North Africa, 1940-42
The campaign in North Africa opened with the entry of Italy into the war at a time when it appeared that the British and French fortunes were lost. It covered the initial advance of Italian forces into Egypt, and their overwhelming defeat and subsequent rout by the Western Desert Force under Lt-General Sir Richard O’Connor in the winter of 1940-41; the advance and first withdrawal from Agedabia, and the long defence of Tobruk in 1941; the first offensive by the Eighth Army in Operation Crusader in the winter of 1941-42; the second withdrawal from Agedabia, the loss of Tobruk, and the stand on the Alamein Line; the decisive victory at El Alamein in October 1942, the turning point of the war, and the landings in Algeria in that winter by First Army; and the final triumphs in Tripolitania and Tunisia in the spring of 1943.
The Honour is borne on the Guidon of the 8th Hussars.
Discover more about the action behind each battle during the campaign in North Africa.