During the period 1 April 1945 – 2 May 1945 Cpl Holmes commanded a section of Armoured Infantry Carriers (KANGAROOS).
During this period he has always displayed outstanding cheerfulness and determination to place on the objective the infantry platoon, which his section was carrying.
His most able handling of his section has on more than one occasion been commended by the superior commander of the infantry he has been carrying.
On April 10, 1945 occurred one particular instance of his determination during the attack by the 5th Royal Ghurka Rifles on the SANTERNO flood-bank.
Cpl Holmes, with no protection to his right flank, brought up his platoon in the face of heavy and accurate air-bust shell fire and mortar fire and across entirely open country, landing them on the commanding position occupied by the enemy.
Cpl Holmes also played a leading part in the attack by 43 R.M. Commando without tank support on a heavily fortified postion at the mouth of the RENO.
Prior to March 1945 Cpl Holmes was a tank commander and was almost recommended for an immediate award on more than one occasion.
VG Vaughan
Cmdg 4 Hussars