It came as a shock to his many friends to hear of the sudden death of Jim Crewdson during what was thought to be only a minor operation in November.
Jim joined the 3rd Hussars from Cambridge University in 1928 where he had already started his polo and point-to-point racing. He was to become not only a nice horseman but also a good judge of a horse. He was always well-mounted and enjoyed anything to do with horses. He was also a high-class shot.
On the Regiment returning to England in 1932, Jim continued to enjoy his soldiering, and was for long a keen and competent member of the Machine Gun Squadron, where many old comrades will remember him; but when the days of mechanisation appeared, he decided it was time to retire to his home in Gloucestershire.
He rejoined the Regiment immediately on the outbreak of war, going with them to the Middle East. He took part with his Squadron in the battle and evacuation of Crete for which he received the Military Cross and a severe wound on the heel-rude comments from his friends which were to give him trouble for the rest of his life, making hard work for the stalking and shooting he loved.
Jim had always enjoyed the good things of life and loved to have his friends enjoying them with him. Always the first to offer, and the last to seek help, many of us have lost a staunch and generous friend.