Sgt Kingsley (Ken) Gallop enlisted in the 57th Training Regiment.

RAC in July 1941 and in January 1942 was posted to the 2nd Royal Gloucestershire Hussars in the Middle East. In February 1943 he joined the 4th Hussars and served with them in Cyprus, Egypt and Italy. In March 1945 he was appointed Troop Sergeant in 2nd Troop ‘B’ Squadron.
On 11 April 1945 during the advance from the winter line on the River Senio towards the Santerno, his tank was knocked out by 88mm fire and his driver and co-driver were killed and the other members of his crew wounded.
On 20 April during the final push to the River Po, ‘B’ Squadron’s task was to attack the town of Portomaggiore. It met stiff resistance and Sgt Gallop’s tank was again hit, his gunner was killed and he himself was severely wounded in the head and upper body.
In spite of his wounds, he insisted on reporting in detail to his troop leader the direction from which the enemy fire had come. For this action, he was awarded the Military Medal.
From the hospital he rejoined the Regiment in Austria and returned to the UK in 1946 He served on the Reserve until discharge in 1954.