Bill, whose origins were in the Black Country, died there on 4 February 2003, aged 73 years.
He had suffered from a heart condition for many years which prevented him from participating in Birmingham Troop and other Regimental Association events.
Enlisting into the RAC on 8 December 1947, Bill underwent his basic military training at 53 PTC and on its completion, he was posted to 8 RTR at Catterick for his training as a gunner/ signaller.
On 5 August 1948, he was posted to The 4th Hussars at Colchester. Some 15 days later he embarked with his Regiment on HMT Dilwara at Southampton for service in the Far East.
He served with ‘C’ Squadron in Malaya and Hong Kong and returned to the UK with his Regiment aboard the ill-fated Empire Windrush on 14 December 1951. He had, by this time, qualified as a gunner/signaller B1; he had also passed his ACE 3rd class.
Following disembarkation leave, he served with his Regiment on Salisbury Plain until March 1953 when he had completed his contracted service with the colours.
He married Annie on 10 April 1952 and on release lived in his native West Midlands (Wednesbury).