John died on 23 July 1990.
He joined the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars in March 1942 along with many others who were being posted at that time to bring the Regiment up to strength after the Sidi Rezegh Battles.
He remained with the Regiment until February 1946 when he was transferred to the 10th Hussars, with whom he briefly served, until being demobbed in August 1946.
He served in all the desert campaigns with the 8th Hussars until returning to England in December 1943 with the Regiment, to prepare for the invasion.
He was with the Regiment until he was wounded at Mont Pincon. He returned to the Regiment in November 1944 and was with them on their advance eastwards, culminating in the Victory Parade in Berlin.
He then moved with them to Molln and Itzehoe.
He left Itzehoe in February 1946 to join the 10th Hussars for his last few months in the Army.