As OC ‘A’ Squadron Maj White has proved himself to be an outstanding leader in battle and an enthusiastic and capable organiser in training in the new and experimental role of Inf Tp Carrier Squadron (KANGAROOS).
On 25 Sep 44 near SAN ARCHANGELO, Maj White was in command of a squadron ordered to make contact with the enemy and to clear and occupy the general line of a lateral road until last light.
His squadron came under heavy and persistent shell, mortar and S.A. fire on the crossings over R.USO and on his objective.
Throughout the day his skill and courage in handling his squadron reduced casualties from enemy A/Tk guns and defeated many attempts of the enemy to infiltrate into his position.
When ordered to withdraw his squadron at dusk, the enemy took advantage of fading light to make a determined counter-attack which drove in our supporting infantry, and necessitated the retention of one of his troops in the forward position after dark.
In the face of heavy shell and SA fire Maj White went forward on foot through our own retreating infantry and personally organised and guided the withdrawal of his forward troop.
By his complete disregard of danger and cool orders he inspired and encouraged his squadron under very difficult circumstances and finally effected their withdrawal with minimum loss.
By his drive and enthusiasm he has, by his personal example, encouraged every man of his squadron to accept the new role and make a success of it.
He has trained his squadron to such a high standard that there is no doubt that infantry working with this squadron immediately develop confidence in their strange transporters and thereby he has greatly helped towards success with the new experiment.
Lt-Col AM Barne
4th Hussars