Major S. C. Filtness died in his 87th year in a hospital near his home at Chestfield, near Whitstable, on January 15th, 1968.
He joined the 3rd Dragoon Guards in 1900 having left a promising career in the City for a more adventurous one in the Army.
“Filt” served in France from 1914 till the end of the war with the 3rd Dragoon Guards and throughout the last war with Cavalry and R.A.C. Records.
He was appointed Lieutenant and Quartermaster in 1919 and came to the 3rd Hussars from No. 6 Cavalry Depot at Dunbar in September 1924.
He served with the 3rd Hussars as Quartermaster in Egypt, Lucknow and England. While stationed at York he suffered a bad accident on the Great North Road, having been run into while on the ground changing a tyre. In spite of severe injuries and a long time in hospital, he was ultimately passed fit and returned to duty until he retired in November 1936.
Since retirement, he took up gardening and became an expert rose grower as well as a beekeeper. He was a leading light and secretary of his local Bee-Keeping Society. He had always been a keen and expert photographer, a hobby which he also continued in retirement, becoming a member of the Royal
Photographic Society.
Whatever he took up he did thoroughly and expertly. He was courageous, of great integrity and a very loyal friend and will be missed by many. We offer all our sympathy to his son, Mr S. A. Filtness, and all his relations on their loss.