On 20 Jan 45, 22 Armd Bde were ordered to pass through 7 Armd Div and advance on MONTFORT. 8H Gp led the advance which necessitated the capture of ST JOOST, a heavily defended road centre, before the armour could break out on a broad front.

Lt Col Goulburn attacked ST JOOST with ‘I’ Coy 1 RB supported by a squadron of his own regt, 8H, and after a desperate hand to hand fight, captured the southern half of this straggling village from a bn of Regt Hubner. That night a joint attack was made by 9 DLI and 8H together and after heavy fighting a further portion of the village was won. during the next day these two regts fought on through this vital road centre till at nightfall it was in our hands.

At first light the next morning Lt Col Goulburn deployed his recce force and advanced on the necessary frontage to attack MONTFORT. This advance was eventually held up by demolitions.

Throughout this operation Lt Col Goulburn commanded his regt with great skill and afforded the infantry the closest support. He continually visited his fwd sqns under heavy shellfire to re-adjust the plan until success was finally achieved. It was his initial attack capturing the south end of ST JOOST which made the whole operation possible.

Brig ADR Wingfield
22 Armd Bde

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