George died on 17 January 2003 aged 84 years.

He enlisted on 23 February 1939 at Newcastle Upon Tyne into the RTR. He was posted to the 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry in October 1939.
He was a member of the British Expeditionary Force from 20 January 1940 until 30 May 1940.
He married Olive on 6 November 1943, remaining in the UK until serving with the 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry in North-West Europe from 3 October 1944 until 25 February 1946, latterly with the 2nd Fife and Forfar Yeomanry.
He was discharged to the Reserve in May 1946 with an exemplary character. He was an excellent tank driver and had good mechanical knowledge.
In civilian life, he was a fitter with the British Leyland Company until he was recalled from the Reserve to reinforce the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars, who were preparing to sail to Korea. He joined the Regiment at Moulton Barracks, Tidworth. Sailing with them to Korea (Pusan) on 11 October 1950, arriving on 14 November 1950 to be greeted by a negro band playing the St Louis Blues and Baby It’s Cold Outside.
In April 1951 he was posted ERE to Japan (Kure). On 15 September 1951 he sailed for home, going back on to the Reserve on 23 November 1951. Fortunately he was not called up again.
On his second return to civilian life he returned to be a fitter with British Leyland with whom he remained until his retirement in 1981.
George was one of the many Reserves who joined The 8th Hussars for Korea. They were a fine bunch of men, and certainly made life easier for the teenage members of the Regiment.
George and Olive attended many Regimental and Association functions (mainly Fife and Forfar) up and down the country, meeting and making many friends old and new.