Dick, who died on 4 January 1992, joined the 4th Queen’s Own Hussars in 1936 and saw the changeover from Horses to mechanisation (Bedford 15cwt) in 1937, becoming an excellent driver, which stood him in good stead for the rest of his Army career.
In December 1937 he was posted to the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars, sailing from Southampton to Egypt on the good ship ‘Dilwara’, passing along the Spanish coast at night and watching the fireworks of the Spanish Civil War.
On joining the 8th Hussars in Main Barracks, Abyssinia, Egypt, Dick was posted to ‘B’ Squadron, remaining in that squadron throughout its peace and wartime service, until being posted to the 7th Armoured Brigade as the General’s staff car driver in 1940.
It was while he was driving the General that the Germans bombed them.
Dick was wounded and medically discharged from the Army.
After the war, Dick often attended the Old Comrades’ Dos’, latterly with his wife Kath.