion, E1368CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Champion, J1194PrivateBiography

Enlisted: 17th September 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. At Scutari: 1st October 1854. Promoted to Corporal: 15th December 1854, Sergeant: 1st April 1855, Regimental Sergeant-Major: 1st October 1858.

He was awarded the Victoria Cross in the Indian Mutiny campaign at Beejapore on 8th September 1858 and was decorated with it in India in January 1861.

You can read the citation here.

Indian Mutiny Medal (clasp for Central India), Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal and the Empress of India Medal, which was given in 1877, after he had left the Army.

He died on the 4th of May 1904.
Champion, R3382SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. [MID LG: 29 July 1902, page: 4838.]. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Champkin, W5324PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Chandler, E6147PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Chandler, HJ533814PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Chandler, J1307PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Chaplin, JWEnsignBiography

John Chaplin was 20 years old, and an ensign in the 67th Regiment of Foot, during the Second China War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.

On 21 August 1860 at the Taku Forts, China, Ensign Chaplin was carrying the Queen’s Colours of the Regiment and first planted the Colours on the breach made by the storming party, assisted by a private. He then planted the Colours on the bastion of the fort which he was the first to mount, but in doing so he was severely wounded.

He was born on 23rd July 1840 in Ewhurst Park, Hampshire. After serving in the infantry he was given command of the 8th Hussars in 1879 until 1881. He was awarded the Afghanistan Medal and retired as a Colonel.

He died at the age of 80 in Market Harborough, Leicestershire, on 19th August 1920.
Chapman, A4871Squadron Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18.
Chapman, C4561PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Chapman, GE4916PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901.
Chapman, HJ14425PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Chapman, J105PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Chapman, J1249PrivateEnlisted: February 1854. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol. Camp Hospital: June 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Chapman, R1182PrivateEnlisted: 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Promoted to Corporal: 28th November 1854. Reduced to Private: 9th January 1855. Promoted to Corporal. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Chapman, W1172PrivateEnlisted: 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: no clasps awarded. From Scutari: 9th November 1854. Invalided to Scutari: 26th April 1855.
Charlton, AV8160PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Charr, A3063Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Cape Colony. From the 15th Hussars. Invalided.
Chatteris, G5811PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Chatterton, J34PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cheeseman, W6560Regimental Sergeant MajorThe Great War 1914-18.
Cheshire, H1201PrivateEnlisted: 18th November 1851. 1854. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol. Sick: April to May 1854. Severely wounded in the Charge: 25th October 1854. To Malta: 15th December 1854. Invalided to England: 1855. Died: 24th February 1912.
Chesman, G1203PrivateEnlisted: November 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. Awarded punishment of 50 lashes: 4th May 1854.
Chesters, P4109PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Chetwode, GCaptainBiography

Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854, Commanded Lord Raglan’s escort until his Lordship’s death.

Embarked at Cork in the H.T. Great Britain for India; October 1857, Order of the Medjidie (5th class), Turkish medal, Indian Mutiny Medal clasp: Central India.

Served as a Major during the Indian mutiny in Rajputana and Central India, 1858-59. Wounded at the battle of Sindwaho and mentioned several times in dispatches.
Childs, R13258PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Chillman, E77CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Chilvers, FT3771CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Chipp, H1755PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Chipperfield, T5020PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Invalided.
Chirnside, PEFLieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Chismon, EB533829PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Chote, A3588PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State.
Christie, P1468PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Christy, E2nd LieutenantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal. Killed in action in 1880.
Chubb, F4413PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Killed in action. Place: Geluk, on the 13th of October 1900.
Churm, AC2653PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Claffery, P344PrivateEnlisted: 1831. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. He did not embark for the Crimea.
Clancy, J79244PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clare, SC14470PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914/15 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 8th of April 1918.
Clark, A8107PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clark, A21048PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clark, AE4135PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clark, F4412PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clark, FG2436PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Clark, G3367Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Clark, W13252PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clarke1196PrivateEnlisted: 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854. At Scutari: 10th to 14th December 1854.
Clarke, A13165PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clarke, A8107PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clarke, AE4135PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clarke, B1643PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Clarke, C3060PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. From the 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Clarke, G3580PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Clarke, J1414FarrierAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Clarke, J1775Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Clarke, J808Troop Sergeant MajorAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Clarke, J1952Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Clarke, LB3166PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Clarke, M453Troop Sergeant-MajorCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. Slightly wounded in the Charge. Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, Turkish medal.
Clarke, MCornetIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Clarke, S24154PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clay, J1556PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Clayton, E4820PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To the 15th Hussars in India.
Cleary, E6759PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cleary, J5687PrivateDied 10 Mar 1903 Place: Pretoria.
Clement, J1189PrivateEnlisted: 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854. Severely wounded in the Charge: 25th October 1854. Promoted to Corporal: 7th February 1855.
Clements, AE2662CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. From the 4th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Clements, FJ6348SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Clery, J3515PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Clifford, C10503PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clifford, FC11157PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clifford, GGJSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Clifton, CE22844PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clifton, HJ10616PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clince, M534002PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clough, P3775PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Clowes, GGCornetBiography

Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Clowes was wounded by grape round in the Charge and his horse was killed.

He was taken by Russian lancers but later found himself free again. However, he was too weak from loss of blood to make his way back and after the battle, he was made prisoner.

He served as a Captain in the Indian Mutiny of 1858-59, clasp: Central India, and was mentioned in dispatches.

He later served in the Warwickshire Yeomanry.
Clowes, PLLieutenant ColonelCommissioned in 1875, Lieutenant Colonel, 1897. He commanded the 8th Hussars from 1897 to October 1901. Staff service: ADC to Commander in Chief, Bombay, 1890-91. War Service: Afghan War, 1879-80; Boer War, 1899-1900. Slightly wounded. Geluk, 13 October 1900. [MID LG: 16 April 1901, page: 2605.]
Clowes, WPSecond LieutenantBiography

The Great War 1914-18. On joining the 10th Reserve Cavalry Regiment in the Curragh Ireland (which fed remount replacements into the 4th and 8th Hussars), his first military action was to contain civil unrest at the time of the Irish uprising.

In 1916 Lt Clowes was deployed to France to the Regiment. He took part in the Somme offensive and charged with the Regiment in its last major cavalry charge against a German position in the village of Villers-Faucan in March 1917.

He died on Friday 30th March 1918.
Clutterbuck, DHLieutenantCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’ for the Crimea: 15th May 1854. Slightly wounded in the charge, with a shell fragment in the right foot.
Clyne, M4490PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coakley, EJ1827PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Coates, J1824PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Coates, PH14199PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coates, WH1939PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cobb, TH3504PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Cobbett, E1695Lance SergeantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cochrane, J1586PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cockayne, W1448SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cockburn, J532406PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cockley, F4365PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5791. Invalided.
Cockrane, J1462PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cocks, F14432PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Codd, J2771PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Codling, H3633PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cody, J2752PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cody, P1419PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Coe, W3098PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. From the 15th Hussars. Invalided. To Army Reserve.
Coffee, M3324PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coffey, M3324PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cohen, A5747PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Cole, F2578PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. From the 15th Hussars.
Cole, GD1405PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cole, H3632PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars.
Coleman, J1375PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Coleman, P3484PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. No medal was awarded. He was convicted of stealing and sent to England as a prisoner.
Coles, A3210PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. From 15th Hussars. Wounded, Donkerhoek, 10 May 1900. Died 22 Jun 1900.
Coles, CJ5133PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Coles, J114PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Coles, T4552PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Coles, W3596PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Collard, W4631PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Collier, A1612PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Collier, W5019PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

The Great War 1914-18. Promoted to Lance Corporal.
Collinge, HS34657PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Collins, AE2287PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Collins, F14317PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Collins, G42SergeantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Collins, H5829PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Collins, J1825PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Collins, J43CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Collins, J1461PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Collins, J4711PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. Invalided to England.
Collins, P3746PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Collins, R13933PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died from his wounds on the 31st of March 1918, aged 29.
Collins, W6557SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Collins, W4044PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Colthurst, E4960PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: South Africa 1901. Invalided to England.
Colthurst, E21447PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coltman, T4765PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Colvin, H2919Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Compton, R2100PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Conneally, M4498PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

The Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died from his wounds on the 6th of November 1914, aged 38.
Connell, T901PrivateEnlisted: 4th July 1845. Died on board the H.T. ‘Himalaya’: 13th September 1854.
Connisbee, E3759PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Connolly, A835PrivateEnlisted: 1843/1844. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Connolly, F9246PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Connolly, J1822PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Connolly, T5830PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. The Great War 1914-18.
Connor, J2860PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Connor, J3108PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Connor, J667SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Connor, R4834PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal.
Connor, T532810PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Connors, B3848PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Conrad, J5723CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Conrad, J13040PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Conroy, J4034CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. He was wounded at Kaalfontein on the 12th of January 1901 and subsequently died two days later.
Conroy80298PrivateIndia 1920. Died on the 5th of April 1920, aged 18.
Conway, JA2642PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Conway, T3513PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. Invalided. To Army Reserve.
Conyers, CM5826PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Coogan, P1898TrumpeterIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cook, AW4997PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Forfeited Medal, Deserted.
Cook, CH7234PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cook, F2958PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. From the 15th Hussars. Invalided.
Cook, FE5051PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cook, GB3880SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. The Great War 1914-18. Promoted to Staff Sergeant Major.
Cook, H4567PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Cook, J1350PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cook, J22226PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cook, T532329PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cook, W3670PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cook, WR56127Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Cooke, A2226PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cooke, G923SergeantEnlisted: March 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol. Reduced to Private on 6th December 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Cooke, G1439PrivateEnlisted: 10th October 1854. Died in Camp: 29th September 1855.
Cooke, G1505PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cooke, G1675CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cooke, H1822PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cooke, J66PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cookes, J3227PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cookson, FSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Cooley, D6195PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coomber, A3510PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. He received a slight wound at Wakkerstroom on the 29th of June 1901. To Army Reserve.
Coombs, J15935PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cooney, T533872PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coope, E1870PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cooper, E1852PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cooper, E3406PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. From 11th Hussars. Invalided.
Cooper, F5131PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Cooper, G45464PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cooper, J5008PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Died of enteric fever, Charlestown, 17 Feb 1902.
Cooper, R4369PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Cooper, R231192PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cooper, W3809SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cooper, WH16318PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coote, EEPaymasterAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Copas, E1244PrivateTransferred from 1st Royal Dragoons: 1853/54.

Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’ for the Crimea: 2nd May 1854. He was promoted to Corporal.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Copp, O84PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Corbett, ATG2766PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Corbett, D4976PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged.
Corbett, E45406SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Corder, W3672PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. 8th Hrs No. 5746. Wounded, Vlatsfontein, 03 May 1902.
Core, F1738PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Corke, JJ16191PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cornwall, W3197PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. From 3rd Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Cosgrove, P930PrivateEnlisted: April 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’ for the Crimea: 25th April 1854. To Scutari: 16th September 1854. From Scutari: 2nd April 1855.

