Dragoon George Daraugh of Sir Robert Rich’s Dragoons: Battle of Dettingen – 16th June 1743 in the War of the Austrian Succession.
It was in this battle that Irishman George Daraugh (a dyer of Capel Street, Dublin) serving with Rich’s Dragoons, as the 4TH Hussars was then known, attacked a French Officer who had carried off one of Rich’s Standards.
Daraugh set spurs into his horse and most gallantly rode through the French squadrons in pursuit of the Standard. He overtook the French officer, cut him down and returned to the battle, holding the Standard high.
This was the last battle at which a British King (George II) was present as Commander; he Commissioned Daraugh in the field to the rank of Cornet and gifted him with a purse of guineas for his bravery in battle and retrieving the Standard.