The Korean War
The Korean War was a war between North Korea (with the support of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (with the support of the United Nations, with the principal support from the United States).
The Korean War
The Korean War was a war between North Korea (with the support of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (with the support of the United Nations, with the principal support from the United States).
At 0615 hrs 3 Oct 51 at KOWSANG SAN, Lt. Butler was commanding the leading troop of ‘A’ Squadron 8H who were supporting the attack of 1st. Bn KSLI on Pts 208 and 210…
This officer has commanded ‘A’ Squadron 8th Hussars since our arrival in Korea.
Major Butler has commanded B Squadron, 8th Hussars since last February and in every action in which his Squadron has taken part he has proved himself a brilliant commander.
The 8th Hussars arrived in Korea as part of …
Richard Napier, (a tank commander in the battle) in his book From Horses to Chieftains recalls:
Major John Hurst, Every so often, Regiments have the good fortune to produce or in our case, inherit someone of legendary character, imposing presence and a range of soldierly qualities admired with affection by all ranks alike. Such was John Hurst.