Major Guy Shafto Rowley of Glassonby Lodge, Cumbria, died on the 10th October 1976 aged 87 years.

Educated at Bradfield College, he was gazetted to the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars in 1911, joining the Regiment at Colchester.

During the 1914-18 War, the Regiment served mainly with the 5th Indian Cavalry Division in France.

In 1928 Guy was attached to the King’s African Rifles in Uganda and retired from the Army at the end of the year. This enabled him to give more time to his hobbies, shooting big game and fishing. He was recalled to the Army during the 1939-45 War.

Guy was a member of the Shikar Club and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Sometimes he was commissioned to collect rare specimens for Museums — he shot and fished in India, Kashmir, Uganda, Kenya and Upper Burma and had an excellent collection of heads.

In recent years he concentrated on filming wildlife and made many films of exceptional interest in Africa and Seychelles.

In 1935 he married an American, Miss Muriel Grant, who died a few years ago. His son, Robin, served in the Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars.

Guy lived during a very interesting period and made full use of his opportunities. He was a most interesting companion and was always cheerful

Related topics

  1. The Western Front 1914-18
  2. A short history of The 8th Hussars