SSM O’Connor was the Sgt-Major of ‘A’ Squadron during the operations on the Adriatic Coast from June to December. During the whole of this time he showed exceptional devotion to duty.
During September he operated the Sqn Rear Link in a clear and accurate manner, notably at CROCE where for 48 hours the shelling and mortaring was so heavy that all crews wee confined to their tanks, which in fact imposed a great strain.
SSM O’Connor has shown himself to be completely regardless of danger, thereby setting a splendid example to all.
During the last six weeks SSM O’Connor’s untiring work and leadership has enabled his squadron to adjust itself quickly to infantry work.
Also several times during the last fortnight he has brought up the rations to the forward troops often under heavy mortar and spandau fire.
J Congreve, DSO
Comd 7th Hussars