Derak Waker who served in the 3rd Hussars and The Queen’s Own Hussars died on 27th March 2011 at the age of 82.
He was born in London, evacuated to Appledore in Devon on the outbreak of war, and subsequently relocated with the rest of his family to Hastings.
In 1947 he enlisted in the Army joining ‘B’ Squadron of the 3rd Hussars at Rendsburg in 1948. The Squadron had arrived in BAOR in advance of the Regiment and was due to join it in Lubeck in August of that year. From his early days in the Regiment, it was clear he had a talent for communications and the rest of his career reflected this.
In 1949 he attended a Wireless Instructors course at The RAC Centre, prior to joining the permanent staff of The North Somerset Yeomanry (NSY) in Bath. The NSY was then in the 16th Airborne Division (TA) and Derak took the opportunity to qualify as an Army Parachutist. He returned to the Regiment in 1952 to be employed as a Squadron Signal NCO.
It appears that the TA life gave him a yearning for civilian life and so left the Army for two years. Having rejoined in 1954 his career continued in the communications world. In 1956 he was selected for a further tour of duty with NSY. On return to the Regiment, he served a short tour of duty with the Special Recce Squadron.
In 1966 his days of Regimental soldiering were over when he joined the recruiting staff at the Army Recruiting Office Coventry. There he remained until his final discharge in Nov 1970.
He took up employment with Automotive Products in Leamington Spa as a machinist.
In 1987 a neck injury led to his premature retirement. His wife Marion predeceased him as did his twin brother who also served in The 3rd Hussars.