On 9th November 1942, near SIDI BARRANI, LCpl Chambers was commanding, of the first time, a tank which formed part of a troop attacking an enemy strong point defended by A/Tk guns and M.Gs.
During the attack his Tp Leader’s wireless was damaged and silenced and the third tank of the troop was hit and set on fire.
On his own initiative this NCO then located and engaged an enemy A/Tk gun. When both the turret guns in his tank jammed, he continued to engage the enemy himself with the A/A gun from an exposed position on top of his tank, although under heavy A/T, shell, and S.A. fire at the time.
As a result of the volume and accuracy of his fire, the enemy A/T gun was forced to withdraw. during this time LCpl Chambers also passed messages and orders between his squadron and his Troop Leader and himself gave clear and detailed information of enemy dispositions and movements.
The courage, disregard of danger and initiative of LCpl Chambers contributed largely to the success of this attack and in forcing the enemy to withdraw.
RCH Kidd
4th Hussars