SQMS Hankin died in December 1971.
He joined the 7th Hussars in India in July 1942 from the RTR when on the boat out to India.
He joined ‘C’ Squadron as a Sergeant and in 1943 he became the SQMS of that Squadron.
He was promoted SSM of ‘HQ’ Squadron in 1944.
On a visit to the Regiment in Tidworth in 1954 Maj Cleere (then RSM) persuaded him to sign on again and he went with the Regiment to Hong Kong as a Sergeant. Quickly promoted to SQMS of ‘C’ Squadron he eventually became Mess Steward of The Queen’s Own Hussars until 1967 when he was posted to MOD until he retired from the Army in 1971.
Known as “Happy” Hank, a worthy title, he was a tower of strength and very popular with all ranks.
He will be sadly missed by us all and our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife and children.