The Sikh Wars
The two Sikh Wars fought between 1845 and 1849 between the British and the Sikhs led to the annexation of the Punjab by the British East India Company.
The Sikh Wars
The two Sikh Wars fought between 1845 and 1849 between the British and the Sikhs led to the annexation of the Punjab by the British East India Company.
All regiments employed in the operations in the Punjab against the Sikhs …
The 3rd were at the Battle of Goojerat, but one of their own officers rightly accorded the lion’s share of the victory to the massive numerical superiority of artillery.
A battle of the Second Sikh War fought on 13th January 1849.
The Battle of Chillianwallah was fought in the Punjab in the North-West of India …
The 3rd showed great discipline and control in this final battle of the 1st Sikh War.
The 3rd played a magnificent part in this battle against the invading Sikh Army.
The 3rd played a momentous role in this the first battle of the Sikh Wars, earning the nicknames “Moodkee Wallahs” and “The Devil’s Children” from the Sikhs.
In 1845 the regiment served in the First Sikh War at Moodkee, Ferozeshah and Sabraon.