Awarded 50 lashes by Court Martial on the 17th of April 1855.
Coss, J3648PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cotter, E3322PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cotton, C3090PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 15th Hussars. Missing in action – re-joined, Haasfontein, 01 Feb 1901.
Cotton, C6873PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Couch, A5816PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coulson, CL532678PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coulson, NSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Coulson, T13545PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Coulter, S4338PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Counsell, E6744PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Courcon, P3258SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State.
Court, E3259PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cousins, G4608PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cousins, J1369PrivateEnlisted: 17th July 1854. Crimean War, 1854-56. Invalided to Scutari: 24th August 1855. His name does not appear on the medal roll.
Cousins, J1393PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cousins, J3388PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cowan, A5815PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Cowan, J4696PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901.
Cowling, J82145PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cox, A3699PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Wounded, Kareefontein, 22 Apr 1902. Invalided.
Cox, B532580PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cox, E5815PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cox, F10001PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 30th of March 1918, aged 24.
Cox, GSG35840PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cox, GW533782PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cox, HC5122PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. No medal was issued. Deserted.
Cox, J18899CorporalThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 22nd of March 1918.
Cox, J1080PrivateEnlisted: 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854.
Cox, J1752PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cox, J4864PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Invalided.
Cox, J5032PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cox, T96PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Cracknell, WH2761PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Cramp, HJ5767PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Cratchley, T1420PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Craven, D1893PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Crawford, A5023PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Crawford, A32717PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crawford, J1809PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Crawford, W741Shoeing SmithThe Great War 1914-18.
Crean, V532475PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Creed, M971PrivateEnlisted: 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. Promoted to Corporal.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Crees, RJ3530Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Creeth, J532415PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Creevey, C532564PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cressey, F3168CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. 3 Remount Company.
Creswell, G180PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Cribbes, G1308PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Crisp, AE26776PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crisp, F788PrivateEnlisted: 18th November 1842. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Appointed Orderly Room Clerk: 28th February 1855. Died in Camp Hospital: 29th June 1855.
Crisp, F2619PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Critchley, J4912PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Transvaal. Deserted 22 Aug 1903.
Crockett, AG4983PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Crockett, F27279PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crofton, AMCaptainAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Crofts, W1077PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Croke, J11963PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cronin, B532371PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cronk, F6610PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. Attached to the R.H. Gds. He died on the 21st of November 1916.
Crook, H6251PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crooks, R11PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cross, AA2649PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. From the 15th Hussars. Served with Remounts.
Cross, G3251CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 3rd Hussars.
Cross, G3528PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. South Africa 17 Feb 1900 – 11 Feb 1902.
Cross, JC2047PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Crossley, W7032PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crouch, JE24469PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crouch, T2898PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Croucher, J1145PrivateEnlisted: November 1850. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Christian name was given as Charles on the Medal Roll. Promoted to Sergeant. Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Crow, J577PrivateEnlisted: April 1838. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854.
Crow, W3027PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 3rd Hussars. Prisoner – released, near Verde, 13 Jul 1901.
Crowhurst, G5268PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Crowley, M77838PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crowley, P24624PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Crowsley, CA2790SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Crump, W1604PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cruse, CH3971PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cruse, W3797TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Killed in action 22 Apr 1900 Place: Winburg Near Kareefontein.
Cullemore, TH16056PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cullen, E7568PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cullen, WB4243PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged by purchase.
Cullimore, TH16056PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Culliver, J1855CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cumberland, J1269PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cummings, M1386PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cummins, G4210PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cummins, JG4091Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901.
Cummins, L1832PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Cumper, J1964PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died from his wounds on the 21st of December 1914, aged 27.
Cundy, J1784PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Cunningham, G3975PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Cunningham, SM2739Lance SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. From the 15th Hussars. Invalided. To Army Reserve.
Cunningham, T3413PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cunniffe, D1276PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Curell, ALieutenant ColonelLt Col Andrew Currell served with the 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars in both the South African and 1914-18 Wars.

He eventually obtained Command of the Regiment in 1924 until his retirement in 1928.
Curran, J533833PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Curteine, T987PrivateEnlisted c. June 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. Turkish medal. Became a Farrier.
Curtis, JH16163PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914/15 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He was killed in action on the 30th of March 1918, aged 28.
Cusick, W35056PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Cutler, D4813PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dafter, R2694PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 3rd Hussars. Medal inscribed to 3rd Hussars.
Dagg, R3477PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dagworthy, J5823Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Daily, J4173PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Medal Forfeited & Returned 13 Jul 1904. The Great War 1914-18.
Dale, S1359PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Daley, J4086PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dalton, C436PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dalton, W1467PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Daly, DWSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Daly, J627TrumpeterEnlisted: January 1839. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’ for the Crimea: 25th April 1854. At Varna: July to December 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Daly, J1005PrivateEnlisted: 6th of February 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854: To Scutari: 3rd November 1854.
Daly, M4/7523PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Daly, T533772PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Dalton, C1136PrivateEnlisted: July/August 1850. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Echunga’; 15th May 1854.
Dalzell, R534004PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Dance, H3639PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Dancey, R3730PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Dancey, W6238CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Daniel, F11142PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Daniels, P5807PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Dann, J589SergeantEnlisted: May 1838. He did not depart for the Crimea.
Darcy, T9366PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Dare, G1287PrivateEnlisted: February/March 1854. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. He did not depart for the Crimea.
Dare, R4514PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Darmody, J532407PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Dart, LJ24297CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Daverson, WL3365PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davey, AE6719BandsmanThe Great War 1914-18.
Davey, E3310PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Davey, GB533832PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davey, HJ533785PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
David, J544SergeantEnlisted: 1838. He did not embark for the Crimea.
Davidson, AL11268PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davidson, JLieutenantBiography

