Jimmy joined The 8th King’s Own Hussars in January 1937.

He took part in the desert campaigns 1940-41 and was a member of 2 Troop, ‘C’ Squadron as a Corporal tank commander. He was taken prisoner at Sidi Rezegh and released in 1944. From 1945 to 1949, he served at Catterick and with the Yorkshire Hussars.

He rejoined the 8th Hussars in Lingen. In 1950 he was posted back to the Yorkshire Hussars, where he was awarded the BEM.

On the Regiment’s return from Korea, he rejoined them in Lüneburg as SQMS, and for a short while as an SSM. In 1954 he returned to the Yorkshire Hussars. He retired in 1958 and emigrated to Australia.

Related topics

  1. A short history of The 8th Hussars
  2. Timeline: Middle East (Egypt and Libya)