The Korean War
The Korean War was a war between North Korea (with the support of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (with the support of the United Nations, with the principal support from the United States).
The Korean War
The Korean War was a war between North Korea (with the support of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (with the support of the United Nations, with the principal support from the United States).
During the battle of 22 – 25 Apr 51, Major Huth commanded ‘C’ Sqn 8H which was under command of 29 Indep Inf Bde.
On 5th Nov 1951 No 3 Troop ‘B’ Sqn 8H was ordered to give close support to the Royal Leicestershire Regiment in their counter attack on Pt 217 and UNITED which had been captured by the enemy the previous night.
This NCO commanded Carrier Tp ‘C’ Sqn 8H. On 23 Apr 51 Sgt Rowan showed great gallantry in accompanying 2Lt Venner to rescue three wounded of ‘Y’ Coy, 1 NF under direct enemy fire…
On Saturday November 17th Cpl Jennings was commanding the left hand tank of 3rd Troop, ‘A’ Squadron 8th Hussars, who were in support of ‘B’ coy 1 K.S.L.I. in the company on the spur south of Pt 227…
Trooper Bomber was the driver of Captain Murray’s tank during the action 23rd/25th April, 1951…
On 23rd April 1951, 2Lt Venner was commanding the Reconnaissance Section which was attached to ‘C’ Squadron 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars.
This officer has held the important appointment as British Liaison Officer with the Belgian Battalion since its arrival at the front in February until it left 1 COMWEL Div in August.
Captain Piper is Regimental Technical Adjutant and is responsible for tank recovery…
On 23 Apr 51 Capt Ormrod was in command of ‘C’ Squadron 8H as Major Huth did not return from leave until the evening of that day…
On 23rd Apr 51 Capt Murray was in command of the half ‘C’ Squadron 8H, which was ordered to extricate ‘Y’ Coy 1 NF, after they had been cut off by the Chinese…