Lieutenant Davidson joined the 8th Hussars in 1875. He served in the Egyptian Expedition of 1882 attached to the 13th Bengal Lancers.

He saw action at Kassassin and Tel el Kebir receiving the Egyptian campaign medal and the Khedive’s Star.

He became the Commanding Officer on the 19th of October 1892.
Davidson, J4841PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Davies, DA5752PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Davies, G1779PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Davies, HTS/996DriverThe Great War 1914-18. Royal Army Service Corps.
Davies, HG532556PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davies, P24412PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davies, PS2175PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davies, W1584PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Davies, WD35202PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davis, E1757TrumpeterAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Davis, E1914PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Davis, F3482PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars.
Davis, G7819PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davis, H2989PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 15th Hussars.
Davis, HG7522PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davis, J544Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Davis, J11161PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Davis, TP2017PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Davis, V4572PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State.
Dawes, C1428PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dawes, CB3415PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. He died on the 22nd of March 1918, aged 34.
Dawes, WJJ5012PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Transvaal. Sent to England for discharge.
Dawn, W1180PrivateEnlisted: 1851. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. To Scutari: 1st September 1854. Rode in the Charge: 25th October 1854. To Scutari: 12th December 1854. Afterwards Troop Sergeant Major.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India. Died: 23rd September 1904.
Dawson, T4209PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Drowned, Buffalo River Sand Spruit, 31 Oct 1901.
Dawson, T532463PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Day, EF532364PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Day, G5057PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
De Courcy, P4163PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
De Courcy, PL5429PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. (Possible match, see above).
De Rengie, H4949PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Deserted 01 Feb 1902. Medal Returned 18 Dec 1912.
De Salis, RMajorCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854, rode in the Charge, Order of the Medjidie (5th class), Knight of the Legion of Honour (5th class), Turkish medal.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Indian Mutiny Medal clasp Central India, Companion of the Order of the Bath [1859]
De Visme, GACaptainAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
De Winton, PLieutenantIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – no clasp.
Deadman, A2826PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 3rd Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Dealey, G8250PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Deare, HFCaptainSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. [MID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5929.].
Deas, GNSecond LieutenantThe Great War 1914-18.
Deed, G1395PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Deegan, T24697PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Deegan, W9387PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Deeks, H5042PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Delahunty, T8767PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Delaney, M2121CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Delaney, T1055PrivateEnlisted: 21st December 1847. Died at Yanibazar: 19th August 1854.
Delehaye, E4599PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Dempsey, W4880PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Denham, J71PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Denton, H1970PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Devan, J1079PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Devereux, J1012CorporalEnlisted: 20th April 1847. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’ for the Crimea: 2nd May 1854. Died at Yenibazar: 27th August 1854.
Deverson, WL3365Lance CorporalThe Great War 1914-18. He died on the 20th of October 1918, aged 29.
Devey, C3787PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5755. Prisoner – rejoined, Frankfort, 06 May 1902.
Dick, H2911PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasp: Transvaal.
Dickens, DM3672PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901.
Dickenson, E4909PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dickerson, F1730PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Dickson, J4182PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dies, J1033PrivateEnlisted: 9th November 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. Killed in the Charge: 25th October 1854.
Dignan, C4785PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dineen, M846PrivateEnlisted: 1846. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. He did not embark for the Crimea.
Dinn, J3967PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Died of disease. Near Kroonstad, 15 May 1900.
Dixon, J48PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dixon, T5789PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Dobbs, J1107PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Dobson, C1122PrivateEnlisted: 19th December 1849. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. Died at Varna: 7th September 1854.
Doggett, W2690PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Dollard, TL4524PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Discharged by purchase.
Dolman, T2932PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Dolan, J24530PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Donaghue, B1088PrivateEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Reverted from Trumpeter to Private: 14th April 1854. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Medora’; 27th April 1854. Re-appointed Trumpeter: 11th December 1854.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Donald, JF73PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Donald, W579CorporalEnlisted 9th April 1838. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Killed in the Charge: 25th of October 1854.
Donaldson, W1296PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Donlon, M4061PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901.
Donn, H3151PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901.
Donnolley, JP3618PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Donoghue, J1064TrumpeterEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Medora’; 27th April 1854, rode in the Charge: 25th October 1854, Horse shot. French War Medal. Donoghue acted as Field Trumpeter to Colonel Shewell at Balaclava.
Donohoe, C5168PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Donovan, J1067PrivateEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Turkish Medal

