Born in Berlin in 1923 with the name of Felix Ernst Joachim Israel Meyer, “Mitch”, as he was later to be known, reflected his pride and loyalty from the day he became an 8th Hussar until the day he died on 2 October 1992.
Although he only served with the Regiment from January 1944 until November 1945, his enthusiasm, abilities and good nature gained great respect and friendship.
He was at school in Berlin until 1937 when his family fled Nazism and sent him to Gordonstoun School in Morayshire, where one of his fellow pupils was destined to become his Colonel-in-Chief. He specialised in languages, which was to stand him in good stead in the years to come.
In 1941 he enlisted in the Army and changed his name to that by which he became known by all, though he kept the ‘Felix’ for his closest friends.
Trained as a Wireless Operator, Mitch was posted to the 8th Hussars in January 1944 and joined the Recce Troop, with whom he crossed to France soon after D Day.
He successfully survived the campaign through France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, all too conscious of the dire consequences of falling into enemy hands, and sustained by his strong sense of purpose and deep religious convictions.
There were many occasions when his steadfastness and good humour brightened a potentially lethal situation.
Then came the day he had never remotely dreamed of when, in the wireless operator’s seat of the Recce Troop “Honey” tank, he entered Berlin, his birthplace, among the first British troops to reach the city.
There he was soon put to valuable use as an interpreter, attending many of the high-level meetings, and organising the rehabilitation of the badly damaged capital.
So successful was he with his natural talents of politeness and patience that he was encouraged to become an official BAOE interpreter and sadly said farewell to the Regiment.
Promotion came to him as he graduated to becoming a Chief Interrogator in the Counter Intelligence Service, which employed his many talents to the full.
In 1947 Felix transferred to the Army Reserve and set about building his civilian life, in which all his working efforts were influenced by his pride in having served with the Regiment for which his loyalty and enthusiasm knew no bounds.
Entering the world of Textile Equipment and the early stages of computer development to become Managing Director and the youngest ever President of the Business Equipment Trade Association.
His strong religious principles led him to serve his synagogue with great distinction.
Felix found an ideological home in the Reform Movement of the Jewish Church, whose openness to new ideas, coupled with respect for tradition, matched his own temperament.
He is sadly missed by a wide range of friends, colleagues and comrades-in-arms.