Douglas Scott joined the 4th Hussars from Sandhurst in 1955 and was posted to ‘B’ Squadron as a troop leader under Major Cliff Jones. He acquired a horse, as did most subalterns, and joined in many regimental activities.

However, his determination to marry, despite the Commanding Officer’s (Colonel Loopy Kennard) policy of no married troop leaders, resulted in his being posted in 1959 to the Army Apprentices’ School, Arborfield, where there were no such obstacles.
In 1961 he went to the Army Air Corps, Middle Wallop and thence, in 1962 to fly helicopters in 651 Light Aircraft Squadron, Army Air Corps.
In 1963, now an Irish Hussar, he converted to fixed-wing aircraft and joined the Regimental Flight under Captain Brian Kenny, flying sorties in Sarawak and Malaya.
He retired from the Army in 1965 and worked in the City for five years when were sown the seeds of his strong Christian Faith which remained with him all his life. He then turned to farming, first in Essex and then in Gloucestershire where he built up a championship herd of South Devon cattle winning many prizes and became Chairman of the South Devon Breeders. He was also chairman of many local organisations, a Lay Reader, Church Warden and governor of a school which he saved from closure.
Good-natured and hospitable, he hosted many enjoyable shooting parties at his farm on the Solway Firth.
He kept in touch with his former Regimental colleagues through the 4th Hussars Dining Club until a severe stroke in 2019 restricted his ability to attend.
To Anna, to whom he was happily married for over 65 years, and his sons, daughter grandchildren and grandchild we extend our sincere sympathy for their loss.
Capt D. Scott died on the 3rd of October 2022. He served with 4H/QRIH from 1955-65.