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal: Central India.
Doolan, P936PrivateEnlisted: March 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Dangerously wounded in the Charge: 25th October 1854. After being wounded, he was picked up by Major de Salis and placed on the Major’s horse. De Salis then led the horse back to the English lines. Died 7th August 1904.
Doolin, MJ533826PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Doolin, W4648PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dooly, J748PrivateEnlisted: January/February 1842. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: no clasps awarded. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. Died at General Hospital, Varna: 2nd August 1854.
Doran, M3472PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal. Deserted 06 Jun 1902. Medal Returned 18 Dec 1912.
Dornan, DH9PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dougan, J4821PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dove, H3479TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Dove, HD3845TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Dow, A2042PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Dow, J2093PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Dowley, J1479Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Downing, A5810PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Downs, G1095PrivateEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Promoted to Corporal.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Downs, GL4915PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Downs, W5797PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Doyle, J1131PrivateEnlisted: 21st February 1850. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Rode in the Charge: 25th October 1854.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Doyle, J4421PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Doyle, P4742PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Doyle, S1030PrivateEnlisted 10th October 1847. Crimean War, 1854-56. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. Died: 31st August 1854.
Doyle, T4783PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Drabble, W840PrivateEnlisted: 23rd December 1843. Crimean War, 1854-56. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’ for the Crimea: 25th April 1854. At Varna: May and June 1854. Died at Yenibazar: 10th August 1854.
Dray, H4573PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dring, D1358PrivateEnlisted: 11th July 1854. Crimean War, 1854-56 Died in Camp: 12th August 1855.
Driscoll, M2976PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901.
Driver, J1948PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Duberly, H PaymasterCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. Turkish medal.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India. Accompanied by his wife Fanny, on both the Crimea and Indian Mutiny campaigns.
Dudgeon, JL2033PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Duff, CESecond LieutenantBiography

Charles Edward Duff, 8th Hussars. Born in 1858 and commissioned in the 8th Hussars in 1878. He was in charge of a 20-man detachment at Dakka Fort in the 2nd Afghan War. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal. Promoted to Lieutenant in 1881, Captain in 1885 and Major in 1893.

He commanded the 1st Scottish Horse and then the 8th Hussars in the Boer War. Present at actions at Houtnek, Zand River, Reit Vlei and Belfast. Also present at Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.

