On the night of 21-23 March 1918, he was sent with his squadron to relieve the infantry holding the important redoubts on the ridge above Hesbecourt.

This section of the line was very heavily attacked early in the morning of 22 March, and he was severely wounded in the mouth and jaw about 8am, but, though suffering great pain from the damage to his jaw and teeth, together with the loss of blood, he refused to leave his post.

Again, at about 9am, he was shot through the side, but still remained in command of his squadron and held his ground although the line on both sides gave way and 50% of his squadron had become casualties.

In spite of this, this very gallant officer refused to give up command of his squadron, though he knew fully well that he had already done more than seem humanly possible, and that he ought to allow himself to be evacuated to have his wounds dressed.

At 12 noon he was forced to retire, and conducted the retirement in a most efficient manner; while doing so, he was again severely wounded through the leg, and he still refused to leave the trench until all his men had gone, and would allow no one to remain to help him back, though he fully realised that the danger of being captured by the advancing enemy was great, and was determined not to allow any of his men to run the same risk as himself.

His magnificent courage and devotion to duty at an intensely critical time was an inspiring example to all ranks.

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  2. A short history of The 8th Hussars