Beda Fomm
In this Battle, 7th Armoured Division, after a brilliant desert march to outflank the enemy, annihilated the remnants of the Italian Tenth Army.
The Honour is borne on the Guidon of the 3rd Hussars.
Both The 3rd King’s Own Hussars and the 7th Queen’s Own Hussars played leading roles with the 7th Armoured Division in this final and decisive battle against the Italians in North Africa.
The latter were trying to pull their forces out of Benghazi and to cut them off involved a mad dash across 150 miles of difficult country.
When the 3rd and the 7th reached the coastal road leading south out of Benghazi at Beda Fomm they came across “five miles of a London traffic jam” and the Division captured over 20,000 prisoners, 112 tanks, 216 guns and 1,500 lorries.
In April 1941 the Afrika Corps under Rommel attacked and pushed the Allies all the way back to the El Alamein Line in twelve months.