8390 LCpl BOWSTEAD, J | For gallantry near Berthen on 13th October 1914, in bringing in a wounded officer under heavy fire. |
H/1983 SSM BROWN, J | For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in action. He volunteered to go and find out the situation in ‘no Man’s Land’ at a farm believed to be held by the enemy. He discovered that it was held by our own troops, and at great risk to himself, he managed to stop the firing, thereby saving many casualties. Later, he took out a patrol and brought back valuable information which was urgently required. Throughout the operations, he showed great courage and was eventually wounded. |
4726 SSM HAWGOOD, CB | For gallantry and marked ability consistently displayed in every action in which his regiment has been engaged. |
4923 Sgt HOLMES, FG | For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading a patrol in advance of the infantry. Although under persistent machine-gun fire, he was able to secure the required information. |
7028 Pte INGLE, G | For conspicuous gallantry. During the attack when advancing with his troop, he was badly wounded in the head from shell fire. See his troop leader, Lt Radclyffe, severely wounded and unable to move, he, with the assistance of a Non-Commissioned Officer, procured a wheelbarrow from a farm, and in turn, they wheeled the Officer back to Brigade Headquarters under very heavy shell fire the whole time. On reaching there Pte Ingle collapsed from loss of blood. |
4772 LCpl MIRES, LC | For conspicuous gallantry. When in charge of bombers he remained in a crater under heavy mortar and bomb fire till only he and one other man remained unwounded, and then assisted to remove the wounded. |
5748 Cpl PAGE, AA | For gallantry and ability at Houdeng-Aineries and at St. Christophe-a-Berry. In the action near Hollebeke on 30th October his gallant conduct was again noticeable. |
5390 LCpl PICKLES, P | For conspicuous gallantry and ability on 20th November 1914. when the German infantry had gained some success, and were following this up, LCpl Pickering with only three men, opened a destructive fire on the enemy at 20 yards range and drove them away. |
6678 Pte SHAW, H | For conspicuous good service. Sgt Siddons and Pte Shaw volunteered for and successfully carried out two daring reconnaissances of the enemy’s trenches. They advanced with great skill to within 8 yards of the enemy. |
11352 A/Sgt SIDDONS, J | For conspicuous gallantry. During the attack, when the regiment went forward to replace retiring infantry, with no information about the enemy being forthcoming, Sgt Siddons made his way through very heavy shell fire, gas and retiring infantry up to the first-line trenches, returning with most valuable information as to what was happening in the first line. |
8556 A/Sgt SIDDONS, W | For gallant conduct in the defence of the canal bridge near Hollebeke on 31st October when he carried messages under heavy fire, making a useful reconnaissance en route. Was also brought to notice for good patrol leading on 1st November. |
8556 Sgt SIDDONS, W DCM and Bar | For conspicuous good service. Sgt Siddons and Pte Shaw volunteered for and successfully carried out two daring reconnaissances of the enemy’s trenches. They advanced with great skill to within 8 yards of the enemy. |
6535 Sgt SMITH, F | For consistent gallantry and good work as Bombing Sergeant. He has rescued wounded men under trying circumstances and has always set a fine example. |
6535 LCpl STANFORD, W | For gallantry near Berthen on 13th October 1914, in bringing in a wounded officer under heavy fire. |
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