To all those 7th Hussars who knew him, the sudden death of Tony Russell will have come as a sad and cruel blow.
He collapsed and died on July 30th, 1966, a few minutes after having seen England win the World Cup. To a patriot and sportsman like Tony, this must have been a happy and triumphant moment. He was 32.
He joined the 7th Hussars at Fallingbostel in July 1953, after having won the Stick as the outstanding cadet of his intake at Mons O.C.S.
He joined “B” Squadron and immediately took a prominent part in Regimental sports, being a natural cricketer and rugby footballer. He was always a tremendous enthusiast in all he did, sport and soldiering alike. He was an outstanding troop leader.
When the time came for the Regiment to leave Germany for Hong Kong he signed on to come with us, finally completing his happy period of service in July 1955, when he left to join the family stockbroking firm of George Henderson & Co. By the time of his death he had already established himself in the City as one of the most brilliant young stockbrokers of his generation.
To his wife and two young children, and to his whole family, all those 7th Hussars who knew Tony extend their sympathy, and always cherish his memory.