Colonel H. S. Laverton died in December 1958, at the age of 85.
He joined the 3rd Hussars in 1895 at Aldershot and went with them to India in 1898.
He accompanied the Regiment to South Africa in 1901 and became Adjutant in the same year. After the South African War, the Regiment went back to India but returned to South Africa in 1907 when Laverton commanded “A” Squadron. He came back to England with the Regiment in 1911, retired in 1913 and went to Kenya.
During the Great War, he commanded a battalion of the King’s African Rifles and was made O.B.E. He retired again in 1918.
Col Laverton continued to take a keen interest in the life of his old Regiment.
He is believed to have been at his death the oldest surviving 3rd Hussar Officer.
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