Ken Guy died on 24 August 1991 having been in poor health for some years.
He bore his ill-health with characteristic courage, never complaining.
He enlisted in 1947 and after training was posted to the 4th Hussars in November 1947.
He served in Malaya with ‘A’ Squadron and was one of the survivors of the Jalong Road ambush. He was the Bren gunner in the 15 cwt truck which was badly shot up.
In 1950 he transferred to the Malayan Scouts with whom he stayed for 3 years rejoining the 4th Hussars in 1953.
Thereafter, other than for a brief period with the Training Regiment, he continued to serve at regimental duty in BAOR until amalgamation in 1958.
He then soldiered on as an Irish Hussar until he was posted to the 1st Division in 1961 where he served until he was discharged in 1970.
Ken made many friends during his service and he will be remembered for his quiet and considerate manner. On leaving the army he worked for some years as a caretaker in a block of flats until ill-health prevented further employment.
He was a regular attender at Regimental Association functions and he also attended the first 4th Troop ‘A’ Squadron reunion in October 1989 where he was welcomed by his friends.
Among others at his funeral were Major Bob Smith representing the Regimental Association and Harry Smith DCM representing 4th Troop ‘A’ Squadron 4th Hussars.