Sgt Didsbury was the Tp Sgt of the Recce Tp and from 5 Sep 44 onwards after his Tp Ldr was killed he has commanded the troop.
At all times he has shown the most commendable enthusiasm, and by his keenness and energy has set a fine example to the troop.
After very severe casualties on 5 Sep 44 it required especially fine leadership to restore the troop to their normal fighting spirit.
One particular instance occurred on 5 Sep 44 when the Recce Tp was acting as screen to the leading squadron of the regiment on the crossing of the River RESANIGO. Although the remainder of the troop had been held up by enemy fire, Sgt Didsbury succeeded in getting his own section of two tanks over the river and into the village of CORIANO.
He found that the enemy still held the village and was soon heavily engaged by SA and mortar fire. He managed to shoot his way out of the village but on his way back found the crossing over the river blocked by other tanks of his troop, some of which had been knocked out and all of which were being heavily shelled and mortared.
Appreciating the necessity for getting back his information and in the hope of detracting the fire from the crossing, he cut off across country in his tank, managed to find the leading squadron leader and reported the situation at CORIANO and at the crossing.
Sgt Didsbury came to the regiment in Dec 42 and he has consistently proved himself to be an able, resourceful and reliable NCO of the best type, whether in or out of action.
AM Barne
Cmdg 4H