He was wounded at Geluk, on 13 October 1900. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in Nov 1900 and placed on the retired list in 1906. Twice MID [Major MID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5929.] [Lieutenant Colonel MID LG: 29 July 1902, page: 4838.] for the Boer War and awarded the CB.
Duffy, PH/80965Lance SergeantThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He He was attached to The Machine Gun Corps. He died on the 22nd of December 1919, aged 30.
Duggan, AT3376PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State.
Duggan, C3553PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. Discharged, medically unfit.
Dunkley, A1813PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dunn, F4040SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. Injured by fall from horse, nr Heilbron, 29 Jul 1901.
Dunn, G1241PrivateEnlisted: January/February 1854. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. He did not embark for the Crimea.
Dunn, GF1241TrumpeterEnlisted: 1854. Cavalry Depot: 19th April 1854. Joined the Regiment in the Crimea: 1855.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dunn, J529Troop Sergeant MajorIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dunn, J1921PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dunn, J3967PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Died of disease – enteric fever 16 May 1900 Place: Bloemfontein.
Dunn, J4467PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dunn, JW1090TrumpeterEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Severely wounded in the Charge: 25th October 1854. Scutari: 26th October 1854. Later died of wounds.
Dunn, M1112PrivateEnlisted: April 1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Medora’; 27th April 1854. Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dunn, P931PrivateEnlisted: 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for praiseworthy and gallant services throughout the campaign. Promoted to Sergeant.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dunn, R968SergeantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Dunn, T1240CorporalEnlisted: 1854. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Mary Anne’; 19th April 1854. At Scutari: 1st October to 29th December 1854.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Duross, W1081PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Dutton, C32PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dwan, J1079PrivateEnlisted: 1848. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol. Rode in the Charge: 25th October 1854.
Dwyer, T5324PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Dye, T3544SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dyer, A4448PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Diamond Hill, Belfast, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dyer, J431Farrier-SergeantCrimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Became Farrier Sergeant-Major.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Dyer, P4393PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Dyke, CR3140SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. To Army Reserve.
Dyke, J1909PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Dyson, C1478PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Eades, A202PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: no clasp.
Eagles, W5848PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Earl, J4377PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Eastly, H1706Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Eaton, W1786PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Ebbage, E3326SergeantSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Eccles, H4384PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Edden, W1601PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Edes, G1651PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Edge, W975PrivateEnlisted: May/June 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59, clasp: Central India.
Edwards, G3552PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. To Army Reserve.
Edwards, EH6148PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He died on the 19th of July 1916, aged 26.
Edwards, J1362Lance SergeantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Edwards, OC4268PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Invalided.
Edwards, W1859PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Egan, J1245PrivateAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Egan, M957PrivateEnlisted: May 1846. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854.
Egan, P999PrivateEnlisted: May 1846/1847. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Shooting Star’; 25th April 1854. At Varna: May and June 1854. From Scutari: 29th December 1854.

Indian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Egan, T2640PrivateThe Great War 1914-18. Awarded the 1914 Star, British War medal and the Victory medal. He was killed in action on the 19th of January 1916.
Eldridge, L1672Lance CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Elesby, A1782PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Eley, S1755PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Elliott, J1881CorporalAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Ellis, JJ4527PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902. From the 11th Hussars. 8th Hussars No. 5834.
Ellis, P2447PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the 4th Hussars.
Elmore, J4883PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Elmore, J1497PrivateEnlisted: 1854/1855. Promoted to Corporal: 16th May 1855. His name does not appear on the Medal Roll.
Ely, W5259PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1902.
Emerton, J122PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Emery, C1420CorporalIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Ennis, J4166PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Enright, P3993PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ensor, J1342SergeantAfghanistan 1878–1880. Awarded the Afghanistan Medal.
Erswell, E3851PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901. England: 25th of April 1901.
Etheridge. WH4682PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Evans, A26914PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Evans, RS1953SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Evans, W2000PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Evans, WJ6660SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Evans, WW26867PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Eveleigh, HJ21174CorporalThe Great War 1914-18.
Evenden, EP3534InterpreterThe Great War 1914-18.
Evenden, T4699PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Evendon, WP45509SergeantThe Great War 1914-18.
Everett, G3223PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State.
Everett, W3262Lance CorporalSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Everett, W3380PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Invalided.
Eves, EJ3457PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ewan, T4411TrumpeterSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. Awarded King’s South Africa medal – clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902.
Ewart, J1321PrivateIndian Mutiny 1857-59. Awarded the Indian Mutiny medal – clasp: Central India.
Ewens, F793PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Ewing, D1227PrivateEnlisted: July 1852. Crimean War 1854-56. Awarded Crimean War medal. Clasps: Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol; Embarked for the Crimea in the H.T. ‘Wilson Kennedy’; 2nd May 1854. Orderly Room Clerk. Reduced to Private by Regimental Court Martial: 8th October 1854.
Excell, T5249PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901. Invalided.
Excell, TJ1352PrivateThe Great War 1914-18.
Eyke, G3016PrivateSouth Africa 1899-1902. Awarded Queen’s South Africa medal – clasps: Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free State. From the 15th Hussars.
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