Lt Harding on three successive actions showed outstanding leadership, initiative and courage, and it was due to his example and his prompt action that enabled his troop to inflict considerable casualties on the enemy.

During the attack on CASTLE FIDARDO on 3rd July 1944 Lt Harding’s troop was supporting the attack from the hull down positions but in spite of no-previous training in street fighting he seized an opportunity to advance and lead the infantry into the town inflicting casualties on the enemy.

On July 5th Lt Harding’s troop was in the lead during the attack on ONIMO when his leading tank was hit by an anti-tank gun. Regardless of personal danger Lt Harding jumped out of his tank and helped the crew to safety and then carried out a foot reconnaissance which located the anti-tank and enabled it to be engaged.

During the advance on MOUNT BOGO Lt Harding, while on a foot reconnaissance, by his coolness and prompt action captured a German officer armed with a tommy gun, when he only had a revolver.

RFG Jayne, DSO

Related topics

  1. A short history of The 7th Hussars
  2. Timeline: Italy 1943-5
  3. Obituary: Capt ECF Harding, 7H
  4. Vehicle: M4 Sherman tank
  5. Vehicle: Sherman ‘DD’ tank