Ted died on 19 May 1989.

He briefly joined the 4th Queen’s Own Hussars in early 1920 whilst they were at Colchester.

In May 1920 he was posted to the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars who at that time was in Iraq. He moved with the Regiment to Cairo in 1921.

After serving with the Regiment in York from 1923 till late 1926, he moved with them to Wiesbaden in December 1926.

In 1931 he was transferred to the 14th/20th King’s Own Hussars who at that time were in Egypt.

This was not a particularly happy time for Ted, and he was delighted when the 8th Hussars arrived in Cairo in December 1933 and he was able to rejoin his Regiment with whom he remained until being commissioned in March 1941 to the General Service List. At the time of his commission, he had been the RQMS.

From 1941 until 1945 he held appointments as Quartermaster to various Prisoner of War and Transit camps.

In 1945 he rejoined the 8th Hussars as Quartermaster, an appointment he held for 2 years.

His last post abroad was in Berlin from 1952 until 1955.

He was a prominent member of the Leswaree Lodge of the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars and was instrumental in forming the Berlin Lodge during his time there.

In 1955 he took up his final appointment in North West District and retired in January 1956.

Ted was a loyal and active member of the Regimental Association who was always available to give me information on personalities or events in the pre-war 8th Hussars.

Related topics

  1. A short history of The 8th Hussars