The Regimental Collects

Collects are short formal prayers written for a particular purpose and said during church services. Regimental Collects usually contain a prayer for God’s blessing on the members of the Regiment and for the Regiment to do its duty according to His will.

The Queen’s Royal Hussars

“Almighty God, whose perfect love casteth out fear, remember in thy great goodness The Queen’s Royal Hussars and all who serve with us. Keep us mindful of former valour, and grant us thy grace, that whatsoever our minds and hands shall find to do for thee, we may endure hardships as thy good and faithful soldiers, and so enter into thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

The Queen’s Own Hussars

“Almighty God, whose perfect love casts out fear, grant that we of The Queen’s Own Hussars may be swift to hear thy call and strong to obey thy will; so that, inspired by the example of thy Son, and by the valour of those who have gone before us, we may endure hardships as thy good and faithful soldiers. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen”

The Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars

“Almighty God, whose perfect love casteth out fear, remember in thy great goodness the Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars and all who serve with us. Keep us mindful of former valour, and grant us thy grace, that whatsoever our hearts and minds shall find to do for thee, we may endure hardship as thy good and faithful soldiers, and so enter into thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”