Peter Sturdy enlisted at Hull in September 1946, and after his basic training at Catterick, Peter joined the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars in Germany.

Peter or Pete as he was known, soon became an important member of the troop and the Squadron; he was also a very loyal member of the Regiment.
In 1948, Pete was transferred back to England, it was at this time an order was published asking for volunteers, to join the 4th Queen’s Own Hussars to go to Malaya, Pete immediately volunteered and stayed with the Regiment until his discharge in July 1952.
Any sport would benefit from Peters’ presence, his main sport being football, he played in the Regimental teams of both the 8th and 4th Hussars.
On his discharge he worked for British Rail, during a rail crash in East Yorkshire, Peter was the guard on the train and was commended for his action in averting further loss of life due to an oncoming train.
Peter was a loyal member of York Troop and the National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association, for which he will be sadly missed. Our thoughts go out to his wife June and all his family on their loss.
Peter died on 28 April 2001.